Any 360 users feel the same way about the lack of a demo?


New member
First off, I don't want this to become a 360 vs. PS3 fight thread so please be civil if there are any disagreements. Constructive arguments are welcomed. This is mostly geared towards people who own only an Xbox 360 like me but PS3 users feel free to say something.

As we all know, Xbox 360 users have been patiently waiting for the MK demo which has been released on PS3 almost a month ago. MK will be released in 17 days and I'm not really itching to play the demo anymore if that's what you're wondering. I am however disappointed with how this has played out. I would have loved to have gotten it around the same time as PS3 users, no doubt about that. Don't get me wrong, I can understand PS3 users saying "well you guys get everything before us usually" and I'm very happy that some fellow fans have access to this demo. Here's where some people may disagree with what I have to say, but all I have to ask is look at it from my perspective as a 360 user and not just a disappointed fan..

Xbox 360 users have to pay to use Xbox Live, and in return we do get early access to most things. On PS3, Playstation Plus is an option. I feel, as a 360 user, we should be given early/exclusive access because it's a paid service. And that because I pay (and willing choose so) we shouldn't be jipped out of content on at least a moderately popular game. I'm not saying we should have gotten the demo before PS users, but at least around the same time as them. As a willingly paying consumer of a premium online service, we should not have been given the boot on the demo. I know it's been confirmed but for me at least it's a little late for apologies by NRS or Warner Bros or whoever. It's a little frustrating.

PS3 users, I know you made the choice to have a PS3 and that was yours alone for whatever reasons. I chose the 360 for my reasons, the payed online service for early/exclusive content being one of them. The PS3 users that don't pay for service, that's what you choose to do. It's your choice to wait for most stuff. Look at it from my perspective, I pay extra for the content early. I feel a little jipped because I pay for it and the goods weren't delivered (timely, at least). I'm totally happy for you guys that you got to download and play it. Old build or not, it's a taste your fellow 360 fans didn't get. I'm more mad that some and not all fans got a taste of the game that we all equally deserve.

It doesn't matter if we play 360 or PS3, we are all Mortal Kombat fans. Whatever the true story is behind the demo, I guess now it doesn't really matter whose fault it really is. In the end, regards to the timely availability of the demo, some fans lost without good reason.

Again, any constructive arguments or disagreements are welcome. No hate or bashing please.
Not getting a demo on 360 isn't a big deal to me, not anymore anyway. What IS a little troubling to me is NRS' complete lack of acknowledgement. I understand there are deals in place, but I don't think they should be so vague to 50% of the buyers and fans. I've never seen a cross platform game where one side was so fully shut out leading up to the release.
I completely agree with Tedakin and Robosmoke. Don't forget that not only did we not get a demo, we didn't get an exclusive anything either. And I don't mean avatar compatibility with King of the Hill Mode. That's just f*cking retarded.
i agree with this post. i think that at this late stage in the game we can just wait it out. however it is kind off baffling as to why warner chose to exclude the x-box from a demo. one theory i have is that most of the pre-orders were made for 360. so to boost interest, and eventually sales, they opted to release it for ps3 earlier. i think the demo will most likely appear on xbla around launch. you would think however that because we pay a monthly fee we would be privy to the same content as ps3 regarding multi-platform releases. oh well only 2 1/2 weeks to go. i think i can make it.
This is a "just sayin'" more than anything. I don't care as much either but I felt I had to at least say something about it.
Well I wish they would step up and say the 360 demo will come on XX:XX:XX date. That date could be 5 days away or 5 months, just treat all your customers with respect. Is that so hard to do?
I'm upset with MS

after all the shit i have to pay for

you guys couldn't open up your paychecks and help get us the damn demo

Go f*** yourself major nelson
I have both PS3 and 360. I also have PS Plus so I've had the demo forever. I pre ordered the TE on 360 because my friends have Live. I'm EXTREMELY happy to have had access to the demo because I haven't enjoyed an MK game since UMK3. 2-D plane is my thing. If not for the demo, I wouldn't be excited for this game at all and might not have purchased it. I certainly wouldn't have pre ordered it. Might have gotten it down the line. Point is...this demo SHOULD be available to people who only have 360 so they can see that MK is back!
i know xbox live is a paid service but 360 allways get stuff first, im still pissed about nba2k11 they made it a 360 exclusive and then ported it to the PS3 wtf is that, the PS3 version looks so messed up with all those jaggys i still cant believe it wasnt fixed. not for nothing but MK did come out first for playstation one back in the day when it was (PLAYSTATION vs SEGA SATURN) so its sort of a PS exclusive. it feels like they gotta pay homage to PS3 first.
I think the problems between Microsoft and Mortal Kombat is much deeper than anyone realizes. An example of this, which probably was the start, was UMK3 being taken off the 360 arcade. It was said that it may return but never did. Luckily I had bought it long before they took it off, so I still have access to it, but no online for the game since XBL stopped supporting it. This same arcade game is available to the PS3 still.

