June 3rd, 2014
1:37 PM CST -
Hot on the heels of yesterday's announcement of Mortal Kombat X, GameStop has made it official that they are offering the previously-leaked "Who's Next" broken spine poster for pre-ordering Mortal Kombat Xicon.

The poster was leaked last week when a GameStop employee posted a photo to Reddit and later deleted the comment. Below is a direct image of the poster that GameStop has released. You can either pre-order online or in-store. If you do choose to pre-order online, you will need to bring a printed page of your pre-order confirmation to your local store in order to pick up your poster. Also, check with your store first to see if they have any posters remaining.

While no other retailer has made any pre-order bonuses known, it is early in the game and one would expect the retailers on the official MK website to offer something when it gets closer to the release date. Keep it tuned for any updates on Mortal Kombat X on TRMK.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

June 3rd, 2014 1:52 PM CST - Taj Gill
Does anyone know if you can upgrade pre-orders? Say if the Kollector's Edition becomes announced, and you pre-ordered the regular version now just so you can get your poster?
June 3rd, 2014 3:41 PM CST - Jeff Greeson
Most likely you can preorder now and upgrade when "special editions" come available. But I would assume that you might need to head to your local store to make that happen.
June 4th, 2014 1:10 PM CST - SpiDoL
I just walked into my local GameStop a few hours ago and they just gave me the poster for nothing. They're friends with me and know I love playing Mortal Kombat...
June 5th, 2014 12:29 PM CST - Commander
I'm not pre-ordering anything until we know whether or not the different retailers have special pre-order bonuses. With MK9, I got stuck with Scorpion bonus stuff in my paid off MK9 pre-order because they only wanted to give me "store credit."
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