Ben Affleck is BATMAN!

people need to learn to seperate the 2 of director and actor but ppl are so hung up on who is the hottest person in hollywood

And some such as yourself, need to learn to properly argue against facts presented to them than whine and evade valid rebuttals with a load of unrelated rubbish. You are adding nothing worthwhile to the discussion and instead turning it to some sort of a hate thread along with your fantasy list of actors which no one really is interested in as it's not the topic of discussion. I can understand your frustration with the choice but you got to use some sense too. You are bashing an actor based on his past failures but gleefully ignore his accomplishments, you haven't seen him perform and yet you already decided that he is a bad choice... how much more biased can you be? Really, please stop if you have nothing of value to add.
And some such as yourself, need to learn to properly argue against facts presented to them than whine and evade valid rebuttals with a load of unrelated rubbish. You are adding nothing worthwhile to the discussion and instead turning it to some sort of a hate thread along with your fantasy list of actors which no one really is interested in as it's not the topic of discussion. I can understand your frustration with the choice but you got to use some sense too. You are bashing an actor based on his past failures but gleefully ignore his accomplishments, you haven't seen him perform and yet you already decided that he is a bad choice... how much more biased can you be? Really, please stop if you have nothing of value to add.

im biased? i admit i am and you arent? your blowing affleck like hes this big thing and lets be honest he isnt.

only reason why hes batman isnt because of his acting its because he got two oscars for directing

people use the town or argo to argue that he is good and believe me that still dosent change his past work. people say oh get over it blah blah but its not that simple. career history is very important

do you really think wb wouldve picked him if he didnt nab those two oscars? of course they wouldnt.

i find it even funnier that when ryan reynolds was cast as green lantern people lost there minds and never gave him a chance and yet where was that same argument of lets just wait and see huh? i admit i was more mixed on that but overall i think he did fine but the story blew more balls than kim kardashian

till this day i see people who write about whats up and coming and how ryan reynolds isnt a good actor at all but if its affleck people go hes perfect.

let me ask you this princess lets say this movie tanks are you going to still say ben was that great guy or are you going to be one of those fans who go oops i always hated him?

i see alot of people talk a big game and yet they dont stick with the actor they are 100% for when they are announced if the film performs horribly.
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im biased? i admit i am and you arent? your blowing affleck like hes this big thing and lets be honest he isnt.

Where did I blow up Affleck like he was the next big thing? Either you have reading comprehension problems or are delusional. I simply stated he had the potential to live up to the role and to be given a fair chance before being judged. Plus realise that you stating your opinion doesn't make it a fact, especially when it's biased and substantiated with essentially nothing.

people use the town or argo to argue that he is good and believe me that still dosent change his past work. people say oh get over it blah blah but its not that simple. career history is very important

But you are willing to let go of Robert Downey Junior's pre-Iron Man career career and set backs after seeing him as Iron Man huh? Sorry, but it doesn't work like that with only your favorite actors being exempted. RDJ's case in fact further illustrates my point.

i find it even funnier that when ryan reynolds was cast as green lantern people lost there minds and never gave him a chance and yet where was that same argument of lets just wait and see huh? i admit i was more mixed on that but overall i think he did fine but the story blew more balls than kim kardashian

till this day i see people who write about whats up and coming and how ryan reynolds isnt a good actor at all but if its affleck people go hes perfect.

The same load of rubbish which I had mentioned in my original post which has nothing to do with what I said. :roll:

let me ask you this princess lets say this movie tanks are you going to still say ben was that great guy or are you going to be one of those fans who go oops i always hated him?

