this is more of me being a prick but
verne troyer for scarface
verne troyer for scarface

That's why sometimes I hate reading american based forums, cause they are ignorant of what happens around them, or even worse they agree.
I heard they where considering recasting Bruce Wayne.Must be from the backlash.
It feels like people are pre-judging Affleck based on a terrible movie that was done 10 years ago, though, without following his career since then.
If that was true, then RDJ would still be a drug-addicted actor in rehab, and that is NOT the case.
It may take some time for me to get used to the idea, but I don't think Affleck is a terrible choice.
He's changed as both an actor and director, over the last 10 years of his career.
Remember, a shitty Catwoman was also a great Storm in the X-men movies (Halle Berry), and a "meh" Human Torch also became a great Captain America (Chris Evans).
I'm not going to pre-judge Affleck as Batman based on 1 previous shitty superhero movie that he did, 10 F***ING YEARS AGO!!!!
For the shittyy script that he was given, I think he did a decent job.
Script-writing and directing can also go a LONG way in making a movie terrible.
Catwoman, DareDevil and Fantastic 4 ALL had shitty script writing and directing.
thing is though ben isnt writting this hes acting in it.
two different things im sorry i try to be possitive but its the truth.
Did you even read what Arkanyd posted? This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. He said that acting isn't the sole reason why a movie flops/is criticized and the real reason Daredevil wasn't that well received was the bad script and directing and NOT Ben Affleck's acting. RDJ, Halle Berry, Chris Evans have all gone through their similar share of bad starts and yet you choose not to critique and judge them. Why is that?
Plus why do you even mentioned Ben Affleck's directing ventures especially when its hardly relevant to the discussion? It's not like he was a director all these years and suddenly took up acting. Really, your biased bashing is just making you look bad and ignorant.
3 movies that are good dosent just clean the slate and change anything.
1 terrible movie that he does, shouldn't demonize him either.
The script for DareDevil was TERRIBLE, and could have been written better by a person that was deaf, blind and mute.
are you honestly going to sit there and say people have no reason to be biased?
tell me this oh mighty wise one would you say the same if wb happened to cast jack black as green lantern? believe me they wanted to so are you going to say oh give him a chance and his past work shouldnt demonize him?
give me a break
you are arguing ben is a good choice because of what he did with argo the town and good will hunting.
3 movies that are good dosent just clean the slate and change anything.
i also forgot to mention would you be saying the same thing if nic cage was superman?
NO, I wouldn't.
I more open-minded when it comes to actors being used for certain roles.
Also, did you forget that Nic Cage basically played a Batman type of character in Kick-Ass?
I though he did a GREAT job in that because the script for the movie was well written.