Any 360 users feel the same way about the lack of a demo?

You're not understanding the hive mind. When the buzz starts building, they wont need to play it. You're right about it's good to give demos, but limiting the demo to 50 percent of the population is even better. Why do you think they start by releasing it to a VERY limited crowd at game conventions? Also, not releasing info on the 360 exclusive content builds even more interest.

The big problem is after global ec. problems people are more paranoid on their buck. What was acceptable with say SC (guest characters in SC2) is not acceptable by todays standards. Why do you think certain games delay when they release in the same month as another game of the same genre/etc.? Because of competition. If we say had one fighting game coming out this year or around the last few years, I could easily agree.

However, on another note, if the content was crap a wise consumer who may look at the game and go "wow, I'm getting ripped off of this experience, forget NRS and WB" because they may only a 360. Which would deprive a sale. That's just one, however, when discussin a group we don't have just one person, we have multiple sales.

Sure the standard "I'll buy anything with hype including Halo series" person [Note: not hating on Halo I like the series just making my stereotype more apparant] will buy it, but people are way more conscious on their purcahses now. Which again in the long run lowers the potential amount of sales. Where as if they showed the content/etc. right from the bat, it gives more incentive to buy right off the bat. Because the smart consumer won't buy if they hate the extra content anyway. [Which also stops them from buying another potentially buzzed game.]

In a year with GoW3, Disgaea 4, and more, you really have to put your hype, where your mouth is.
oh ..really? ..hmm.. how old is the ps3? (4-5 years) ..I guess it's not that hard to bash a console graphic wise after years. ;)

also are M$ and Nintendo related?

and to be not off-topic, if the "exlcusive-X360 stuff" appears to be true, you should be quite happy by now. no? - I'd trade the demo for the goodies.. :p

I bought the game, so I still supported MK as I am a fan. I just agree with the other guys who feel dicked. Switch shoes, if we 360 users received all the exclusive content like ps3 did, with no mention of ps3 at all (aside from Ed Boon saying we love our ps3 fans lol) you guys (ps3 owners) would flip the hell out. I know that for a fact. With that being said this was poorly handled. It's easy to say stop complaining when you have all the exclusive content from a multi platform game. This was no cool at all, if we don't get a demo just come out an say it and give a reason. Don't pull people on a string with false hope, shoot now the games launching soon no point now of a demo.

As for Nintendo and Xbox i said one reason why
Xbox was something new something fresh, but another reason was because i've always rocked out with Nintendo from the beginning and then when they stopped making good serious systems (Nintendo) I went to DreamCast, they closed doors and Xbox dropped and aI honestly 1st bought it because being a Tech guy I appreciated the amount of detail that went into it, Microsoft was losing about 120 per console, because it was worth more then the retail price and It was the heavy underdog and I personally love going the other direction from the crowd. After that the rest was history and it's the system I stick with. My personal preference like your's is ps3 no difference i like what i like.

Again this was poorly handled and we have a right to voice concern about this because we have supported this game by pre ordering it, some guys buying more then one copy....
This is a choice you made when you decided for whatever reason to move and live where you did. Its nobodys responsibility to keep your feelings in consideration when making business decisions.

You miss the point I was trying to make. I could be in Germany, United Kingdom, New Zealand or some rural spot in the United States.
Not having access to play the game in any form aside of a demo applies to anywhere.
By not releasing a demo across all available consoles at the same time, they are segregating the market, and consumers ability to try out their product.

Well last time I checked money still makes the world go round, until we adopt a Star Trek like economic situation companies are going to do business how they feel is best for their company.

It does. And I'm not disputing that. I'm just expressing what others are feeling in regards to their business decision.

Do you have the company financials to back up your statement? No? You sure? Ok well till you do you cannot say what they are doing is good busniess or bad business no mater how much we as comsumers dislike it.

