Civilian man:*after seven seconds of awkward silence* Is this a f******* joke!?
Civilian Woman: hybrids there all hybrids. *faces the mayor in an annoyed manner* isn't that just grand?
Mayor:*whispers back* Ummmm how was supposed to know some damn hybrid slayers were dumb enough to take up the job when our dislike for the damn creatures are known thoughout the entire planet.
Civilian Man: Well Mayor as the leader of this town, why don't lead yourself up there and deal with this.
Mayor: no we need to get rid of these ferals once and for all. *everyone sighs in anger* look I don't like it as much as any of you I understand but the damage the ferals have done to our economy is hell on our wallets we won't be able to sustain ourselves forever at this rate.
Civilian Man 2: I'd rather starve to death than to be offered help from one of those damned creatures.
Mayor: well that's too bad and at least it's not you who has to stomach talking to *looks at the three hybrids and cringes* them.
Akemi: *Confused* uhhhh did we do something wrong?
Trey: *gets up dusting himself off* you wanna know the answer to Jolt's riddle?
Akemi: Wh-what?
Trey: Racism thats the answer Hybrids almost always avoid this place because it's population is full of racist humans who refuse to accept the possibility of both of our kinds living together in peace. In other words they're still stuck in the “Divided Century”
Kiyomi: *gets up wiping dirt from her shoulder* just as I had feared a town full of hybrid hating humans I should've warned you earlier sister.
Trey: let's save it for later*sees the mayor approach them* looks like the mayor of this town is here to “greet” us.
Skye: *Watching from afar while thinking to herself* so those are the slayers huh? And they're all hybrids god and whole cadre of angels help them heh. *looks at her watch* shit! Imma be late for work I do not need to hear his mouth again! I'll keep an eye out on them regardless though. *runs off to work*
Mayor: *Clears his throat hesitantly and sighs* welcome slayers to Black oak isles a humble town that is also the capitol of ermmm. Waste management.
Trey *in his head* how...professional of you *out of his head* uh yeah glaaaaaaaaadddd to be here?*chokes a little* so you have a long running scavenger problem?
Mayor: ye....yes scavenger ferals have strangely been ravaging our junkyard the towns primary money printer if you will. Now you're probably pondering why we haven't dealt with this ourselves. Reason number 1 they have overwhelming numbers on their side, reason number 2 the few we sent to try and intervene haven't returned assuming the worst they're probably dead, and reason number 3 there have been “rumors” of a large figure that is supposedly leading the cretins likely a pack class Feral. *Trey raises an eyebrow* While it would be the most logical conclusion to the disappearance of the volunteers, alas there have been no concrete proof due to the universal fear of venturing there. But to cut it short we need these cretins gone now. Our population has went down by 30% on this year alone because of those creatures.
Trey: Say no more we'll clear em out.
Akemi: well it least the racism isn't that bad
Mayor: Good then now the ground rules, I prefer you avoid contact with the denizens, stay only in the junkyard and if you plan on getting anything to eat from our restaurants order from the backdoor and immediately head back to the junkyard. Finish in under a day and you'll receive your payments.
Akemi:*stunned along with Kiyomi*...............................could you be any more blunt with the hate? *Kiyomi elbows her and Trey turns and glares*
Kiyomi:*whispers in annoyance* Not professional.
Akemi:*whispers back* Sorry...
Mayor: *Ignores Akemi's outburst and looks at Trey* oh before I leave I forgot one crucial detail. The scavengers arrive at precisely 9:30 pm from the eastern entrance to our junkyard it would be wise for you to station yourselves around there.
Akemi: *walks up to the mayor: Regarding you're Ground rules and the fact it's twelve pm now we have to stay in a smelly junkyard for a little over nine hours straight?
Mayor: Yes *Glares at her in an offended manner* is that a problem?
Akemi: No it isn't it's just...
Mayor: I figure staying in a “smelly” junkyard wouldn't be too bad for a group of hardened slayers especially your you three since your kind made and is making currently a living feeding off of trash cans and scraps.
Akemi: *under her breath* Mother fu..
Kiyomi squeezes Akemi's arm to try and remind her to act right but sends of a subtlety vicious glare at the Mayor. Trey on the other hand stayed professional and masked the urge of wanting to punch out the man's teeth under a neutral face. Even Jolt heard from within the flatbed of the truck and too was offended clenching his fist tightly despite not being a hybrid himself, he does not kindly tolerate any form of racist insult directed at those he deems his friends.
Mayor: Now try not to destroy the junkyard in your attempts to rid of your mutated siblings and good day*Turns and leaves*
Kiyomi was ready to create an ice kunai to hurl at the rude man, but Trey grabs her hand stopping her from doing so and just shakes his head no as the three looked on they could see the dislike for them in the residents' faces. as the townsfolk left the three hybrids could hear the racist mumbling of the human civilians as they scattered to resume their daily routine.
Akemi: Not professional remember
Kiyomi: Rude, pompous scum if it were up to me I would let this town fall.