Now I'm seeing the X-Box being shut out of exclusives for this game, very interesting. I wonder what it was that destroyed the relationship.

I am not upset at all about not getting the demo on the 360 because I have access to a PS3 whenever I want. I bet those who have no access are pretty upset, and that's understandable. Completely outrageous how this game seems like a PS3 exclusive, and not multi-platform. The way the MK team has handled this publically has been complete crap too. It's time for some honesty and some direct/informative answers, because there's a lot of mad fans.
i know xbox live is a paid service but 360 allways get stuff first, im still pissed about nba2k11 they made it a 360 exclusive and then ported it to the PS3 wtf is that, the PS3 version looks so messed up with all those jaggys i still cant believe it wasnt fixed. not for nothing but MK did come out first for playstation one back in the day when it was (PLAYSTATION vs SEGA SATURN) so its sort of a PS exclusive. it feels like they gotta pay homage to PS3 first.

Actually if you want to use that logic MK should be paying homage to the Wii. Since it came out on the Snes before the PSONE existed.
Secondly that doesn't work because MK has always been a cross-platform game since the beginning.

From a business stand point, WB has a deal with Sony because they are both heavy in the Blu-Ray market. That is why I think they were inclined to go with timed Ps3 exclusive over 360. I,e they already have a good business releationship.
I'm with all of you.

We're, after all, all fans of the same series and it's just sad when money dictates which ones get to enjoy it. Now the game is almost released and there's still no info on anything XBox-related, which leaves a lot to be desired on the part of the MK team. Does this mean that PS3 (plus or normal) will get, say, a 1-2 week head-start on DLC as well if Sony decides to dish out the big buck? Hope not.

At some point you gotta draw the line and treat customers across platforms equally, otherwise there will only be problems in the long term.

Good posts by everyone here, good to see the flame trolls have not invaded the thread yet!
I'll be honest, I'm not the most patient person in the world, but I rather not get the demo at this point. For me it'll mean more to experience the game in its entirety on day one. I won't bother getting into the politics of WB with MS or Sony because simply, we just don't know whats going on behind closed doors. Yeah, PS3 got the exclusive character, stereoscopic 3D and Demo, but we don't know what we'll get with the 360, I personally like a pure MK and although lets be honest, I would've loved a demo, at this point I'm a lot more excited to experience the game on the 19th.
WB and Sony have a partnership. It's like asking why Naughty Dog doesn't make Uncharted for the 360. There's nothing MS could've done if Sony is filling NRS's wallet for exclusive content. That's just how it goes. I'm sure you'll get over it once the game drops.
WB and Sony have a partnership. It's like asking why Naughty Dog doesn't make Uncharted for the 360. There's nothing MS could've done if Sony is filling NRS's wallet for exclusive content. That's just how it goes. I'm sure you'll get over it once the game drops.

Probably. Although when I'm getting my ass kicked by Kratos at my bro's house, I don't think I can have the usual comeback: "why don't you come play on my Xbox while I use _____ and see how YOU feel?"
I feel you guys, this definitely sucks for the xbox users like myself, but its kinda good kinda bad. Bad bc im so pissed they didnt give us a demo yet, but good bc i get to see the full mk game all at once, which im really hyped about.
Thank you all for agreeing with me. I'm just as hyped as the next guy when it comes to actually playing the whole game.

In regards to the WB and Sony partnership, I don't think that should have mattered since it's a multi-platform game. Too bad players have to suffer because of it, business is business I guess.
Paying for a service is not an excuse to give 360 users stuff, because that's not anyone's fault. Microsoft wants to gain money by making you guys pay for something you should get for free, and that's not Netherrealm's fault. that's like giving someone guilt for something you did.