July 15th, 2011
8:33 PM CST -
Earlier this week the Rain Story Vignette trailer was released as an exclusive to a few websites. Now today we got our copy to share with our readers, which you can watch below. It goes into depth on the origins of Rain's story so when you buy him next week you are up to speed on his origins.

Along with the new trailer, Warner Bros sent along a press release that revealed that the included skins coming with Rain will actually be Mortal Kombat 2 Inspired Kitana and Jade costumes. These appear to be the much teased Blueberry and Lime costumes we've heard teased before.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios present an all-new video introducing players to the latest DLC warrior, Rain, a power-hungry fighter who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. The third of four new downloadable warriors, Rain will be available on Microsoft Xbox LIVE for 400 Microsoft Points or $4.99 on PlayStation Network starting on July 19th. Rain will be available on the same date for users who have purchased the Microsoft Season Pass. Also releasing on that date will be a free compatibility pack featuring two klassic skins – Mortal Kombat 2-inspired Jade and Kitana.

According to Community Manager Rigo Cortes we may see a trailer for these costumes sometime tomorrow.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

July 15th, 2011 8:58 PM CST - Mad Max Andrade
MK2 Jade and Kitana?!... These costumes were kinda expected, actually, but shouldn't we have anything new for the non-ninja characters? C'mon, NRS, Sonya deserves a Classic Pack with her MK3 outfit and Kiss of Death Fatality! (BTW, we can assume one of next DLC costumes will be MK2 Mileena. What could be the other one? MK2 Skarlet?)
July 15th, 2011 9:05 PM CST - RodleneRoss
rain's fatality is kinda like quan chi's
July 15th, 2011 9:31 PM CST - BOOMSTICK
So, Rain's a dick. lol.
July 15th, 2011 9:47 PM CST - DCR
I know it's kind of unfair for the ninjas to be hogging the classic skins and all that, but screw it, I don't care. Another Kitana costume for me to use = **** yeah.
July 15th, 2011 9:47 PM CST - Fox17
This vignette was realesed yesterday. I dont like classic costumes but im really dissapointed about this new ones.
July 15th, 2011 9:52 PM CST - DCR
Originally Posted by : Fox17
This vignette was realesed yesterday.
Hence this:
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
Earlier this week the Rain Story Vignette trailer was released as an exclusive to a few websites. Now today we got our copy to share with our readers

July 15th, 2011 9:55 PM CST - Fox17
Originally Posted by : DCR
Hence this:
I went straight to the video lol didnt know there were some kind of restrictions, my bad =/
July 15th, 2011 11:33 PM CST - Commander
So, I guess the theory of OTHER characters getting Klassic Costumes had gone straight out the ****ing window. Why in the ****ing hell do we need MK II female ninja costumes, when they already have MK 3 costumes, which are nearly identical (minus the hair tied up) to their MK II costumes??? Makes no ****ing sense. -_- *Sigh*
July 15th, 2011 11:36 PM CST - Aeris-Logan
Im all for the girls getting stuff ... but leaving the other characters out sucks. I really was hoping for a Hornbuckle skin for Liu Kang and the MK2 Kung Lao look for the blue.
July 16th, 2011 6:46 PM CST - Trilogy
call me crazy, but at 1:02, anyone think that the chick might be Tanya??
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