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June 1st, 2012
10:44 AM CST -
We got the first set of Injustice screenshots today. They really show how great and detailed the game costumes look. Check them out below.

If you had problems with the video yesterday, you can now also see the Reveal Trailer on TRMK's YouTube page.

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June 3rd, 2012
10:18 AM CST -
It's no secret we'll be at E3, but why would we keep a secret like that anyway? How about that Injustice, huh? Destructoid got an early look in and out of the LA Convention Center and found that Injustice is very much on display at full force with banners all over the hallways.

Also tomorrow at 11:30am Pacific, Ed Boon stops by GameTrailers to kick off their E3 All Access Live show coverage with new footage from Injustice. This should be viewable online at GameTrailers.com which is said to be mobile friendly this year as well so you can watch from your cell phones or tablets.

We're guessing we will see the game make an appearance at one or all of of the big three pre-E3 Press Conferences. Then, later in the show we hope to catch up with NetherRealm Studios to get a look and hopefully get our hands on Injustice.

So I want to share with you the schedule I have and how you can watch with me, Live! All times listed are Pacific (local to the event).


  • Microsoft's E3 Press Briefing: 9:30am (Pacific) - Watch on your Xbox 360 Dashboard, GameTrailers.com, or Spike TV (see local listings)
  • Ubisoft's E3 Press Briefing: 3:00pm (Pacific) - Watch live on GameTrailers.com or Spike TV (see local listings)
  • Sony's E3 Press Briefing: 6:00pm (Pacific) - Watch live on GameTrailers.com or Spike TV (see local listings)


  • Nintendo All-Access Presentation: 9:00am (Pacific) - Watch live on GameTrailers.com or Spike TV (see local listings)

The rest of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

  • E3 Show floor opens up at 12:00pm on Tuesday.
  • Catch up with NetherRealm Studios to see Injustice and get developer interviews
  • Walking the show floor
  • Seeing the other games of 2012 and 2013
  • Interviewing other developers and publishers

Who You Should Follow

So what if you're looking for non-TRMK related news? Want to know something more than just Console, Injustice or NetherRealm Studios info? Then go to SavingContent.com where we'll the latest of what I see and do. Give the Twitter a follow for updated news as well.

Do you have a question about Injustice you want us to get answered in our developer interview(s)? Be sure to leave them in the comments here, and we'll try to get the best questions answered!

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June 4th, 2012
11:46 AM CST -
Today is mostly all press announcements, the real show opens tomorrow at Noon. We will be updating this news story as the day goes on of any Injustice: Gods Among Us happenings. Refer to our E3 2012 Schedule story for a list of events going on today.

Earlier this morning Ed Boon stopped by Spike TV and GameTrailers on E3 All Access Live to discuss Injustice and he brought all new gameplay footage.

Also later in the day, Ed Boon stopped by G4TV to talk with Kevin Pereira and show more of the game. You see more of the character special movies, intro scenes and more of the stages. Ed also teases that we'll be hearing more about the story in the coming months that'll explain what is going on in Injustice. Check it out embedded below:

Unfortantely we didn't see any Injustice cameos at the big press conferences today, but there is a chance that we may see how the Wii U fits in with Injustice tomorrow morning at the Nintendo Press Conference. Fingers crossed!

Also in the interviews Ed does mention that they will be heading to Comic Con in San Diego this July to show off Injustice: Gods Among Us, so fans book your trips now!

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June 5th, 2012
4:15 PM CST -
The show is just now opening, and thanks to Jeff Gerstmann of GiantBomb we have a bit more info on how Injustice: Gods Among Us works and plays. Their first appointment of E3 was to check out the game, and after done they unveiled that you hold back to block in Injustice.

Also just as they finished that, I hit the Injustice portion of their Pre-E3 GiantBombcast. At around the 1 hour 33 minute mark, Jeff reveals the game has three main attack buttons and one "environmental" attack button. He also reveals how each character has their own uniquely behaving super meter, so this should add an interesting depth to the game. Jeff had gotten to play the game during E3 Judges Week briefly but got more time on it today at E3. I'm sure we'll hear more from about the game as the week goes on.

We also know that Injustice: Gods Among Us is NOT on the show floor. Instead there is a theatre demonstrations going on all day with the NetherRealm staff doing live walkthroughs of the game. Our contributing editor Scott is currently in line for the theatre, here are his initial thoughts.

Come back later today, as we should have more Injustice: Gods Among Us info as the day goes on. Also be sure to follow Scott Ellison on Twitter for updates as the day goes on.

