Future of MK

Did you guys see that the dlc leaked on amazon?

Characters are Quan Chi, Ermac and Takeda
guests are Omni Man (Invincible), Homelander (The Boys) and Peacemaker (Suicide Squad)

Kameos are Tremor, Mavado, Khameleon, Johnny Cage (huh?) and Ferra
Posted on the other thread
Bruh you act like this is new. Reptile has been a jobber since MK2, I don't care how much he gets fucked over in the story, as long as I can fuck people up with him in matches. MKX Reptile is my absolute favorite version of the character, and he had like 1 relevant line in story mode. I don't ever think about those 7 seconds of story tho, I think about the hundreds of matches I had with his dope ass moveset, his fun combos and flexible gameplay.

You say he isn't unique in X, but I think he's the absolute best example of the Variation system working. He has a core universal moveset, and his variations change him in slight ways

MKX variations were basically 1-2 viable or the character is shit. The same applied to Reptile, who was basically all about Nimble. As I told you, "not that unique".

Also right above your post there's a paragraph describing the entire 30 year old "story".

But back to variations.... if they finally drop that shit, and start giving us complete characters like Ed said before..... That's a + for this game.
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Your bias is really gross.

Sf6 had a CGI teaser on Feb 2nd. They revealed gameplay in June
Tekken 8 had a 2 second teaser trailer in August and then a CGI trailer one month later (and that trailer def wasn't "Gameplay with the hud off" lmao. It was dolled up like a mf)

MK did their teaser 2 weeks ago. Like give them time before you let your hate take over your head.
What the hell are you talking about? Who was talking about time or dates?
I am talking what was revealed content wise. What company prioritizes. Really, dude?

Oh shit sorry! They dropped 3 CGI videos within a week! Oh no! That means... what?
Tekken 8 trailer dolled up... maybe do proper research before talking out of your ass?

Everything they showed in that trailer, is what you see in the game. Animations, movesets, muscle tension. All of it.
The only difference was close up shots for cinematic look and extra effects for visuals. Gameplay was exactly the same as they show it now. And unless one is a graphics whore, then gameplay is only what matters. So yeah. They showed gameplay without the hud.

My "hate". Hah.
More like your "blind fanboyism". But eh. I understand. I also remember defending NRS for 6 months straight, while I was waiting for them to fix MKX. I can see how one can get defensive.
Funny how you skipped the rest of the message, about NRS past bullshit. But yeah. I am the one who is biased and with rainbow sunglasses.

Anyway showcase is coming. And you will see for yourself. Unless your precious NRS proves me wrong and does what I mentioned above, to justify it's greedy price, then you can go and be "Hah! I told you so!".

I am just predicting what will happen. The ball is in NRS yard. They have to prove me wrong now. Especially after the amount of money and time I invested in those lying cocksuckers.
The stream was just a commercial for the Kollector's Edition lmao

Tyler "Community GOD" Lawnsdown does it again
Did you guys see that the dlc leaked on amazon?

Characters are Quan Chi, Ermac and Takeda
guests are Omni Man (Invincible), Homelander (The Boys) and Peacemaker (Suicide Squad)

Kameos are Tremor, Mavado, Khameleon, Johnny Cage (huh?) and Ferra

Some people say that leak is likely real given that we had other retail places that leak out guest before they came out. During the MKX days, Predator was leak via Gamestop. I feel like a character on the main roster can also be a kameo fighter. In KOF 1999-2000, you had strikers of the main roster characters, but they would be different. For example, KOF2000 has K' on the main roster and his striker was an alternative version of himself called Another K'. We still don't know much how Kameo fighters work, but I believe there's no rules that a character can't be both.
Do people hate Tyler now or something?
Let's put it this way.

Community Manager is a position, where you... manage the community.

NRS has a very crappy history with... communication.

So it isn't much of the hate, but more of the collective confusion as in what the fuck he even does in NRS?
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Some people say that leak is likely real given that we had other retail places that leak out guest before they came out. During the MKX days, Predator was leak via Gamestop. I feel like a character on the main roster can also be a kameo fighter. In KOF 1999-2000, you had strikers of the main roster characters, but they would be different. For example, KOF2000 has K' on the main roster and his striker was an alternative version of himself called Another K'. We still don't know much how Kameo fighters work, but I believe there's no rules that a character can't be both.
Nah. It checks out. It is real. Invincible, The Boys and Peacemaker will be having new seasons soon.

