Active member
Looks good dude. Do you have any of the other Mantis accessories? He comes with a vase and one of those force balls he throws at you.
Got my SH Figuarts Ultimate Gohan today! I wasn't expecting to like him since he's literally just a Goku body with a new head sculpt, but the reusing of the Goku body so much has made them perfect the body. It's nice, solid and sturdy. Not too loose but still can be posed dynamically without any problems.
The major downside is that the smirking face looks really weird. I don't like it at all. His yelling and neutral face are great (minus the giant forehead but those are on all of the faces) but his smirking face is weird. I wont ever use it sadly.
SSGSS Goku and Golden Frieza are coming out in two weeks as well. I have Goku pre-ordered but not Golden Frieza. I plan on getting him but I figured Goku would sell out faster, so I decided to pre-order him just in case he did. SSJ3 Goku AND Perfect Cell were also announced to have a repaint reissue (Advanced Color reissue like SSJ Vegeta and Future Trunks) thankfully. I refuse to shell out $200-250 for either of those figures. I love Perfect Cell, but I can't justify paying that much and I refuse to pay that much for SSJ3 Goku because the paint scheme on him is ugly as all hell. So the repaint reissue is a total blessing for my collection and all new DBZ Figuarts collectors. Now just gotta wait on a repaint reissue of Scouter Vegeta and Final Form Frieza!
My buddy loves Jay and silent Bob where did you find those?
Is the face abnormal looking on yours? Are the eyes set lower then they should be. Because that's all I've heard as far as negatives go on him.