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June 6th, 2012
12:07 AM CST -
The first day of E3 2012 is now over, and so far looks like there is an overall positive feeling for those who are checking out Injustice. Our contributor Scott Ellison got to check out the game at the Booth Theatre Demo earlier today. Here's some of his general thoughts on the game.

Just got out from seeing Injustice. Any reservations you may have of this not being good or MK vs DC 2 have been shattered. New experience!

Game Options

The demo was build 0.37-20 of the game. Menu only had options right now for seledcting One or Two Players. Only six characters on the roster, all we have already seen. Select Screen looks like it'll support up to 24 characters.

Loading screens are pictures and a horizontal line draws in separating the word Injustice from Gods Among Us.

Game HUD

The HUD is clean and on the corners of the screen and blends well so it doesn't get intrusive. Our demo had no counter and was only one round to win, this may be how the gameplay is.

Each character's life bar has an armor "shell" which wraps over the standard bar. It's silver and the armor gets broken off by fighting and using gadgets. Once removed, then it starts chipping off the health bar which is red.

At the bottom in the corner is the special meter. It's a half-circle that wraps the character logo: Batman's Batsignal, Superman's S, Flash's Lightning Bolt or Grundy's Tombstone. Once the meter is full the character logo lights up to let you know what you can use.

Special Attacks

Special attacks are long and epic both in scale and display. Superman punched Flash into space. Flash ran around the world to punch Superman. These have been seen in the video demos so far.


Environments can be destroyed and used against the enemy, like cars on the ground and using a button that deploys missiles from the Batmobile. Bat cave and Daily Planet shown. Each fight was able to transition to three different areas of the location, and can return the fight to the starting point.

The game has minimal blood, but was present. Moves real fast, hard hits. Gadgets will be used by many characters like Batman and Harley Quinn.

He also got some shots of Injustice around the conference hall. Check them out in the gallery below.

Check back tomorrow, when we hopefully will get some interviews with the people at the show as well as get our hands on the game. So be sure to leave us a comment of what questions about the game you may still have.

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10:17 PM CST -
Oh man, what a day. E3 has always been an exhausting run of news and interviews. If there is one thing about E3 that our contributing editor, Scott Ellison II, has figured out is that the show is a cruel mistress. She will give up the goods, but only if you really work for it.

Thanks to help from Community Manager, Rigo Cortes, we were finally provided a unique opportunity to play Injustice: Gods Among Us and speak to the man of the show, NetherRealm Studios creative director, Ed Boon. We asked Ed several questions regarding the origins of Injustice along with storyline, characters and gameplay in an exclusive interview from behind closed doors at E3 2012.

TRMK: The models look more detailed than the characters did in Mortal Kombat 9. There also seems to be a vast difference in character sizes in Injustice. For instance Solomon Grundy is HUGE when compared to someone smaller like Harley Quinn. Are there any notable enhancements being made under the hood to the engine after Mortal Kombat was completed that you want to point out to fans?

Ed Boon: One of the things we did with Mortal Kombat is that we consciously added features that are kind of like for the tournament guys, like there are details that maybe the more casual player isn’t even going to pick up on, but the tournament guys are going to count frames, take things apart, cancels and all those kind of more advanced strategies. We want to expand that way with this game. We want this game to be a tournament game, like EVO and what not. But at the same time, it’s going to be attracting a lot of players that don’t normally play fighting games. So we really want to make sure that we still have the accessibility that Mortal Kombat has always had. While also layering in those deeper features.

Again, we would like to thank Ed Boon, for sitting down with us and answering a few questions in the short time we had with him. Check back with us later as we conclude our E3 2012 Show Floor Coverage with a report on how Injustice plays. We got a chance to sit down with NetherRealm Studios Lead Designer Paulo Garcia, and will detail what we learned in our hands-on session.

If you still have any lingering questions regarding gameplay, please leave a comment in this news post as we may have an opportunity to follow-up with another chance to play Injustice again tomorrow.

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June 7th, 2012
11:04 PM CST -
E3 has come to an end, but our coverage is not over. Today our contributing editor, Scott Ellison II, got to sit down with, NetherRealm Studios Senior Producer, Adam Urbano. Knowing his background in the KoreTech team at NetherRealm we asked Adam several more technical questions about Injustice: Gods Among Us in an exclusive interview from E3 2012.

TRMK: There is talk of an improved network code is being developed for Injustice as well, how well is that going so far? Ed mentioned for instance that DLC content syncing has hopefully been solved.

