No sarcasm detected whatsoever......AAAAAAAAH I AM SO EXCITED!
GET HYPENo sarcasm detected whatsoever......
MK11 HYPEOnslaught hype? Why not.
Fuck you, man. Don't tell me what to do.GET HYPE
It would be funny as shit if tomorrow they're like "Here's the reveal trailer for Onslaught and the release date."Onslaught hype? Why not.
MK9 demaster
Mortal Kombat 1 is still a stupid name IMO even if they are resetting the timeline. It's like NRS themselves want to pretend MK11 never happened lol.
Then why not call it mk12?
Kung Lao got soul succd again, so I suppose they liked the movie?....Mortal Kombat 1 is still a stupid name IMO even if they are resetting the timeline. It's like NRS themselves want to pretend MK11 never happened lol.