Future of MK

MK9 was called Mortal Kombat when it released but no one calls it that lol. I got a feeling this game will be called MK12 when it’s all said and done. Anyway I’m thinking the PlayStation showcase will show gameplay unless NRS are gonna do the couch shit again.
Did you guys see the Kameo fighters? Mortal Kombat is an assist fighting game now!!! Holy shit this is going to be combo HEAVEN
I fucking *love* the "Even in this new era one constant remains: There is always something worth fighting for"
It gave me heavy Movie vibes of "Mortal Kombat isn't about death, its about life"
Trailer was actually underwhelming. No stakes at all. Trailer establishes Shang Tsung as a threat, that kills everyone and then... Liu Kang wipes the floor with him.
Also haven't seen anything hinting at mechanics. Just bunch of gore.

What am I supposed to take from this trailer?
Trailer was actually underwhelming. No stakes at all. Trailer establishes Shang Tsung as a threat, that kills everyone and then... Liu Kang wipes the floor with him.
Also haven't seen anything hinting at mechanics. Just bunch of gore.

What am I supposed to take from this trailer?

Yeah. I don't get it either after the 3rd viewing. Also Shang is a pre-order bonus, so what the fuck?...

Just like the website, it seems rushed as fuck. Daddy Zaslav is probably breathing down their necks at this point. With Tekken7 and Street Fighter out there coming with absolute bangers, this... doesn't look good, tbh.
Good. You boys have been naughty, you don't deserve a proper port 😌
*Laughs in Street Fighter and Tekken*

Oh yeah also Cage, with a Van Damme skin is confirmed.... in the FAQ page LOL
It's also a live service game. DrAgOn CrYsTaLs..... $70 for a live service game 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

By the way, regarding the trailer..... what was the point of the salt shaker and the clock cracking? Those weren't in the trailer at all 🤣 🤣
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I like how oriental it looks, whether it's period 500 years before MK1 or present day reality when humanity lives peacfully in calm, rural areas and technical progress slowed down - this mean now Special Forces shit at last! And there is so much place for characters like Daegon, Havik, Kenshi, Shujinko etc., all those who fit new setting much more than some random blonde military gurl.
I wasn't impressed with the trailer, it was boring to say atleast. Another game where Liu Kang is hogging up the spotlight once again. Like yawn they keep repeating the same shit the that's been told a million times but in a different way. Hot take, I think the games were better when Liu Kang wasn't the focal point,
I like the idea that the game has a striker system similar to that MVC1 and KOF99-KOF2001 had. Something that the series should have done a long time ago.

Safe as shit, just like I predicted.
Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Great Kung Lao, Kitana and Mileena, because the fanbase would have a fucking collective melt-down and riot at NRS if heaven for-fucking-bid that Mileena skip a main roster again to give a chance for someone else to shine.

Oooh, and Shang Tsung for DLC AGAIN is exactly the shit that I was talking about the other day when my words were taken out of context.
NRS is just lazily selling the same exact DLC they sold to people just 1 game ago, and YES, people aren't fucking stupid enough to forget that exactly 1 game ago Shang Tsung was also DLC. So, fucking miss me with that shit :ROFLMAO:

Also, if this Kameo bullshit ends up being like just “Tarkatan general,” “Oni” and “Special Forces” jobbers like in MKX mobile, then no problem, but I could see this being some shit where a lot of characters are deconfirmed as playable only to be Kameos.
Hype level = -10.
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Safe as shit, just like I predicted.
Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Great Kung Lao, Kitana and Mileena, because the fanbase would have a fucking collective melt-down and riot at NRS if heaven for-fucking-bid that Mileena skip a main roster again to give a chance for someone else to shine.

Oooh, and Shang Tsung for DLC AGAIN is exactly the shit that I was talking about the other day when my words were taken out of context.
NRS is just lazily selling the same exact DLC they sold to people just 1 game ago, and YES, people aren't fucking stupid enough to forget that exactly 1 game ago Shang Tsung was also DLC. So, fucking miss me with that shit :ROFLMAO:

Also, if this if Kameo bullshit ends up being like just “Tarkatan general,” “Oni” and “Special Forces” jobbers like in MKX mobile, then no problem, but I could see this being some shit where a lot of characters are deconfirmed as playable only to be Kameos.
Hype level = -10.

