Any 360 users feel the same way about the lack of a demo?

I am playing the demo, yet I do not have PS+. So it has nothing to do with PlayStation +.

If you were smart, you'd remember these-



Warner Bros. has decided that they are aligning themselves with the superior system. It has nothing to do with being a subscriber to anything, but more to do with your poor choice.

dude this superior console theory can be shut down fast, if you want to get technical the playstation 3 is indeed a more power console BUT a lot of sony fanboys think its alien tech compared to the xbox, when in reality its not, the GPU of the xbox is FAR superior to the PS3 but the CPU of the PS# is far superior to the Xbox's my advice to YOU is YOU do some research and understand how a console works BEFORE you make stupid posts as to how the playstation is superior, i can simply say "Epic games is obviously sided the the superior Xbox 360"

your posts are closed-minded and dumb so please gain some knowledge
@to buy a spoon

You're entitled to your opinion, but I clearly said no bashing.

Stating facts are now considered bashing?

It's a fact that WB has aligned themselves with Sony. This has been apparent since DC Universe Online was first announced. You only have yourself to blame if you feel "left out".
I had hoped on getting some practice in on the game in advance before it's release, and to see how the game actually plays this time around.

I live in rural Nova Scotia Canada. There are no tour buses here, no Demo stations to try the game...essentially unless I were to travel to a convention or whatnot there is no possible way for me to have tried the game at all.

And for the anticipation built up over the games release, a lot of people like myself are getting shut out till release.

This is a choice you made when you decided for whatever reason to move and live where you did. Its nobodys responsibility to keep your feelings in consideration when making business decisions.

There will be no need to get a demo at all in 2 weeks as the game will be out then. Unless my pre-order gets cancelled by Futureshop or there is a delay in receiving it that is.
It's just disappointing that it's more of a monetary incentive from my point of view as to why 360 users didn't have a demo at the same time as PS3 users.
There is no denying that it's the real reason why we haven't see a demo on 360 at the same time, as Sony likely has approached WB on it for an exclusive window to sell Playstation + accounts.

Well last time I checked money still makes the world go round, until we adopt a Star Trek like economic situation companies are going to do business how they feel is best for their company.

This should never be done again, in the interest of good business practice. I can see exclusive characters and the like being ok, that's what happens in lots of games to make incentive for people to buy a companies console over another for those bonuses, but to shut out consumers who are supporting your product by not even letting them try the demo when it's released?

Poor practice.

Do you have the company financials to back up your statement? No? You sure? Ok well till you do you cannot say what they are doing is good busniess or bad business no mater how much we as comsumers dislike it.

Demos sell games, and the longer they wait to release one, the more sales they have lost in the meantime. I'm sure people will say they have made tons on pre-orders already. That might be true, but the majority of those pre-orders are from diehard fans. There is something to be said for the casual market out there, as well.

I am sure demos can help the sales of games, I doubt demos are the end all be all to boosting sales and is not the only marketing strategy / ploy they have used on us since its anouncment.

I guarantee the folks at NRS regret WB's choice to give the demo a PS3 exclusive window with the lashback they have received on it already. It is akin to them having not put Scorpion in MK3, and they know better now I hope. It's not NRS I'm upset with, it's WB's choice to do this exclusive deal in the first place.

This is the only logical thing you have said, that being said the total amount of people who take the time to go on a forum and follow a game "start to finish" is only a small fraction of the player base that is going to buy the game.
dude this superior console theory can be shut down fast, if you want to get technical the playstation 3 is indeed a more power console BUT a lot of sony fanboys think its alien tech compared to the xbox, when in reality its not, the GPU of the xbox is FAR superior to the PS3 but the CPU of the PS# is far superior to the Xbox's my advice to YOU is YOU do some research and understand how a console works BEFORE you make stupid posts as to how the playstation is superior, i can simply say "Epic games is obviously sided the the superior Xbox 360"

your posts are closed-minded and dumb so please gain some knowledge

I think you need to gain some knowledge, brah.

The PS3 wins 7 out of 10 hardware comparisons over the Xbox 360.

lol I'm not sure IGN is the place to do that. Just looked at the video support section and IGN can't even get their "facts" right there. They claim the PS3 outclasses the 360 in resolution when both consoles are capable of 1080p games. The reality is very few 1080p native games exist for either console for obvious reasons (too hardware intensive). 360 will upscale everything to 1080p if you prefer that. PS3 will only upscale games specifically coded for it (not many). Both consoles are pretty much native 720p. IGN is pretty much native retarded.