Neglecting 50% of their userbase and market overall *is* poor business practice. I don't need a company financial to know that is true.
Do you not think that if a demo had been released simultaneously on both consoles that sales would have spiked even higher than they have now?
For the vast majority, I think I can safely say that most sales prior to a demo being released for consumers to try have been from die-hard fans that follow the series and will buy into the product regardless whether they got to try a demo or not, rather than the casual gaming audience out there.
Had the demo been released at the same time for all available consoles I'm certain there would have been even more pre-orders from those who might not have even known about or have ever played a Mortal Kombat game in their lives.

I am sure demos can help the sales of games, I doubt demos are the end all be all to boosting sales and is not the only marketing strategy / ploy they have used on us since its anouncment.

Please. I'm willing to bet that once the demo hit the PSN that sales spiked like mad. Yes, there are other marketing strategies out there they are using, but being able to try a sample of a product to see if you like it or not before buying is always better than watching say, a 3d rendered cutscene of a game and basing whether it will be good or not on that or any other marketing a game company can offer.

This is the only logical thing you have said, that being said the total amount of people who take the time to go on a forum and follow a game "start to finish" is only a small fraction of the player base that is going to buy the game.

I wouldn't be speaking on someone being logical or not, based on your responses which I have refuted.

Regardless of the slight, I agree that the hardcore playerbase that follow the series is only a fraction (wouldn't say it was small, by any means) of the people who will buy the game.
BUT...those that get to sample the game before it's released will be much more likely to pre-order the game in advance knowing they will enjoy it, and advance sales tend to be a good gauge/estimate on whether a product will end up being successful or not and on how many runs of it they should produce for the market to avoid possible shortages.
To those who argue about which console is better, here's the opinion (and pretty much a fact) of someone who has actually worked with both, and coded for both:

PS3 is a hassle to deal with but if you got someone funding you to waste your time optimizing a game for it and taking full advantage of its potential, it will look a lot better than the Xbox.

However, programming for the Xbox is a breeze (relatively speeking, you still need a brain to do it :P), which is why most games released on both consoles have a higher FPS count and run smoother on the Xbox (don't jump at my throat yet, we're talking 1-5 frames per second max). It's just more cost-effective.

That being said, both consoles are about on par right now, and the PS3 is expected to have a slight edge over the next 1-2 years. The next-gen consoles are just around the corner though.

So let's stop this fanboi fare, it all comes down to preferences about the games as both consoles are a very good piece of hardware. Sorry to burst the bubble of any xbox or ps3 die hard fans, but seeing some of you lot's arguments really makes me perplexed.

~Khanada's 2 cents : )


So developers' effort is basically the reason why it's develop for 360 port to PS3? Well, it's the library that makes it for me, but this is definitely insightful stuff. +rep
So developers' effort is basically the reason why it's develop for 360 port to PS3? Well, it's the library that makes it for me, but this is definitely insightful stuff. +rep

It is easier, to an extent, yes. Keep in mind, however, that I only used the word "port" for ease of expression and to avoid getting unnecessarily technical. I hope noone gets the idea that we only code for Xbox and use a magical program to transform the code afterwards. Anyways, I'm babbling again =P

So, back on topic, ain't seeing that demo coming out before release. Good thing I suppose. Finals next 2 weeks, I can only imagine what my results would look like if I had any sort of access to the demo.
Do you guys remember when PS3 first came out and 360 had all of these exclusives and any game that was on both always looked better and had better load times on 360? Not to mention sometimes they got games out faster (The Orange Box) just because they didnt want to work with the PS3? Well I remember those times well. Don't mean to sound rude but ever since then I don't feel sorry at all for 360 owners when PS3 people get things
Can we please stop with the demo BS, theres already another thread talking about the 360 demo (WHICH AINT COMING!) can we stop it PLEASE! its annoying...
Can we please stop with the demo BS, theres already another thread talking about the 360 demo (WHICH AINT COMING!) can we stop it PLEASE! its annoying...

yeah i gave up waiting, the demo isnt coming and its truely a disappointment to the Xbox MK Fans, the only thing i wish they would have done is come out and said" hey there wont be an xbox demo" instead of having me search thru the marketplace like a crack head for the slightest glimpse of mortal kombat. just come out and say it guys......
yeah i gave up waiting, the demo isnt coming and its truely a disappointment to the Xbox MK Fans, the only thing i wish they would have done is come out and said" hey there wont be an xbox demo" instead of having me search thru the marketplace like a crack head for the slightest glimpse of mortal kombat. just come out and say it guys......

