Smart Goals (This is where I set goals for myself in the Fic, and you guys reply answering these questions or responding to how I feel about what I wrote.)
I feel as if I dragged on the meeting of Helena and I, and added a lot of unnecessary text.
Did I do a good job on ending chapter 1? Did it shock you guys, kinda?
I'm including some members of TRMK into this story, Mainly RE fans if you want in just ask..
Did I do a good job writing in the 1st person POV?
and Finally, Is my character more of the "I can feel his pain" type depressed.. Or Cliche IDGAF I'm sad kinda guy?
1. None of the text or anything was unnecessary lol in fact I think you could have expanded on aspects just a little more
2. In all honesty, your character did feel like a cliched emo type of character. I think you could have done a better job at establishing his character flaws to make him a little more likeable. Like Yung said, it wouldn't have hurt for you to elaborate a little more on his obsession with Jill. For example, instead of having him wanting to isolate and kill himself over a girl, you could have instead made him into a more of a person who tries to hold it together and move on after losing his loved one, but struggles doing so because he doesn't know how to do it. That would almost guaranteed help the reader want to sympathize and root for your character more, because the audience recognizes that he is making an effort to move on with his life and mature as a person, and that makes him more likeable.
3. Yeah, the ending is good, you did good at setting up future events of the story
4. There be better some Isaiah x Claire porn in this too
5. Yeah, the 1st person perspective was definitely on point
My biggest concern with this is the dialogue though, especially this part...
iViTal said:
"Now, you two are dismissed.. Go out and have some fun together before going into the hell hole that was once Tokyo " President Gibson said laughing.
That part was extremely offputting for me, not gonna lie. I get what you were trying to do here, but I don't think I would ever laugh after talking about how much of a "hell hole" a place is now, nor would I talk about something like that if I was just suggesting that two people get to know each other better
Most of the dialogue though wasn't terrible, it just felt too casual and immature, with words like "bro" being thrown around, by adults nontheless
Since you have government officials and missions being featured in the story, you should try to keep an air of professionalism and maturity in the story, as that helps the reader take the story more seriously, therefore making the story feel more believable
I think with some of the dialogue though you did try to do that, but you didn't quite hit the mark with it, if you get what I mean
But yeah, this isn't a bad fanfic at all, it definitely has room for improvement though
Really would like to see how you develop your relationship with Helena