Adam Urbano: Yep since the day we shipped Mortal Kombat 9 we’ve been working on improving the netcode. Alan and his team have gone ahead and they’ve been focusing solely on network connectivity getting the speed up as high as possible; making sure it works great on WiFi and all the different connections. We’ll be giving details on that stuff later. And the desync issues with compatibility packs; I’m really proud of what we did and not putting stuff on discs so doing right by the fans. But we took those lessons and figured out ways to make it so that we don’t have those issues for these games so we can give fans all the content after the fact and not have network issues.

Again, we would like to thank Adam Urbano, for sitting down with us and answering a few more specific technical questions for us. You can follow Adam Urbano on Twitter at @UrbanJabroni and his blog The Jabroni Report is worth subscribing to. If you have any specific aspect of game development you'd like him to blog about, be sure to drop him a line on Twitter.

Check back with us tomorrow as we wrap up our E3 2012 Show Floor Coverage with a report on how Injustice plays. We got a chance to sit down with NetherRealm Studios Lead Designer Paulo Garcia, and will detail what we learned in our hands-on session.

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June 11th, 2012
1:22 PM CST -
Injustice: Gods Among Us had a huge presence at E3 after only a week since it's unveiling. The lines were always long, sometimes encouraging people to sit as they waited for each demo to end. I was lucky enough to see it, and then play it for myself.

6/5/2012 E3 Show Floor Theatre Viewing:

The demo was build 0.37-20 of the game. The game's menu at E3 showed, One Player, Two Players, and Options. There were only six characters on the roster, all that we have already seen: Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Solomon Grundy, Harley Quinn and The Flash. The character select screen looks like it'll support up to 24 characters, but this can easily change. The game's loading screens are pictures with a horizontal line drawn, separating the word Injustice from Gods Among Us. There is an all-new HUD design that is really slick. Each character's health bar has an armor wrap (silver) that overlays the health bar. The armor bar goes down first, then once depleted, they take health (red) damage.

Special attacks are long and epic both in scale and display. Superman punched Flash into space. Flash ran around the world to punch Superman. Each character has an icon of their logo in lower right meter that glows when ready. The environments can be destroyed and used against the enemy, like cars on the ground and using a button that deploys missiles from the Batmobile. The stages shown at E3 were the Batcave and Fortress of Solitude. Each fight was able to transition to three different areas of the location, and can return the fight to the starting point. Minimal blood was shown during fight sequences, but was present. The game moves real fast, hard hits and with a back to block system, instead of the dedicated button. Gadgets will be used by many characters like Batman and Flash.

6/6/2012 Hands-On:

So yesterday I saw the game, today I played it. I sat down with Paulo Garcia, lead designer at NetherRealm Studios. We played it on Playstation 3's in versus mode. The feel is way closer to MK9 than say, MK vs DC, but that doesn't mean it plays like MK9 exactly.

Special Moves are activated via L1/LT + R2/RT like the X-Ray moves in MK9. Circle is a weapon switch, gadget deploy, or throw depending on character: Weapon switch for Wonder Woman from Whip to Sword & Shield, deploying protective barrier of batarangs for Batman, throwing your enemy styles for Grundy, The Flash runs around the world into a special attack and slows down time, Superman goes into a bit of a rage and is protected and attacks can’t be blocked, Harley deploys a random item from a gift box, BANG! sign or an explosive. All circle items that are gadgets have a cooldown timer to them, very short though – can’t be spammed.

Face Buttons like Square, Triangle and X are used to attack. You do hold back to block, but is not visible and hold back at a distance pulls your character back. Up jumps, double-tap Up when using Batman to do a glide, into an attack combo. R1/RB is used to do a grab L1/LB appeared to not have a function L3/Left Stick and R3/Right Stick buttons did not seem to have a function either.

The game will have a timer, but it was off for E3. All fights will essentially be one round. Narration for the game was not present, and they have not decided on how or who they’ll have announce. Kevin Conroy sounds like he is the voice of Batman in this, but is not confirmed. The person who voices Harley Quinn in Arkham City is not confirmed or denied to be the voice of Harley here. As detailed in the interview with Ed Boon, the development team is not completely set on a maximum of 24 characters. Combos will still be a huge function of your success.

There are no finishing moves, but there are special animations that play out for each character that has a little flourish or insult to injury to end the match. Injustice is coming along nicely, the hits are hard and carry huge weight with everything as you saw in Mortal Kombat (2011). There is epic scale being shown here, and there’s a lot of room for it to grow and to become even bigger and better than what I got to play.

Also incase you missed it, I was able to interview two people you might be interested in:

Ed Boon - Team Lead on Injustice and for NetherRealm Studios, Co-Creator of Mortal Kombat

Adam Urbano - Senior Producer on Injustice and for NetherRealm Studios
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