Jolt:*jumps out of the truck bed* No can do we accepted the mission now we gotta see through to the end.
Kiyomi: Coming from a coward like you why should we follow through?
Jolt: think of it as an unofficial Slayer code of honor Ms. “by the book.” Slayers never back down from a hunt they agree to cause backing down only sullies your guild's rep and make's the “Quest givers” less likely to accept your help which is bad for business.
Kiyomi:*sighs and pinches her the bridge of her nose* Very well, but I certainly won't like it though.
Jolt: dislike away no unofficial rule stating you have to enjoy it.
Akemi: if only that asshole could've given us the directions though.
Jolt: pfft please with me around finding the junkyard wouldn't even qualify as a chore *Shows off his arm console revealing a built in gps monitor.
Trey: Well at least this is a good time for you two to learn about the different types of ferals cause i'm certain you don't have a clue as to whats a scavenger feral and pack feral.
Akemi: Of course we know.........sorta.
Trey: Yeah.....sure i'll give you two the rundown, after we get back to the truck this place is giving off a lot of bad vibes right now.
Kiyomi. Agreed knowing our enemies is the first step to victory as my fat......erm former friend said. *Trey and Jolt look at her weirdly but brush it off*
The entire party makes their way back to the truck trying to find asylum from the bad aura the town was drenched in, Yet Trey could not let go of the subtle uneasy feeling that there is a lot more to this mission than the slayer equivalent of pest control. Meanwhile the curious mixed girl, Skye finally arrived at her job, a typical fast food restaurant that goes by the name Mighty Mark Burgers. The thought of this place always triggered negative emotions for the young woman but what other choice did she have? It was the only establishment that in her words could “stomach” hiring her and keeping her around which was ironic since she is the most efficient progressive one in the place. One of the likely reasons why was because she picked up the slack of the other hateful workers who did it just to spite her knowing that the manager would show his bias and harangue her for their actions. They also know that despite her track record of knocking teeth out and breaking jaws and noses this if her last and only source of income, meaning she has to suck up the hate and continue working until closing, and that's not including the cruel deductions to her pay for even the most ridiculous reasons so much so that customer complaints from her serving the food doesn't even qualify for the top ten reasons for the pay cut.
On the bright side, for Skye she was just one week short of her target goal of making enough money to move out of this racist town even if she was payed only a quarter of her check. Having arrived five minutes earlier than her assigned starting time Skye took that time to let out a long drawn out sigh
Skye: *in her head* alright just one more week of this fvcked up job and I can finally move out to Alto and start anew.
Skye walks through the doors and is greeted by disapproving glares she had been anticipating and grown use to it for the near entire year she has worked here. No words were traded as she made her way to the back with the other employees.
Employee 1: *under her breath* well look who decided to crawl out if her den.
Skye: *hears the coworkers rude comment.* Mind repeating that louder and in my face? *The female worker says nothing remembering the last time she got her nose broken and several of her teeth knocked out last time she challenged the mixed. Thankfully for Skye's case this was after work* that's what I thought b****.
Most of the other coworkers were also too nervous to even make a peep with Skye in there with them preferring to wait until she was through getting ready. Skye made her way to a random fryer on the left and saw a batch of frozen fries in the dipping pot. Instinctively she knew the routine and immediately dipped the pot in the boiling grease.
Skye: *Blowing her bang from her face* another day another 6 hours in this shithole. Just keep it together Skye it's almost over...
Meanwhile Trey and the others finally made it to the Junkyard in question rather surprised at the massive size of the place compared to the relatively small town of Black oak
Akemi: *looking out of the window of the truck* Geez this place is bigger than the town itself
Kiyomi:*arms folded* And it's denizens are no different from the trash that gets deposited here.
Jolt: Amen to that. So boss where we gonna set shop at.
Trey: y'know I kinda don't like being referred like that.
Jolt: Too bad you were voted guild leader you gotta deal with it.
Trey: Don't remind me.....
Kiyomi: Why are you so embarrassed about being the leader of the very guild if I remember correctly you helped form?
Trey: Thats the thing I helped I didn't single handedly make it it just seems....unfair
Jolt: You are a strange case cringer.
Trey: Wat?
Jolt: You know why? 1 You are normally the first to take charge when the situation calls. 2 Your smart as hell despite dressing like a refined hooligan. 3. you can keep a level head in the deadliest of situation that's why the other founding members voted you as leader yet you can't see yourself like that. What happened to the headstrong guy that wanted to follow in his Old Man's footsteps? Put an end to this bloody ass stalemate between slayers and ferals? Becoming the next Hybrid Odyssey? *Trey says nothing* But in fairness your unique demeanor does make things interesting for me to insult at least.
Akemi: Curious question. Who was your dad Trey.
Trey: Eh sore subject number 2
Akemi: w..why?
Kiyomi: If Trey is in not in the mood to talk about it then it would be in our best interest to acknowledge it. *Turns to Trey* I know just how you feel about not wanting to share certain in your history.