And he is correct. The 360 does have the superior GPU. PS3 is comparable hardware with advantages, but it is also not as user friendly to make games on. The reality is both of the machines are 5 year old tech. It's funny 5 years later people are actually dumb enough to care about the hardware, especially when they're so close in performance anyway. Console wars are retarded.
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^^^This, a 400 dollar computer now a days can run games better than both systems.
Thats the problem when current gen consoles don't evolve in a 2-4 year life span like they used to.
Only owning an Xbox 360 is a very poor choice

If you were smart.....

......but more to do with your poor choice.

You are console bashing and insulting others for their choice in console. Technical specs don't mean crap, people will buy what they want to buy. The Wii outsold both the PS3 and 360 for a while as its specs were child's play compared to those for example. Stop being elitist and grow up. If you don't like what is being said here, then leave.
To those who argue about which console is better, here's the opinion (and pretty much a fact) of someone who has actually worked with both, and coded for both:

PS3 is a hassle to deal with but if you got someone funding you to waste your time optimizing a game for it and taking full advantage of its potential, it will look a lot better than the Xbox.

However, programming for the Xbox is a breeze (relatively speeking, you still need a brain to do it :P), which is why most games released on both consoles have a higher FPS count and run smoother on the Xbox (don't jump at my throat yet, we're talking 1-5 frames per second max). It's just more cost-effective.

That being said, both consoles are about on par right now, and the PS3 is expected to have a slight edge over the next 1-2 years. The next-gen consoles are just around the corner though.

So let's stop this fanboi fare, it all comes down to preferences about the games as both consoles are a very good piece of hardware. Sorry to burst the bubble of any xbox or ps3 die hard fans, but seeing some of you lot's arguments really makes me perplexed.

~Khanada's 2 cents : )

You are console bashing and insulting others for their choice in console. Technical specs don't mean crap, people will buy what they want to buy. The Wii outsold both the PS3 and 360 for a while as its specs were child's play compared to those for example. Stop being elitist and grow up. If you don't like what is being said here, then leave.

Well here is the problem then- don't complain if you aren't getting superior treatment on your console of choice.

Mortal Kombat was built with the PS3 in mind. Sony paid for it, and those with PS3s benefit from it.

Don't like it? Then don't complain. Simple, really.

Don't feed the troll.

I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken because a troll doesn't bring valid points to the table. I have all 4 current generation systems (Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC). I can pick and choose the superior versions of multiplatform games and also the wealth of exclusive titles for each system at will. 2011 is the year that definitely shows the Xbox 360's age as far as the HD systems is concerned, and Microsoft's willingness to recoup losses (increasing the price of Live) is something I don't support, especially if I don't benefit from it.

Mortal Kombat, which is only being released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with no hints at a PC version, is going to be superior on the PlayStation 3. If you don't like that revelation, you have no room to complain because, for this example, you bought the wrong system.
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Well here is the problem then- don't complain if you aren't getting superior treatment on your console of choice.

Mortal Kombat was built with the PS3 in mind. Sony paid for it, and those with PS3s benefit from it.

Don't like it? Then don't complain. Simple, really.

That makes absolutely no sense. I'm gonna start to look like an ass if I argue with another ass. Goodbye troll.
Well here is the problem then- don't complain if you aren't getting superior treatment on your console of choice.

Mortal Kombat was built with the PS3 in mind. Sony paid for it, and those with PS3s benefit from it.

Don't like it? Then don't complain. Simple, really.

MK was built with a multiplatform engine and looks to be nearly identical on each platform. I wouldn't say having a 3D mode and one exclusive character/stage means the game was built with the PS3 in mind. Only thing PS3 has right now over the 360 is a couple pieces of exclusive content that have absolutely nothing to do with the game "being built with the PS3 in mind" or any of that nonsense. Lay off the trolling, please.

Either way I'm buying the game on 360 because I prefer Live. I'll get the PS3 version when it drops in price.
lol @ the guy who thinks WB is aligning themselves with the "superior" console

Sony was crapping their pants because they were losing Warner Bros. to HD DVD early in the hi-def wars so they dumped $400,000,000 into WB's lap to support Blu-ray instead. WB of course took the money because they didn't give a crap which hi-def medium won. So now they have a partnership with Sony from the Blu-ray tie-ins and since NRS is a subsidiary of WB they're basically forced to make the content for Sony's console. Hence the content for DC Universe and Batman too.

