Action Figures and Other Toys

I got both the Mezco 6 inch Scorpion and Sub-Zero and they are the best MK figures I've seen. The level of detail is just beautiful, the paint is nicely done too. I used to have the Infinite Concepts ones a long time ago and they were a huge pain when it came to articulation. While the articulation of the Mezco ones isn't the best it's not too bad either. I've basically got them posed in their MKX stances and they look great.

With Scorpion's face it looked terrible and his mask kept falling off, it really did need the beard but I don't have the knack for that sort of thing so I just glued his mask on and he looks much better. I'm hanging on to get the Ice Clone Version of Sub-Zero when it's at a good price or more importantly here in Australia, it's just way way too much with shipping at the moment. But when that day comes I'll be able to do an epic battle scene with the ice ball in Sub-Zero's hand using the Ice Clone as a shield and Scorpion throwing his Spear.
Good luck with getting Sub Zero's ice clone figure for a "good price". It was [supposed] to be a SDCC exclusive. He's just only going to go up in price as time passes.
Well, I know where I'd rather put the money then when the time's a nice figure but too pricey, maybe I'll just get the Ice Version Sub-Zero they're doing with the Iceball and just leave it at that then.

EDIT--- Scratch that found One for a Really Really Good Price including shipping, there goes the money I was going to use on MKX for the 360.
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Really tempted to take it out of the box but I don't really have a good place to display it so probably going to keep it inside like my Boba Fett vs IG-88 Figure set.

Nice!, I still got all my shadows of the empire toys from when I was a kid, high-top cut Chewie FTW.

That reminds me, I took this a while back. A homage to a scene from the game/comic. Best star wars game ever made.....

I wish that game was on Steam, I've always wanted to play it myself after I saw the AVGN play it with Mike. The Boba Fett battle looks awesome with the use of the jetpack.
It's pretty crunchy by todays standards, as far as controls go (the long jumps lol) but it really captured the more dark atmosphere of star wars during the 90's, before Episode 1 came out and changed everything. The fact you were playing as a mercenary and not exactly a typical "Hero" was cool. You can probably torrent it somewhere and N64 copies are everywhere. I still find myself trying to beat my records to this day.
Shadow of the Empire use to scare me when I was little. The intense boss fights that sometimes catch you off guard and the great music. These figures are awesome and now I'm having flashbacks.

Wheres my 64 at?
Went to New York Comic Con today, walked out with two Kotobukiya statues, one being NYCC exclusive. I was really glad to walk out with an exclusive I actually wanted.

At the booth I was considering getting a Juri Han or Chun Li but unfortunately they were both covered by tissue paper so I couldn't get a good look at them. I didn't matter because once I saw Anna on the list I bought her right away, been wanting her for a long time. One of the coolest things about her is that her stockings are actually nylon.




The NYCC Exclusive was Sakura in her Physical Education outfit


The stand is actually really awesome, she doesn't fall over which really impresses me.

Booty for [MENTION=10998]iViTal[/MENTION]


The stands also come with interchangable images for them which is a nice touch. I chose to use the character art on each one


i swore to myself one day i would be attending these events only problem is where i live at (GA) the only thing that goes down here are suicide inducing reality shows centered around foundation queens with fake ass and titties

how much do the tickets cost?
i swore to myself one day i would be attending these events only problem is where i live at (GA) the only thing that goes down here are suicide inducing reality shows centered around foundation queens with fake ass and titties

how much do the tickets cost?

So much truth in this!
Got my SH Figuarts Ultimate Gohan today! I wasn't expecting to like him since he's literally just a Goku body with a new head sculpt, but the reusing of the Goku body so much has made them perfect the body. It's nice, solid and sturdy. Not too loose but still can be posed dynamically without any problems.

The major downside is that the smirking face looks really weird. I don't like it at all. His yelling and neutral face are great (minus the giant forehead but those are on all of the faces) but his smirking face is weird. I wont ever use it sadly.

SSGSS Goku and Golden Frieza are coming out in two weeks as well. I have Goku pre-ordered but not Golden Frieza. I plan on getting him but I figured Goku would sell out faster, so I decided to pre-order him just in case he did. SSJ3 Goku AND Perfect Cell were also announced to have a repaint reissue (Advanced Color reissue like SSJ Vegeta and Future Trunks) thankfully. I refuse to shell out $200-250 for either of those figures. I love Perfect Cell, but I can't justify paying that much and I refuse to pay that much for SSJ3 Goku because the paint scheme on him is ugly as all hell. So the repaint reissue is a total blessing for my collection and all new DBZ Figuarts collectors. Now just gotta wait on a repaint reissue of Scouter Vegeta and Final Form Frieza!
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Multipost but oh well. I got my Kotobukiya X-Force Deadpool in last week. It's pretty damn awesome but I do have a problem with one thing and that's how low he is. He has to be on my top shelf to see his face, other than that it's kick ass. You can't move his body and he's got magnets in his feet so he can just stick to the stand. He comes with a cool little white board picket sign and a marker so you write on it. It's a pretty cool little feature I'm glad they decided to stick in.

what do you think nemesiswontdie? I know its MGS2 snake, but I had to work with what I have. Makes me wish I owned a black marble floor though haha
