I can understand it, I see why people don't like him as he doesn't 'belong' however, neither does Kratos, he is from an alternate franchise, and no-one did sh!t about it, so why should Freddy be treated differently. I personally WOULD go for the pink ninja idea, why? Because it would be funny. And did you honestly say that downloading the friggin pack would RAPE IT OF IT'S PURITY?!?! that is possibly the most incorrect statement statement ever. Do wanna know why? Let me explain....
You say downloading it would make you *sad face* and you don't want to see Freddy in your game, or allow others as well, you know what? What the hell are you gonna do in KOTH? If someone and their opponent has Freddy? What are you gonna do? Leave because you saw a character who apparently "shouldn't be in the game"? That would be stupid. And like I said, NOT getting the pack is basically robbing someone of their money that they spent on a character.
In short: Not getting the pack because you don't want Freddy = Selfish.
ok ok ok, where do i start with this.
first. people raised just as much shit about kratos as they have about freddy, and what the hell could anybody realisticly do about it anyway?
freddy is being treated the same as krato's, unwelcome. and i never said i wouldnt download the the comp.pack. i did first thing.iLOVE the alt. costumes.
all i said was im "* sad face*" about it..
and yes i said RAPE of its PURITY.
do you not understand these words? it maybe alitte exxagerated but still raises the same point.
mk as is = pure, adding something not mk defiles this purity, or rapes it if you will.
and your full of it if you really think you'd be down for pink ninja's, and if you are serious, you'd be in a VERY small minority mate..
and it was just a comparitable example to help you understand the otheride's POV, but obviously this went over your head.
and what the hell has playing freddy in KOTH, got to do with explaining why my statement(" raping purity..etc")
was so incorrect, you didnt raise any points that make my statement any less true.
i rarely play KOTH. and when i do i play,its on the aussie server's only, which is a very small community(30ish?) , and i know that none of these very good players/mk purist's will use him. so no need to worry.
but no i wouldn't quit out. i would just think that they're scrubs,and smight them.
and what about the scarlet,rain,klassic costume DLC that i have that ISNT madatory and that ive been robbed of using huh?