American Dad or Family Guy?

Yes, in retrospect it appears that you actually intend to become an active member. Welcome back, and hope you stay longer this time!
American Dad, but i still watch both, they are on everyday in the UK. Mind i don't find either of them as funny since i stopped smoking pot.
Yes, in retrospect it appears that you actually intend to become an active member. Welcome back, and hope you stay longer this time!

Thanks :)

Also; has anybody saw the 3-part episode about the Hurricane? It spreads from The Cleveland Show, to American Dad to Family Guy (Not sure of the actual order it goes in, but either way, it's pretty good how they tie everything together).

Personally, I prefer the Family Guy part, while The Cleveland Show has the weakest part in my opinion. But then again, The Cleveland Show has always been the weakest show of the 3. I very rarely find it funny :(
Yeah the Cleveland shows has it's good days, rarely lol

I changed my mind, Family Guy is way too funny.
Besides I've quoted Family Guy way often than American Dad
Yeah the Cleveland shows has it's good days, rarely lol

Yeah, it's a real shame though. I got really hyped for it, only to be let down quite terribly. Though, I did love the scene where Loretta died, and I sort-of harbour a soft spot for Kendra, I think it's just because I love her voice though.
Yeah, it's a real shame though. I got really hyped for it, only to be let down quite terribly. Though, I did love the scene where Loretta died, and I sort-of harbour a soft spot for Kendra, I think it's just because I love her voice though.

Yeah Kendra's voice does make me chuckle
Cleveland Show

but out of these two, American Dad. Family Guy, as OP noted, has to many fill in's while American Dad stays on the main plots the entire episode. Also Family Guy fell apart when their funniest character went on to make his own show.

Cleveland Brown