The Kitana and Mileena bit is hilarious. There are already people crying their eyeballs out because "WE FINALLY GET MILEENA AND KITANA IN BASE ROSTER OMG IM LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW"...

MK9. MKX. MK11, after whinge, added Mileena.... And now MK11 Part 2. 12 years of NuMK had Mileena in. Twelve. Years.

We also have people saying that this CGI trailer is actual gameplay footage (even when there's no disclaimer on the trailer to say so).... We also have people shitting on MK11 designs, saying this is "much better".... the same people who shat on MK9/X designs, when 11 was revealed...

It's just a vicious cycle. It's beautiful! 🤣

The Kameo or whatever it is.... just an excuse to monetize the game.... "hey there average MK fan! I heard you liked *character_name*.... we won't fully develop it, but here's a half-assed version that you can buy for DrAgOn CrYstAlS.". It also pretty much confirms that there will be no full Tag mode.

$70 and up for a Shit as a Service fighting game. No wait, I've already seen people going mask off and saying "who cares about gameplay?! MK IS ALL ABOUT THE CINEMATICS AND STORY MODE!!!" 🤣
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The Kitana and Mileena bit is hilarious. There are already people crying their eyeballs out because "WE FINALLY GET MILEENA AND KITANA IN BASE ROSTER OMG IM LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW"...

MK9. MKX. MK11, after whinge, added Mileena.... And now MK11 Part 2. 12 years of NuMK had Mileena in. Twelve. Years.
This goes back to the shit that I was saying about every one of the fucking 26 klassic characters needing to be in every goddamn game or this fanbase has a melt-down.
All of them there are from either 1992 MK1 or MKII.
GKL is just a less shittier version of his descendant.
Point proven with that CGI trailer.

We also have people saying that this CGI trailer is actual gameplay footage (even when there's no disclaimer on the trailer to say so).... We also have people shitting on MK11 designs, saying this is "much better".... the same people who shat on MK9/X designs, when 11 was revealed...

It's just a vicious cycle. It's beautiful! 🤣
The design is whatever.
Liu looks about the same
Sub-Zero and Scorpion look like different versions of their MK11 counterparts, but nothing to write home about. Should be an easy enough design for cosplayers to mimic.
Mileena and Kitana's designs are whatever.
Raiden doesn't look like either Inj2 or MK11 Raiden.
Shang looks a bit like 2021 movie Shang, which is bleh compared to Tagawa in MK11.
The Kameo or whatever it is.... just an excuse to monetize the game.... "hey there average MK fan! I heard you liked *character_name*.... we won't fully develop it, but here's a half-assed version that you can buy for DrAgOn CrYstAlS.". It also pretty much confirms that there will be no full Tag mode.

$70 and up for a Shit as a Service fighting game. No wait, I've already seen people going mask off and saying "who cares about gameplay?! MK IS ALL ABOUT THE CINEMATICS AND STORY MODE!!!" 🤣
Which goes more to my point of the 3D era likely to get fucked over.
Kameos will likely end up being reserved for characters that I'll actually want to have as playable.
Klassic characters = safe as shit.
Cool characters that haven't been playable in 17 goddamn years like Reiko, Havik, Sareena, Nitara, Ashrah, Li Mei, Daegon, Drahmin and Moloch?
Nah, fuck you.
Mortal Kombat 1 is also now safe kombat, but you can have a "kameo" instead, from yours truly at NRS.
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My roster prediction:
1. Johnny Cage
2. Kitana
3. Kung Lao
4. Liu Kang
5. Mileena
6. Raiden
7. Scorpion
8. Shang Tsung
9. Sub-Zero
10. Ermac
11. Tremor
12. Kano
13. Goro
14. Reptile
15. Jax
16. Fujin
17. D'Vorah
18. Erron Black
19. Rain
20. Sindle
21. Kollector (as your jobber)
21. New
22. New
23. New
24. New
25. New
26. New

Quan Chi

DLC 2: