Ben Affleck is BATMAN!

this is more of me being a prick but

verne troyer for scarface


That's why sometimes I hate reading american based forums, cause they are ignorant of what happens around them, or even worse they agree.

I see where you're coming from.U never said you hate reading ALL American forums and then u also said SOMETIMES...You have to excuse a lot of us cause we are pretty self righteous sometimes...and uncaring to say the least.

I heard they where considering recasting Bruce Wayne.Must be from the backlash.
i cant believe i forgot about him and boondock saints is a classic

sean patrick flanery for batman

he was also my pick for green lantern guy gardner and daredevil

wow as much as i dont like the casting i would never go this far. make it illegal for ben to act?

you may or may not know this, but not everyone on the internet has been pleased by the Batfleck casting. As well as the standard petition demanding that he be removed, a group of Batman fans have even pleaded with the White House to make it illegal for Ben Affleck to play any more comic book characters. The latter petition was recently removed from the site, which could either be considered a slap in the face of democracy or a sensible response to a really silly request.
well wb is cashing in on the affleck cow

a fanboy got upset when i posted this on face book

me. bat costume not included?

benny fanboy : Not needed...I don't get all the hate...

me.christ man it was a joke lighten up

Warner Bros. to Release ARGO Extended Edition Blu-ray with an Extra 10 Minutes of Footage, Brand New Special Features and Collectible Memorabilia
It feels like people are pre-judging Affleck based on a terrible movie that was done 10 years ago, though, without following his career since then.
If that was true, then RDJ would still be a drug-addicted actor in rehab, and that is NOT the case.
It may take some time for me to get used to the idea, but I don't think Affleck is a terrible choice.
He's changed as both an actor and director, over the last 10 years of his career.

Remember, a shitty Catwoman was also a great Storm in the X-men movies (Halle Berry), and a "meh" Human Torch also became a great Captain America (Chris Evans).
I'm not going to pre-judge Affleck as Batman based on 1 previous shitty superhero movie that he did, 10 F***ING YEARS AGO!!!!
For the shittyy script that he was given, I think he did a decent job.

Script-writing and directing can also go a LONG way in making a movie terrible.
Catwoman, DareDevil and Fantastic 4 ALL had shitty script writing and directing.
It feels like people are pre-judging Affleck based on a terrible movie that was done 10 years ago, though, without following his career since then.
If that was true, then RDJ would still be a drug-addicted actor in rehab, and that is NOT the case.
It may take some time for me to get used to the idea, but I don't think Affleck is a terrible choice.
He's changed as both an actor and director, over the last 10 years of his career.

Remember, a shitty Catwoman was also a great Storm in the X-men movies (Halle Berry), and a "meh" Human Torch also became a great Captain America (Chris Evans).
I'm not going to pre-judge Affleck as Batman based on 1 previous shitty superhero movie that he did, 10 F***ING YEARS AGO!!!!
For the shittyy script that he was given, I think he did a decent job.

Script-writing and directing can also go a LONG way in making a movie terrible.
Catwoman, DareDevil and Fantastic 4 ALL had shitty script writing and directing.

thing is though ben isnt writting this hes acting in it.

two different things im sorry i try to be possitive but its the truth.

as i said i never saw any of his directed films but if he truley is better as a director than actor than imo he should stick with directing because theres more money in it.

im not saying that to say hes greedy or anything im just being realistic.

ill be watching the town tonight because i want to see what the fuss is about
thing is though ben isnt writting this hes acting in it.

two different things im sorry i try to be possitive but its the truth.

Did you even read what Arkanyd posted? This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. He said that acting isn't the sole reason why a movie flops/is criticized and the real reason Daredevil wasn't that well received was the bad script and directing and NOT Ben Affleck's acting. RDJ, Halle Berry, Chris Evans have all gone through their similar share of bad starts and yet you choose not to critique and judge them. Why is that?

Plus why do you even mentioned Ben Affleck's directing ventures especially when its hardly relevant to the discussion? It's not like he was a director all these years and suddenly took up acting. Really, your biased bashing is just making you look bad and ignorant.
Did you even read what Arkanyd posted? This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. He said that acting isn't the sole reason why a movie flops/is criticized and the real reason Daredevil wasn't that well received was the bad script and directing and NOT Ben Affleck's acting. RDJ, Halle Berry, Chris Evans have all gone through their similar share of bad starts and yet you choose not to critique and judge them. Why is that?

Plus why do you even mentioned Ben Affleck's directing ventures especially when its hardly relevant to the discussion? It's not like he was a director all these years and suddenly took up acting. Really, your biased bashing is just making you look bad and ignorant.

are you honestly going to sit there and say people have no reason to be biased?

tell me this oh mighty wise one would you say the same if wb happened to cast jack black as green lantern? believe me they wanted to so are you going to say oh give him a chance and his past work shouldnt demonize him?

give me a break

you are arguing ben is a good choice because of what he did with argo the town and good will hunting.

3 movies that are good dosent just clean the slate and change anything.

what you dont understand is how hollywood works. im not saying i do but do you really think someone like rdj wouldve been anywhere if it wasnt for iron man and its well known marvel didnt want him and john faveru fought to keep him? what about mickey rourke? he wasnt anything until he was cast in the wrestler and became the come back kid.

hollywood wants people who can make them money it isnt always about acting. thats why i say they casted affleck. its not because of acting its because he gave wb two good movies wich made them money.

lets be realistic and think if this movie flops do to story not the casting. do you really think dc is going to continue building up a jla film? no they wouldnt.

perfect example of that was green lantern and we are now back at square one.
3 movies that are good dosent just clean the slate and change anything.

1 terrible movie that he does, shouldn't demonize him either.
The script for DareDevil was TERRIBLE, and could have been written better by a person that was deaf, blind and mute.
1 terrible movie that he does, shouldn't demonize him either.
The script for DareDevil was TERRIBLE, and could have been written better by a person that was deaf, blind and mute.

theres more terrible movies he has done other than dd

i also forgot to mention would you be saying the same thing if nic cage was superman?

it was also planned as well and thank god it never happened.

but i guess he did multiple good movies also right? so it shouldnt matter.

im going to be straight up and say this.

i think fans want more batman simply because what nolan gave the fans so they are willing to take any casting because they believe batman is the only hero that is a huge deal for dc.

man of steel was a success and they should stick with that success as a solo series.

whats even more sadder is people damn well know superman has been around for 75 years and they would rather have batman in it just to steal his spotlight.

after so many years we get a great superman movie and they mess it up now with the sequel.

im not saying its all because of affleck but i did not want batman in period just yet. its to damn early imo.
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are you honestly going to sit there and say people have no reason to be biased?

Lol what kind of question is that? Sure people can have plenty of reasons to be biased, just that their opinions on such matters are essentially worthless and makes them look ignorant and dumb, they might as well not go about giving out their opinions in the first place which would save people wanting to hear and discuss worthwhile opinions a lot of trouble. What is the point in trying to argue if you can bring yourself back to a neutral stance and judge based on actuals than just speculation fueled by hate? If you can't do that then you are not entitled to debate, atleast not with me.

tell me this oh mighty wise one would you say the same if wb happened to cast jack black as green lantern? believe me they wanted to so are you going to say oh give him a chance and his past work shouldnt demonize him?

give me a break

you are arguing ben is a good choice because of what he did with argo the town and good will hunting.

3 movies that are good dosent just clean the slate and change anything.

This is the third time I'm replying to this point, either you are not able to follow what I'm implying or you are willfully evading by counter point due to having no answer for it maybe?

Why aren't you bashing RDJ for his drug addicted past or the other examples Arkanyd mentioned? Like RDJ, Ben Affleck has too grown over the years, watch him perform first before you bash.
i also forgot to mention would you be saying the same thing if nic cage was superman?

NO, I wouldn't.
I more open-minded when it comes to actors being used for certain roles.

Also, did you forget that Nic Cage basically played a Batman type of character in Kick-Ass?
I though he did a GREAT job in that because the script for the movie was well written.

NO, I wouldn't.
I more open-minded when it comes to actors being used for certain roles.

Also, did you forget that Nic Cage basically played a Batman type of character in Kick-Ass?
I though he did a GREAT job in that because the script for the movie was well written.

still dosent change the fact nic cage is a garbage actor

look i loved kick ass i really did but cage hasnt been good since the rock wich was back in the 90's.

i will say though he was good in national treasure because he didnt over do his acting like he does in everything else.