Zatanna Trailer

Agree, great costume for someone who doesn't need anymore costumes who "coincidently" is making a comic appearance next month in Action Comics (I think) got to love marketing.

Action Comics ended in 2011 though. What they have now is New 52.
The only 2 costumes I wish theyd release for superman are his classic with the red underwear and his black costume not the black lantern one.
Nightwing needs a robin costume and maybe a arkham city costume would also like to see a kyle rayner gl
One more day!!! =D

Although because I'm EU its highly likely I'll be screwed and get it on Wednesday with the store update. Haven't bought any of the DLC character so dunno if they make special exception or them
Zatanna's new face....

so no patch tomorrow

Teleport looks like du then hold direction (?) you can also hover in place before you teleport
Hover lasts about 2/3 seconds
Fire Spit is High move. EX you can hold direction for speed (fast/slow)
Ring Toss (Kung Lao Hat) can move position by direction (up/down) EX is overhead(?).
Trait is Timed. Does alot of chip damage. She has a Raven-esque projectile absorb. Her "pop-up" ground attack tracks opponent.
She can't jump more block in her Hat stance.
Her Trio clone special attack works by holding either back/forward. If you hold neutral she'll be in the middle. You can move around with it, but you can't block in it.
Her bf2 is nice footsy tool (Card toss) goes about 2 to 3 character length
f21 freezes abit for set-ups
bf1 low rush kicks
b2 is an overhead
Hypnotize Zombie Walk- normal version debuffs
Footsys tool :rofl:

was there an archive for the stream? I missed it, had to study for Anatomy. :/

trust me it was meh

the one guy even sounded like he didnt want to be there. i will say zatana looks cool but shes on the villains side wich i have zero clue why
They're probably going to swap Scorpion over to the villain side. Lobo was on the Hero side when he first came out.

New face? I don't really see the difference.
They're probably going to swap Scorpion over to the villain side. Lobo was on the Hero side when he first came out.

lobo was on the hero side because he was the first dlc

besides if they havent moved scorpion already what makes you think they will do it now?


Oh well, doesn't bother me at all.

Zatanna's new face is definitely an improvement now that I see the side by side.