All things Tanya! - Official Diskussion Thread

Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I'm sorry, my entire post was not pointed at just you and your post, though I did quote you. It aimed at the entirity of this issue, and more.

It's alright. It seemed like you got mad that I agreed with her, that's all.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

It's alright. It seemed like you got mad that I agreed with her, that's all.
Thanks for clearing that up.

I'm not mad at anyone here. Just frustrated with the situation. I just needed to vent, I guess, and I'm sorry you felt targetted, that wasn't my intention. ^^
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Basically I just think people can do racist things without being hateful -- just thoughtless. I'm not saying NRS hates black people. But society preferring women with light skin is racist, even if people do it subconsciously. Lightening Jade and now *really* lightening Tanya is a manifestation of that. Even Jacqui is noticeably lighter than her father is. You can have subconscious prejudices and do racist things without being a bad person. Society is racist and sexist and homophobic and all that other stuff. We absorb it like a sponge. It doesn't mean you're some hateful monster.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Basically I just think people can do racist things without being hateful -- just thoughtless. I'm not saying NRS hates black people. But society preferring women with light skin is racist, even if people do it subconsciously. Lightening Jade and now *really* lightening Tanya is a manifestation of that. Even Jacqui is noticeably lighter than her father is. You can have subconscious prejudices and do racist things without being a bad person. Society is racist and sexist and homophobic and all that other stuff. We absorb it like a sponge. It doesn't mean you're some hateful monster.

I don't disagree with what you say. I would just rather use words like ignorant and insensitive in these cases though. I just find so much more strength behind words as racism, homophobia and sexism, because they stem from hatred. And as you said yourself, you don't think NRS hates black people... and for that very reason, I don't see it as racism.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I get you. But I think it's important to call racism what it is, even if it isn't violent. The idea that only the KKK qualifies as racism lets a lot of people off the hook for bigoted tendencies they should examine.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I get you. But I think it's important to call racism what it is, even if it isn't violent. The idea that only the KKK qualifies as racism lets a lot of people off the hook for bigoted tendencies they should examine.

Hatred comes in many forms, not just violent. "White-washing" a character could be racist if the reason was hatred towards black skin. I just don't think that's the case here.

I'm repeating myself here though. We're kinda going in circles now. So let's instead move on.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I hope that im not out of line and I'm not trying to speak for incubus, but in his defense he was one of the first to voice displeasure in Tanya's change in appearance. I think both he and I have become exhausted going in circles about this subject that wont change. And I feel like you guys are torturing yourselves in vain.
While I've even made comments towards people accepting the changes and voicing them to move on.....

I have resented when others here have made the same comments about minorities voices "forcing" their views upon others, "forcing ' companies to comply to their complaints. and then acting like their opinions should not be heard. If I have made anyone feel this way, i apology sincerely.
I do understand the bigger picture that you guys are alluding to and respect your opinions on the matter.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I get you. But I think it's important to call racism what it is, even if it isn't violent. The idea that only the KKK qualifies as racism lets a lot of people off the hook for bigoted tendencies they should examine.

I agree. In all honesty, I believe NRS thought making Tanya white would make her appeal to more people, as opposed to a small group who actually appreciate and endorse more characters of color in video games. As I've stated before, anyone who claims that Tanya is not the Edenian equivalent of black is fooling themselves. She may not have origin in the continent of Africa but her features are pretty hard to dispute, as she has darker skin, full lips, and coarse hair, which is noticeably different from Jade's. Saying "She's not black; she's Edenian" is moronic. Literally every Edenian we've seen is white with the exception of Jade and Tanya. This means, like humans, they are all of the same race but the difference is a cultural/ancestral thing. Tanya is NOT African American but she's a black Edenian. Denying it is pointless.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

Hatred comes in many forms, not just violent. "White-washing" a character could be racist if the reason was hatred towards black skin. I just don't think that's the case here.

I'm repeating myself here though. We're kinda going in circles now. So let's instead move on.

It's simply that there's no 'reason' to do it that isn't in some way racially motivated. In any case, yes, there's no point going back and forth.

I hope that im not out of line and I'm not trying to speak for incubus, but in his defense he was one of the first to voice displeasure in Tanya's change in appearance. I think both he and I have become exhausted going in circles about this subject that wont change. And I feel like you guys are torturing yourselves in vain.
While I've even made comments towards people accepting the changes and voicing them to move on.....