It has nothing to do with aligning themselves with a "superior" console, it's just Sony getting desperate and throwing money at a company. By your logic the 360 is the superior console because it gets the most exclusive content by more developers. Sony is just getting stuff from WB which isn't even a games studio, they know nothing about which console is better than the other.

But anyone with any tech knowledge knows that neither one is superior to the other. Both have their up and downsides.
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I think people are being pretty ridiculous in this topic. People are acting as if Mortal Kombat fans only play MK, thus having only a 360 was a bad choice, but when you compare exclusive/shared games/etc. You can see that there are other fanbases the user can be a part of. I think the major factor is, we shouldn't have to purchase multiple systems for a multi-console game just to relish in extra content. Personally I'm getting both copies of the game (due to friends on both sides once I get a more stable connection) but I can't help but feel these console wars are pointless and pushing people to hate two of the major companies. In this case Sony/Microsoft. That's why I think Nintendo is still a dominant force even with less technologically advanced systems and 'ware, aside from FP/SP games exclusive to Nintendo, they don't even seem to get major hits or good exclusives for shared games like M/S do.

On another note: Demos can actually and vastly make or break a sale. People seeing the PS3 treated with more respect may end up not purcasing the game at all if a 360 user, the same as those who are politically correct, or find it harsh. Let's not bring up dedicated fans who were expecting fair treatement.

So altough like others have said I don't think it was NRS, but WB will probably get "Bit on the ass" for this treatment in sales, though it'll hurt NRS more than anything.
To those who argue about which console is better, here's the opinion (and pretty much a fact) of someone who has actually worked with both, and coded for both:

PS3 is a hassle to deal with but if you got someone funding you to waste your time optimizing a game for it and taking full advantage of its potential, it will look a lot better than the Xbox.

However, programming for the Xbox is a breeze (relatively speeking, you still need a brain to do it :P), which is why most games released on both consoles have a higher FPS count and run smoother on the Xbox (don't jump at my throat yet, we're talking 1-5 frames per second max). It's just more cost-effective.

That being said, both consoles are about on par right now, and the PS3 is expected to have a slight edge over the next 1-2 years. The next-gen consoles are just around the corner though.

So let's stop this fanboi fare, it all comes down to preferences about the games as both consoles are a very good piece of hardware. Sorry to burst the bubble of any xbox or ps3 die hard fans, but seeing some of you lot's arguments really makes me perplexed.

~Khanada's 2 cents : )


Just quoting this because this is about the best answer one can give.

PS3 is a hassle to deal with but if you got someone funding you to waste your time optimizing a game for it and taking full advantage of its potential, it will look a lot better than the Xbox.

Didn't Crytek just negate this argument with Crysis 2? Pretty much every review out there said the 360 version was the best looking game on consoles, and the few who didn't said it was at least on par with anything else out right now. If games like God of War, Uncharted, and Killzone are optimized for the PS3 and then some 3rd party developer like Crytek manages to make a game that looks better on the 360 then I find your line that I quoted to be just...wrong.
Didn't Crytek just negate this argument with Crysis 2? Pretty much every review out there said the 360 version was the best looking game on consoles, and the few who didn't said it was at least on par with anything else out right now. If games like God of War, Uncharted, and Killzone are optimized for the PS3 and then some 3rd party developer like Crytek manages to make a game that looks better on the 360 then I find your line that I quoted to be just...wrong.

With time developers learn to make better use of the system's resources. Titles like Crysis 2, which are multiplatform, tend to favor the Xbox360 since it's easier to take advantage of the system (realtively speaking). Compare TES Oblivion and TES Skyrim, you'll see what I mean - it's called evolution and learning process.

There is a limit, however, although it hasn't plateaud yet. This is fairly common to all platforms' lifespans, their graphical evolution resembles a reverse exponential growth function.

I hope this answers your concerns my friend :)
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Dude all you people arguing over cinsoles are such noobs. Such fanboy, butthurt, noobs! And I'm not "Just sayin" I'm stating facts.

I have every ****ing system out today. I have 2 360's two PS3's and a Wii. They are all GREAT in their own way. The Wii, I can play games like SSBB, Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, etc. It makes me feel like a kid again, it's fun. The 360 has amazing exclusives like Halo, Gears of War, and a bunch of fun Marketplace Arcade games. The PS3 has Metal Gear Solid, God of War, etc. A TRUE gamer respects both companies, and appreciates titles from both. Metal Gear Solid, a PS exclusive since the early 90's is now coming to xbox, do you see me crying like a *****? No, because I'm not a noob fanboy like half of you.

Grow the **** up please. You look foolish.