Trey: how thoughtful and how proper of you mam thanks for the save.
Kiyomi: *gets slightly flustered* y.your welcomed.
Jolt: *Sensing Kiyomi's heart rate increasing and thinks to himself* uh oh this could be interesting if she survives long enough.
Trey: *Notices a hidden cut in the junkyard* Anyways this looks a good place to set shop.
Trey stops the truck and gets out followed by Akemi, Kiyomi, and, lastly Jolt after he deconstructs the vehicle and assimilates it back within his body. Akemi felt somewhat disgusted about the possibility of having to sit on the filthy ground which is unsurprising due to her rich upbringing, but who said trying to be a Slayer would be a clean job? Kiyomi was neutral in contrast and was more focused on her personal mission despite a conscious becoming a little more aggressive against her selfish objective. Fortunately for the former Jolt was there to create small benches for them to sit on, not to fancy but practical nonetheless.
Akemi: Well now that we are finally situated now you can tell us about the different types of ferals.
Trey: Yeah true so get comfortable cause it's a doozy. *waits for the two girls comply* okay now just earlier you heard about the scavenger ferals those guys are small fry and a cakewak for even new slayer recruits of course they are extremely dangerous to regular civilians. If I were to compare them to actual animals it would be gray wolves.
Akemi: sounds tame
Trey: next up are the swarmers. While only barely above scavengers they're deadly in numbers able to strip an reinforced skyscraper to it's foundation in under thirty minutes but there even weaker on their own than scavengers. Those are probably comparable to cat sized ants.
Kiyomi: Well that sounds intimidating
Trey then there are the pack ferals tt make up the bulk of feral numbers they're dangerous and it isn't uncommon to have multiple even entire guilds take them on also in terms of power they are the most varied on average think a supersoldier with the power of an elephant. Of course taking down a pack feral is how you become a full fledged slayer in our guild.
Akemi: geez
Trey: then there are the Apex ferals dear lord those things are batshit insane.
Trey think a monster with the strength to tear through admantium metal the durability to withstand nukes and experience equivalent to 7 lifetimes *Kiyomi and Akemi are silently nervous* yeah those bastards are capable of sacking entire cities and even numerous guilds.......for a warm up to this date we've barely took down one with the help of 5 other guilds we were the only guild not taken down completely even though we lost a lot of members and this was when the monster was weakened after it demolished the other guilds.
Akemi and Kiyomi were frightened by the thought now. the rift trekkers had some of the strongest members they personally met and really began to ponder their chances now. Pack ferals were already tough in their own right but if what Trey says is true then those pack ferals are mere fleas to the Apex ferals.
Trey: on the flipside they are rare with only a documented twenty Apex ferals currently active back then there were at lest five hundred of them. most of their numbers fell when ferals of all kinds were mysteriously being killed off in the span of a few months which of course was bad for slayer based business.
Kiyomi: *Now intrigued thinks to herself* who or what could have possibly killed off a majority of such powerful monsters if Trey's words indeed hold weight and is not some farce to test our resolve.
Akemi: and the culprit responsible is still at large
Trey: yep nobody even knows what it looks like some folks have claimed that an elusive cryptid that lives only in sky cities is responsible. Anyways even the Apex ferals are not the top dogs
Akemi: your kidding right?..................................Right? *breaks a sweat*
Trey: *laughs lightly* nope.
Kiyomi: *gulps a little* then what is?
Trey: Alpha Ferals
Kiyomi and Akemi: Alpha Ferals?
Trey: yep those guys were on a level where even Apex ferals will demote themselves to b**** status willingly when around. Alphas were estimated at being Continental in raw power
Kiyomi: You referring to them in past tense suggests something happened to them.
Trey: Well aren't you observant. Yeah nobody really knows what became of them before the feral massacre they were already recluse enough to the point their have only been 3 confirmed alpha Ferals and only 1 was captured and this was before our grandparents were even a thought to their parents. So at best as of today they're nothing more than a myth *gets hit in the head by a high speed can of Soda called “Cirrus Myst”* GAH WHAT THE HELL JOLT!?!?!
Jolt: *Holding two more cans of Soda* What? I said heads up *Hands Akemi and Kiyomi the sodas ignoring the annoyed scowl Trey was giving him*
Trey: whatever...
Trey picks up his can that fell to the ground not thinking about the pressure that has been built up in it and pops it... only to have all the soda in the can erupt like a pint sized volcano in his face completely splashing all over his face, hair, and hoodie, all the while knocking his snapback off of his head Akemi busted out laughing and Kiyomi came near laughing but quickly covered her mouth and looked away, blushing not wanting to further fuel Trey's embarrassment
Jolt: *scratching his head* woops
Trey: *looks at Jolt* fvck...*blows dripping soda from his mouth* you.....
The comical event was soon interrupted by the sound of a loud inhuman shriek coming from the other side of the junkyard that instantly alerted the four......