I can only judge after seeing him perform and again, your reading comprehension problems are at it again, refer back to my first point for better clarity.
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your reading comprehension problems are at it again, refer back to my first point for better clarity.

oh how original using reading comprehension to try at a attempted insult.

what are you 5 years old? my little cousin could come up with way better things to say than that
Stopped reading after that. No further discussion needed.

at least i admit it

if people dont like my opinion on something then simply dont ask for it. its that simple. im not going to lie and say i like a actor to just be one of the cool guys

the irony is you and jinko spend all your time attacking me for what i stated and yet where is the same for jade? she pretty much said the same as in she dosent see him as batman either but you 2 dont have the set to say the same to her.

why is that exactly? because shes a mod?

everyone who dosent jump on the pro ben wagon are idiots or they dont know jack? give me a break
at least i admit it

if people dont like my opinion on something then simply dont ask for it. its that simple. im not going to lie and say i like a actor to just be one of the cool guys

the irony is you and jinko spend all your time attacking me for what i stated and yet where is the same for jade? she pretty much said the same as in she dosent see him as batman either but you 2 dont have the set to say the same to her.

why is that exactly? because shes a mod?

everyone who dosent jump on the pro ben wagon are idiots or they dont know jack? give me a break

Please quote where I attacked you. Also, my first statement on this thread was referring to everyone freaking out. I singled no one out. Now, if you want to get butthurt about it, that's a different story and frankly not my problem.
Hmmm well I didn't like ben playing dare devil . But its a new genre of movies maybe he won't be as bad as green lantern .. well see .... well see
Please quote where I attacked you. Also, my first statement on this thread was referring to everyone freaking out. I singled no one out. Now, if you want to get butthurt about it, that's a different story and frankly not my problem.

you didnt single me out?

im biased i admit

your reply to that
Stopped reading after that. No further discussion needed.

so you just look at that make your assumpion without reading what i said after that in the same reply.

im waiting cookiepuss what excuse you got now?
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ok i have to admit for a fan poster this looks good but if he stays in the costume the entire movie and loses the beard i think he will be fine but and there is a but i just dont see him as bruce wayne the billionare dressed in a sute and tie.

oh how original using reading comprehension to try at a attempted insult.

what are you 5 years old? my little cousin could come up with way better things to say than that

If you don't even bother reading what I posted and then go ahead and assume random things about me and include things that I never even mentioned and follow it up with more random rubbish, then yea, it wouldn't be very unreasonable for me to assume you have reading comprehension problems or maybe trolling being another alternative.

at least i admit it

if people dont like my opinion on something then simply dont ask for it. its that simple. im not going to lie and say i like a actor to just be one of the cool guys

the irony is you and jinko spend all your time attacking me for what i stated and yet where is the same for jade? she pretty much said the same as in she dosent see him as batman either but you 2 dont have the set to say the same to her.

why is that exactly? because shes a mod?

everyone who dosent jump on the pro ben wagon are idiots or they dont know jack? give me a break

It isn't you expressing your opinion, but the manner in which you express them. You take your opinion as fact and bash all who oppose you. You evade valid rebuttals with excuses and double standards. You don't bother reading arguments against you and start stereotyping anyone having a different opinion. What are you really trying to achieve here? Of course, everyone has the right to express their opinions, but that certainly isn't what you are doing.
it wouldn't be very unreasonable for me to assume you have reading comprehension problems or maybe trolling being another alternative.

im just tired of how people say oh give this guy a chance or you simply dont know what you are talking about and call people idiots or morons for it. now let me make it clear im not saying you yourself said that but how can you be so sure this movie wont suck and not just because of batman but the story itself?

when mos came out it got alot of mixed feedback wich is why i say i think thats why wb not snyder forced batman into the sequel.

as i said before im no superman purist hell im not 100% up to date on everything comic book related as far as lore go's but i loved the first mos. i have seen comments on other forums where people ripped snyder to shreds for killing off zod by having superman snap his neck and now those same people are all giddy with joy about batman being in.

i cant stand fans like that because how can you hate one thing and moan about it for months than later on go yippe skippy fellow fans the guy and first film we didnt like is now going to add batman and everyone is on this high how this will be great.

my issue isnt just ben affleck my issue is i wanted a mos2 that sticks to just superman.

i just feel its way to early to have batman and if anything he feels like he belongs in the 3rd film not the second.

people actually believe dc won sdcc with one punch and im sorry i think marvel simply crushed them and it isnt about fanboyism its just that marvel has offered more to fans old and new.

anytime i see a movie based on the comic that i find interesting i go out and buy the comic to get to know the charachter or charachters . i have did that with marvel and hell i never knew who gotg was but that is a movie so odd and interesting i will go out and pay 3 or 4 bucks to read them

if marvel can do a raccoon that shoots guns there is no excuse as to why a wonder woman film cant be made and thats where in my eyes dc will fail when it comes to the silver screen because they wont take a risk. yea gl flopped so what that dosent mean you just run hide and never take another gamble.

marvel has had its fair share of failures as did fox and lionsgate but they still managed to get over it and try to introduce new things
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Thankfully, that's a more mature reply than all your other ones in this thread. I suggest you (and others) quit the thread-crapping. It has gotten out of hand enough as it is.

Though my mind is boggled at how you think casting Affleck is an abyssal, yet you think the DC films will fail because "they wont take a risk".


In the end, we should all be holding our judgement until the final product is released. We'll never know how well Affleck is as the Bruceman until we see it.
Every actor has good and bad movies. I wasn't a fan of Dicaprio when Titanic came out, he's one of my favorite actors now.
Though my mind is boggled at how you think casting Affleck is an abyssal, yet you think the DC films will fail because "they wont take a risk".

maybe i didnt clarify about this. what i meant was dc would rather pump out 6 or 10 more batman films before even doing a flash aquaman wonder woman green arrow film.

im not saying ben affleck has anything to do with that but at the rate dc has been going i have zero faith they will bring any other hero to the big screen.

i mean realisticly if this batman superman film dosent work how do you know that wont affect the jla movie thats been rumored for the last 4 years?

this is dcs attempt to get jla rolling .

back when it was announced that there was a 3rd nolan batman film i said just leave it be because it cant surpass the darkknight. i hated dark knight rises with a passion and id like a break from batman and focus on continuing a solo superman franchise or another charachter.

i even have a idea on a solo seuqel for how it can work.

instead of making lex the same old master mind with idiotic schemes write him in like hes running to become president. have lex go through all the debries left over from mos1 and have him campain about how superman is this out of control extraterrestrial that killed somebody and pretty much destroyed metropolis in the fight.

have kal-el or clark whatever you want to call him at his job at the daily planet and still getting over the decision he made with zod.

have kal-el learn to teach himself that one kill changed him forever and he becomes this savior his dad jor-el intended him to be and dosent kill criminals.

have lex luthor build a machine similar to what zods ship had wich resembles kryptons red son instead of adding the kryptonite as a shard. ( in mos zod stated it is a atmosphere recreation of krpton)

have the people not just of metropolis but of the world be blind by luthors propaganda that superman is a grave threat and only he can defeat him.

have lois be the reporter who uncovers luthors true agenda

Every actor has good and bad movies. I wasn't a fan of Dicaprio when Titanic came out, he's one of my favorite actors now.

i didnt care for titanic ( chick flick) but loved him in both inception and gangs of new york. i even suggested he should be batman but w/e it is what it is.

heh now this just got a chuckle out of me


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Ledger was not nominated because he died, but because his performannce was stellar.

However, you have to be naive to believe that an oscar means anythung other than comercial success, most of the times.


Look, I enjoyed Ledger's performance, I love the darkness that he brought to the character, but, if you think for a second that he didn't get an award because he died, wow.....he licked his lips and asked people if they wanted to know how he got his scars. He got so deep in the character that he couldn't shake it and it sadly ended his life. If he hadn't died, it would have been 'just another performance'. He would get praise, regardless, but, not at the level he got it at.

Anyway, I guess it is stupid to jump the gun and rip a guy before he has a chance to show what he has, I just can't picture the Batman side of Affleck, no matter how hard I try.....

Look, I enjoyed Ledger's performance, I love the darkness that he brought to the character, but, if you think for a second that he didn't get an award because he died, wow.....he licked his lips and asked people if they wanted to know how he got his scars. He got so deep in the character that he couldn't shake it and it sadly ended his life. If he hadn't died, it would have been 'just another performance'. He would get praise, regardless, but, not at the level he got it at.

finally someone who agrees!

Every actor has good and bad movies. I wasn't a fan of Dicaprio when Titanic came out, he's one of my favorite actors now.

rdj is one of the best actors right now and ironman 3 sucked imo. not because of him but how shane black basicly turned it into another lethal weapon.

nothing and i mean absolutely nothing in that film screamed ironman to me.

the first maybe 20 minutes was fine but after that i have to say didnt care for it at all.

just like green lantern the cast wasnt the issue the damn story was.

im one of the biggest green lantern fans you will ever know and dc messed up big time by trying to add parallax into it let alone hal jordans orgin story.

i wrote this after i saw the midnight showing in 2011.

it was intended for a sequel but this would be a reboot if i was directing it.

the film can open up with the weaponers go to kourgar to set up a base to start making weapons, the people of kourgar fear them as a threat and take action wich leads to violence.

: meanwile on oa on the citadel:

sinestro requests that the guardians send corps members to help aid him in defending his homeworld of kourgar from the weaponers...

the guardians refuse to send the aid and sinestro demands that the guardians step down and pass there power over to him and states that he can install great fear into the enemey and puts on the yellow ring,

witnessing the act of having the yellow ring at this moment the guardians declare sinestro a traitor to the corps and honor guard lanterns are dispatched to take sinestro into custody.

sinestro kills the honor guards in front of the guardians and relinquishes his green lantern ring by his own will and leaves oa.

the guardians summon hal jordan and request his presence and they inform him of sinestros turn to the emotion of fear and yellow energy, they also explain to hal that after krona was banished and hidden away with parallax the punishment was due to krona creating the anti-matter universe.

hal jordan go's on a hunt for sinestro

sinestro returns to his homeworld of kourgar yellow ring and costume and starts to become a dictator and declares himself savior of kourgar and starts killing weaponers left and right.

while hal jordan searches for sinestro he gets a trasmission from kilowog telling him sinestro is on kourgar and meet you there poozer..

hal heads to sinestros home sector arrives onto the planet and see's total devestation and bodies everywhere.

hal see's sinestro floating over a pile of dead weaponers with a sadistic smirk and hears him tell the people of kourgar to bow to him and worship him as a god.

hal confronts sinestro trying to explain that the yellow ring has corrupted him....

sinestro throws the first punch and says human you have no idea who your talking to.

hal responds with a fist construct hitting sinestro wile both floating in the air.

sinestro recovers and the first start to an epic encounter happens

both men fight it out with sinestro getting the upper hand and just when hal is almost out and sinestro is about to kill him, kilowog comes in and knocks sinestro off balance.

sinestro shrugs it off and fires a blast of energey at kilowog and knocks him out cold.

hal recovers and shows sinestro why hes the man without fear by taking it up a few notches.

he creates one giant construct of a f-22 raptor plane and hits sinestro with it.

sinestro knocked out falls to the ground and hal go's to check on kilowog.

back on oa the guardians place sinestro into the central power battery and credit hal jordan for his bravery

before the film ends theres two suprise scenes

scene 1. sinestro is shown inside the battery and is revealed to be a construct from his ring

scene 2. sayd and ganthet are alone in a private chamber discussing how they have to HOPE sinestros turn hasnt misplaced the trust of 3600 sectors with the guardians and they forge a blue ring
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really stoked, Ben is the perfect fit for Batman, I hope they go back to a more fantasy feel and ditch the 'real take' rubbish, really couldn't get into the last Batman movie