First Just want to point out that this is no update from what I read this is the spot to talk about Mk legacy so if Im wrong then im sorry my mistake

. This post is going to be about trying to make sense of Mk legacy timeline. Everything that I will be typing is all IMO so if you guys have any other ideas on the subject Id like to here what you've come up with
Sonya, Jax, and Kano: For obvious reason they did not make it to the tourney all 3 of them are basically hospitalized by the end of there episode
Johnny Cage: Some people complain that changing him from Matt to Caspar ruined it. I treat it the same way I treat Don replacing Terrence in Ironman 2 Actors get replaced it happens
Kitana and Mileena: Not much to talk about the events took place way before all the other episodes did so yeah Next
Raiden:A big thing people complain about with Raiden is that he was played by a white guy in season 1 and played by an Asian guy in season. They way I see it Raiden is an elder god if he feels like change his human body he can lol but seriously you can look at the fact that he change his appearance because he escaped an asylum so in order to not be found he changed his look
Scorpion, SubZero and the Lin kuei: Ok so in Season one the old man was the Grand master of the Lin-K but in Season 2 Subby was GM. So how does this make sense you ask??? simple The Cyrax and Sektor episodes take place after season 2 when it was discovered that Subby was killed so the old man (whom Im guessing is Sektor father) took over and decided to change everything.
Now as for the Scorpion Subby episode in Season 2 it was stated that they live in Feudal Japan. I dont think this is true I think they live in a more rural area of Japan in secret that represents the feudal era.
Now for season 2
One of the big things about season two was the fact that Kenshi was alive in the 1100s. The only explanations I could think of was that A. Ermac did more then blinded him by giving him eternal life never to see and living that way forever. Or B. Kenshi seek to make a deal to live forever so he can have all the time in the world to search for Ermac so he can get revenge
and Last but not least Shang Tsung. He was played by a young guy in season 1 and an old Guy in season 2. So why is that you may ask and how will this make sense story wise. I personally think he just misses his old body and just shapes shifts to it from time to time...
So after going over all this its time to put this timeline together
Event1-Kitana Mileena Episode
Event2-Kenshi lose eye site
Event3-Liu Kangs Fiance dies
Event4-Liu Kang kills the killers and goes to Kung Lao
Event5- The whole ordeal with Scorpion and Subzero and quan chi
Event6- Tsung tries to recruit Cage but fails
Event7- Sonya Jax Kano episode shortly after Striker is recruited by Raiden
Event 8 Raiden Recruits Cage
Event 9 Tsung Recruits Kang
Event 10 Episode 1 and 2 of Season2
Event 11 the Tournament begins
Event 12 Tournament over Cyrax Sektor Episode.
Jeez I think I covered everything I kinda thought of all this in half an hour so It may be possible that I missed something