Yeah, exactly. I don't want them to say it will be out when it hasn't. Or if they said there wouldn't be a 360 demo that would have been okay. It sucks how they had to wave it in front of us, it's bad practice
i agree, right now on Ed's Twitter PS3 fans are actually complaining that we might get The Pit 360...****ing unbelievable, I have waited for this game since DC Universe and now that it's here i don't even know if i want it...
My take....

Yes ! I am hella pizzzed that us xbox 360 owners didn't get a demo ! I'm also pizzzed at all the people in here telling us pizzzed off people that we shouldn't be pizzzed ! We have 10 damn good reasons to feel this way from not being told that a demo was forthcoming at all, to just a lack of acknowledgement. Yeah, I get that WB and Sony are quite cozy and this may have more to do with this than anything. Someone clearly dropped the ball on this one and it's looking like it's microsoft. They didn't think this would be a big deal but I think it's turning out to be bigger than we all imagined..... Whew !

Now that I got that off my chest, Am I gonna love and play the hell outta this game ? Of course, but don't tell us we don't have a valid reason to be pizzzed is all I'm sayin. As far as ps3 owners go, 2 wrongs don't make it right ! Just cuz xbox gets stuff first and you guys get screwed doesn't make it right or fair or equal when we get screwed. It's not cool either way. As an xbox owner, I want you guys to get the same stuff as us at the same time.

Jus sayin.....
That's the sad part of it all. PS3 users I've noticed tend to be quick to rub the demo in our face with the Kratos exclusive, but once rumours came out about exclusives 360 owners might be getting... "Waaah! so unfair!" Certainly changed the gloating to crying. Both consoles will be getting something they will be happy with as Ed has said, it's just a matter of time till the game is out to see what that might be. I'll just be happy with the game, extras are icing on the cake.
That's the sad part of it all. PS3 users I've noticed tend to be quick to rub the demo in our face with the Kratos exclusive, but once rumours came out about exclusives 360 owners might be getting... "Waaah! so unfair!" Certainly changed the gloating to crying. Both consoles will be getting something they will be happy with as Ed has said, it's just a matter of time till the game is out to see what that might be. I'll just be happy with the game, extras are icing on the cake.

It's those type of users that just can't be happy with what they already have. They should be at least happy their fellow Xbox users are getting something instead of nothing.
could this situation have been handled better?...yeah...But I am sure there is 100 times more things going on behind the scenes with exclusivity contracts and such that make it hard for people to decide what they can and can't say

They said 360 will get a demo but never said an exact date. More than likely it will be a post launch release for future buyers to test out. I just want to see what they mean by everyone will be happy with the situation because that response could come back to haunt them if PS3 gets all the exclusives and 360 gets nothing except some avatar clothes and such. It isn't the end of the world and in the end is just a business decision they made.
could this situation have been handled better?...yeah...But I am sure there is 100 times more things going on behind the scenes with exclusivity contracts and such that make it hard for people to decide what they can and can't say

They said 360 will get a demo but never said an exact date. More than likely it will be a post launch release for future buyers to test out. I just want to see what they mean by everyone will be happy with the situation because that response could come back to haunt them if PS3 gets all the exclusives and 360 gets nothing except some avatar clothes and such. It isn't the end of the world and in the end is just a business decision they made.

It might come back to haunt them with more of the newer players, though us fans (I will never call myself Die Hard) will buy it regardless.

I just really hope we do get an exclusive guest character. Uniqueness is always appreciated, and it would pull more fans into the game from other games, much like what they are doing with Kratos.