I have resented when others here have made the same comments about minorities voices "forcing" their views upon others, "forcing ' companies to comply to their complaints. and then acting like their opinions should not be heard. If I have made anyone feel this way, i apology sincerely.
I do understand the bigger picture that you guys are alluding to and respect your opinions on the matter.
My feeling is that if we want this to change -- and I do -- then our only chance of making any change is to make a fuss on social media, forums, etc., before she comes out as DLC. I'll shut up after May 10th, promise. ;)

I agree. In all honesty, I believe NRS thought making Tanya white would make her appeal to more people, as opposed to a small group who actually appreciate and endorse more characters of color in video games. As I've stated before, anyone who claims that Tanya is not the Edenian equivalent of black is fooling themselves. She may not have origin in the continent of Africa but her features are pretty hard to dispute, as she has darker skin, full lips, and coarse hair, which is noticeably different from Jade's. Saying "She's not black; she's Edenian" is moronic. Literally every Edenian we've seen is white with the exception of Jade and Tanya. This means, like humans, they are all of the same race but the difference is a cultural/ancestral thing. Tanya is NOT African American but she's a black Edenian. Denying it is pointless.

Agreed. "They're Edenian" isn't an excuse when they clearly scan to real world ethnicities. They're not green aliens. Is Li Mei, who straight up has a Chinese name, not Asian because she's an Outworlder? Clearly the realms have some ethnic overlap. It wouldn't be all that shocking if Outworld and Edenia had been intermixing with Earthrealm for centuries.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

It's simply that there's no 'reason' to do it that isn't in some way racially motivated. In any case, yes, there's no point going back and forth.

My feeling is that if we want this to change -- and I do -- then our only chance of making any change is to make a fuss on social media, forums, etc., before she comes out as DLC. I'll shut up after May 10th, promise. ;)

Agreed. "They're Edenian" isn't an excuse when they clearly scan to real world ethnicities. They're not green aliens. Is Li Mei, who straight up has a Chinese name, not Asian because she's an Outworlder? Clearly the realms have some ethnic overlap. It wouldn't be all that shocking if Outworld and Edenia had been intermixing with Earthrealm for centuries.

You have officially become my favorite poster on this site. Sheer genius!
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I hope that im not out of line and I'm not trying to speak for incubus, but in his defense he was one of the first to voice displeasure in Tanya's change in appearance. I think both he and I have become exhausted going in circles about this subject that wont change. And I feel like you guys are torturing yourselves in vain.
While I've even made comments towards people accepting the changes and voicing them to move on.....

I noticed this out of all of these posts.
Strangely, Tanya has been the least of peoples conversations for the past 2 pages. This entire thread has spun into a thread about race.
Everyone has come to the conclusion of accepting Tanya's skin, so now it's just about the black characters in general.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I noticed this out of all of these posts.
Strangely, Tanya has been the least of peoples conversations for the past 2 pages. This entire thread has spun into a thread about race.
Everyone has come to the conclusion of accepting Tanya's skin, so now it's just about the black characters in general.

It was spun because it was said that changing Tanya's skincolour was racist and then it was said that black people weren't represented alot... and then it kinda went from there.

So no, not everyone have accepted the change of Tanya's skintone, or else those comments wouldn't have been made.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I couldnt see them turning Jax white. But if they did I guess it would he more laughs. Certainly more media intention.

The stunning part to me is how hugely popular Tanya is on this board. Like wow, i feel like she has more outspoken fans here than any other character.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I couldnt see them turning Jax white. But if they did I guess it would he more laughs. Certainly more media intention.

The stunning part to me is how hugely popular Tanya is on this board. Like wow, i feel like she has more outspoken fans here than any other character.

If you notice in Story Mode, when Jax is a revenant, he is actually quite pale. The paleness disappears when he turns back to human. So they actually did turn Jax "white", though only for a short time.
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

[MENTION=6310]Tanyas Husband[/MENTION]
They've went and cut the PS4 down by £70/80 in the UK, but the offer only lasts til Tuesday. I could cry into the money that I don't have to buy one :(

P.s. Tanya's costume is nice, incase people think I've went too off topic :p
Re: Tanya's Design Compared to Older Designs.

I know not a lot of people liked them, but I preferred the white eyes. I think with the bang down to her eyes, and the dark eye makeup, it made her white eyes really stand out