Basically Mortal Kombat is now an advertisement board. Great.
Guys the MK we once knew is dead and gone. Im not even trying to be negative, I was concered on how the way the franchise was going when WB first purchased MK If you really think about it they have been doing this shit since MKvsDC, I really feel they stopped trying since Armageddon, they have a particular "mode" that the newer games dont have. Im not talking about a 3HR cinematic :ROFLMAO: I'm talking about konquest mode, WB is so dumb they didnt capitalize off its potential, and look at em now, SF took it and ran with it. Its all $$$$ when it comes to WB, they dont give a fuck about MK in the slightest, WB logic is AAA graphics, celeb voice overs, guest kharacters, cinematic trailers=good game. As i said before and I will say this again. WB is trying to appease the kasaul audience because they make up majority, all of these youtubers like truedawgs, dynasty, brukestpoet to some extinct are all shills of course they are going to listen to them because they have a platform.

Alot of blame also falls on Ed Boon, they games wouldn't be in the position their in I keep telling yall he has this wierd obession with MK2, no other game was pushed as hard as MK2, every fucking game we have some type of reference or rectonn going back to MK2. I know Im going to get alot of hate for saying this but Boon wasnt shit without Vogel, and Tobias, they carried his ass and he is getting exposed more more as each new installment comes out. Alot of the division and hatred in the MK kommunity stems from Boon himself, he placed alot of hated on the 3D era, NRS era, and some of the Trilogy era to be honest.

Look @ Ferra an Torr for an example they had unique design they fit MK perfectly, did they have huge role in the story? No. Thats not the point, its no reason in the world they should of returned. Thats is my problem, Ed has abandonment issues, Its very apparent and has been an on going issues since MK4. OK lets talk about realms the shit that pisses me off the most is we havent seen Chaos Realm or Order realm in none of the newer games like wtf.
Sad, but true. That's how most guest are in most video games sadly and I'm someone usually enjoys guest figthers.
I just recently installed MK11 to get screenshots for A.I battles mode. And got ads in the main menu.. for Harry Potter (a.k.a Hogwarts Legacy)?

So I bet MK1 will have ad boards for new seasons of The Boys and so on.
The trailer just looked like mk11 2.0
Not much to get excited for from it right now.
I have never seen such lukewarm reaction to MK cinematic trailer. I find more people going meh, than "SO EXCITING". And I am going through usual channels where people usually worship MK and buy 50 copies.
Sure there is some excitement in the air, but it feels as if watching firecrackers explode. Looks fun, but... yeaah... not much of the bang.
This whole MK1 hype train is the equivalent of ordering a steak dinner and only getting a dinner roll with a picture of a steak with a we're deeply sorry note on the picture. Until we get some real gameplay there's nothing to really say or get excited about.
Mk11 Kronika timeline era shenanigans story was a mistake, should have just continued on to Onaga. Now we're back where we started with mk9. Feels like such a waste.
This whole MK1 hype train is the equivalent of ordering a steak dinner and only getting a dinner roll with a picture of a steak with a we're deeply sorry note on the picture. Until we get some real gameplay there's nothing to really say or get excited about.
Yeah. They legit need to bring some good gameplay.

I just played SF6... Holy shittimus. That game is FUN. MK12 better bring something good to counter that.
Mk11 Kronika timeline era shenanigans story was a mistake, should have just continued on to Onaga. Now we're back where we started with mk9. Feels like such a waste.
I know I'm gonna get heat for saying this but MK9 was a mistake. they should of done an MK Origins before 2011. I feel like they layed all of theyr cards on the table and they have nothing left to show for it. Boon is one trick pony, the franchise wouldn't be where it's @ now because his bias, favoritism of particular era. Clearly hit has stunted the growth n development of the franchise in general.
2 theories:

Theory 1: This is pretty much the full circle lore of Mortal Kombat which takes place 500 years before the events of Mortal Kombat (1992) based on Mortal Kombat's (1992) prologue. The Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Johnny Cage you see in this game are the ancestors of the characters you see in previous Mortal Kombats. Mortal Kombat 1 is basically the 1st Mortal Kombat tournament like an MK origin story. Eventually the events lead to MK Mythologies and the 10th Mortal Kombat (1992). So it's no surprise that Mileena and Kitana are riding together in the chariot since they are over 10,000 years old or something.

Theory 2: this is Liu Kang's new timeline which leads to the events and the timeline of the MK movie reboot (2021). If you look closely, Shang Tsung looks like the Shang Tsung from the MK movie reboot (2021). Even has the same soul stealing style like the movie. Also, Sub-Zer0 looks somewhat similar to the movie (2021).

What is everyones' thoughts/theories?


On a side note. If anyone has followed the Magic: The Gathering lore (yes they have a lore) then it looks like they're taking after Mortal Kombat and such.

Now they have a March of the Machines Aftermath that tells the story about what happened to the surviving characters and planeswalkers after the great phyrexian war.
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