Future of MK

I'm hype as fuck. I can't wait to see the direction they go in. The redesigns, the new gameplay systems, no other game gets me as excited as a new Mortal Kombat
Fuck you, man. Don't tell me what to do.

You have no idea how hype I am.
I LITERALLY waited my whole life for this day. This is the game. The masterpiece. The magnum opus. My omelette du fromage.

Dude, the moment the game is up for pre-ordering, I am buying dat shit. I am getting full on Collector's edition. Gonna write down the release date on my calendar and plan my honeymoon with Frost. Full month of nothing, but fast food. McDonald's, Burger King, maybe some Spocy Joe's for that extra power at night.
It will be beautiful. Me and my dearest Popsicle Frost... sigh.
Frost LGBT version 2.png
That's how HYPE I am.


Oh and probably will play the game too, once a while.
I find the lack of hype in this thread disturbing. We're about to get mindblown! The sand WILL explode!!
MK9 demaster
Final prediction, trailer will be hyped but the roster,tone,music and story will be safe and the game will be dookie.

Mortal Kombat 1 is still a stupid name IMO even if they are resetting the timeline. It's like NRS themselves want to pretend MK11 never happened lol.
Mortal Kombat 1 is still a stupid name IMO even if they are resetting the timeline. It's like NRS themselves want to pretend MK11 never happened lol.

How when this game literally takes place after 11 lmao. Firegod Liu Kang and Shang defying the timeline makes it seem like somehow both of MK11's endings are canon
Mortal Kombat 1 is still a stupid name IMO even if they are resetting the timeline. It's like NRS themselves want to pretend MK11 never happened lol.
Kung Lao got soul succd again, so I suppose they liked the movie?....

It's a pretty CGI trailer, and credit where credit is due... they didn't put CRINGE rap music. Other than that there's not much to say. The website barely gives away any detail, I especially like this part:

"Mortal Kombat 1 ushers in a new era of the iconic franchise with a new fighting system, game modes, and fatalities!"

....When DIDN'T a new MK game have new fatalities? 🤣

Designs wise, Scorpion and Sub-Zero look horrible. Liu Kang's weird. Kung Lao is ok, and I guess Raiden... is that even him? Dunno. Couldn't care less about NuMK Kitana and especially Mileena.

Game is supposed to be released on the 19th of September, so they don't have much time to drag it anymore.