Zatanna Trailer

PS3 players have to wait until the store updates to buy her which is around 6 or 7pn. Also HOW BAD-ASS IS THAT CYBORG-SUPERMAN SKIN?! his voice is awesome best skin by far, if you look on his robotic arm he has what appears to be Sinestro Corps rings. One question though, why the heck was the patch 925 megabites?!

Because she contains other data as well, all of her sounds and ending files add up, plus all of the alternate translations needed for her to play in other regions.

Plus the Cyborg Superman and a new Zod skin. You may want to see this thread:
I don't think Zatanna will get alot of play online

Very input heavy and meter reliant. With the god awful netcode they'll be ALOT of missed combos and I think people will just get fed up lol
I don't think Zatanna will get alot of play online

Very input heavy and meter reliant. With the god awful netcode they'll be ALOT of missed combos and I think people will just get fed up lol

unless this huge pass fixes it : shrugs: i noticed grundy on my game is glitched as is jokers b attack
Compared to Superman and Batman she's unplayable.

Gotta keep that win/lose high dood!!

Not met a ManHunter yet, which I am taking to validate my point :P

Europeans don't believe in other planets.
I've seen plenty of Manhunter players in good ol 'Merica
Just seen Reo's (is that his name? lol) messing around with some of her tech.

Her ability to teleport back after almost anything is pure trolling. Even on block shes safe to do it and gain the space back. Do that, throw out a MB fireball, into trait, ALL DAT CHIP!! XD Some great levitation cancelling too. Using her air 3 twice in a corner combo lol
she pretty ok. i have to say im kind of meh with her now that shes out. kind of reminds me of harley a little bit just by her fighting style
Just seen Reo's (is that his name? lol) messing around with some of her tech.

Her ability to teleport back after almost anything is pure trolling. Even on block shes safe to do it and gain the space back. Do that, throw out a MB fireball, into trait, ALL DAT CHIP!! XD Some great levitation cancelling too. Using her air 3 twice in a corner combo lol

Sounds like easy mode, not sure if I want to get her.

But regardless of how strict a character's combos are, people won't learn to play anyways. They strictly play by using special moves. Online players don't even do simple 112~special combos.
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Zatanna definitely isn't easy mode. Braindead players might try to spam teleport/ring toss/MB fireball but that strategey won't work against a moderately good player. Her projectiles have too much start up for that to be effective.


Yeah, that only works on big body character. NRS is already in the process of hot fixing it out.
Zatannas trait makes her very vulnerable so adding in the good chip damage and fast meter building mechanics are a must to balance her out. She looks like she will be an A tier character if you're into tiers , which I'm not.