Your wishlist for MK10

Lolwut? Obviously, if you didn't know what "jk" meant, you could have asked me what it was

Oh, and poor taste? Well, excuse me for not having the funniest and wittiest joke known to man just for you. I meant it as a way of being friendly to the new kid (which would be you in your case). You don't have to be so uptight about it, you be hurtin a brotha's feelings actin like that :cry:
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Lolwut? Obviously, if you didn't know what "jk" meant, you could have asked me what it was

Oh, and poor taste? Well, excuse me for not having the funniest and wittiest joke known to man just for you. I meant it as a way of being friendly to the new kid (which would be you in your case). You don't have to be so uptight about it, you be hurtin a brotha's feelings actin like that :cry:

Do not grief Overlord in time they will all learn.
Alright I have put very little thought into this but here is what I want to see:

Tong Po! This dude is a beast muay thai kickboxer! And he don't mind doing a fatality lol

If you don't know who he is WATCH KICKBOXER!

Lolwut? Obviously, if you didn't know what "jk" meant, you could have asked me what it was

Oh, and poor taste? Well, excuse me for not having the funniest and wittiest joke known to man just for you. I meant it as a way of being friendly to the new kid (which would be you in your case). You don't have to be so uptight about it, you be hurtin a brotha's feelings actin like that :cry:

It's all good Overlord , were cool bro.
@Subz: But your STORY DID STILL HAPPEN. Armageddon all of that stuff happened. All they did was find a way to scape goat making all the popular characters young again.

After Armageddon, Story was finished. Good guys lose. Your characters were getting old as dirt. This is your chance to see them reborn. Some character lines I think may suffer a tad, while others will grow.

Johnny Cage is about to become something Amazing I think.

Meh, Nah I don't think that's true. Let's just take a step back for a minute and ignore that this whole MK9 happened. NRS said that most of the cast would die. I was actually super cool with that. I figured Scorps, Sub-Zero, Raiden, and a few others would go on. Look Kitana is like 1500 years old or something anyway so it's not like she was aging. Same with Jade, Tanya, hell any Edenian. They could have said that the power released from Armageddon made Sub-Zero become a god, like his ending in Armageddon hinted at. Scorpion and Noob Saibot were both undead anyway so they could have continued on.

Hell, a whole good portion of the cast could have came back, while then skipping into the future thousands of years or something. It still probably wouldn't have aged these certain few, and then you know what. They could have added a whole sh**load of new characters into the mix. It would have been new. It would have been refreshing. It would have been a step away from the SAME OLD THING without desecrating the old that we already knew.

I think you guys think I don't like change. It's not that. I don't like change that doesn't fit. IMO, cyber subz just didn't fit. It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't the MOST obvious change that could have happened. Also, it wouldn't have happened if it didn't make people say OMG. It was purely made as a device to get people talking, and it's accomplished that because we are still discussing it today. However, when the fans come crying, like we will, What the hell are they going to do? It was a shock I will give it that, but the area I see for growth in Cyber Subz is meager at best. A lot of fans are going to want Human Subz back. Like I said he's the 3rd most played character there is. They WILL NOT ignore that.

I will say I was wrong about Smoke, I'll give you guys that. Maybe he can grow and become more than a sidekick. I honestly hope he does. I do not see Cyber Subz doing much though. Why did Sektor, nor Smoke appear in many games after their inception? Lack of direction possibly?

Like I said he may can do the EXACT same things he did in the old timline. However it still doesn't take away the fact that he can't reproduce and do things that normal humans can. That's what I always wanted to see from Sub-Zero. I wanted the games to eventually take a huge leap into the future and we see the children of Kuai Liang. I am robbed of that at this point and it really pisses me off.

Basically, I was robbed of my post Armageddon story. I wanted to continue after that. I wanted to see the FUTURE of MK. I didn't want to see my childhood get raped by some dumba** who thought a refrigerator would be a good fighting game character.
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I would like to see a new Sub Boss for Mk10, perhaps a hellbeast we saw in Shaolin Monks. Goro won't make sense since he would be siding with Outworld (not like he made sense in Mk4 anyway). For Shinnok as the main boss, I would like him to have 3 forms, the 1st being his normal, the second form being a mix of his normal and demon form and his final form being an ascended demon, each of which using a full life bar, so you got to deplete all 3 bars to defeat him. As for his final form, NRS should create something really unique than the stick monster we saw in mythologies.

There could be a small transformation cutscene after we defeat each form. Plus only his first form could be playable as an unlocks blue by beating the story mode or something.
I would like to see a new Sub Boss for Mk10, perhaps a hellbeast we saw in Shaolin Monks. Goro won't make sense since he would be siding with Outworld (not like he made sense in Mk4 anyway). For Shinnok as the main boss, I would like him to have 3 forms, the 1st being his normal, the second form being a mix of his normal and demon form and his final form being an ascended demon, each of which using a full life bar, so you got to deplete all 3 bars to defeat him. As for his final form, NRS should create something really unique than the stick monster we saw in mythologies.

There could be a small transformation cutscene after we defeat each form. Plus only his first form could be playable as an unlocks blue by beating the story mode or something.

Agreed. But it should only be two forms, human and then beast like in MKM.

Here's a fan-made back cover for MKX I made. It's not the best but I felt like doing it anyways. I would've written more if there was more space.

Does everyone forget the magic they did with Stryker? People use to hate that guy. (I still think one of his alternate costumes should've been a fully donned SWAT suit that would've raised his hype.

So what's to say Jarek won't be a cool character in the next game.

I say wait to judge before auto judgeing.

The same can be said for human Sub-Zero.
What's to say that he won't have a bigger role in the next game(s) to come.
You're putting limitations on human Sub-Zero, based on the OLD timeline.
This isn't the same timeline.

What if he somehow DOES come back human, and plays a pivotal role in taking down Quan Chi, Shinnok and the NetherRealm?

Everyone is so quick to just say "**** Sub-Zero," without giving human Sub-Zero a chance in this NEW timeline.
What if he comes back from the dead and DOESN'T take over the Lin Kuei?
What if he doesn't give a shit about saving Sareena?

There are lots of these "What if" questions that could be answered in MK10, rather than just completely dismissing human Sub-Zero altogether.
... And he can do all that as Cyber Sub-Zero, too

Not really.
Cyber Sub-Zero is already reprogrammed to fight for the good guys.
Doesn't give much to Sub-Zero's character, if anyone can reprogram him at any time.
By doing that, they've essentialy killed his "vengeance \ **** the world" personality.
Felt like it was done more for shock value.
Cyber Sub-Zero saving US soldiers was also the most bull-shit "please love me" move too.
Of course people are going to like a character that helps the soldiers, post-911.
They could have gotten Sheeva or Stryker to do the same, and they'd be getting the same new love as Cyber Sub-Zero.
Tell me, what's the point of bringing him back as a human in the story (he can come back as a non-canon playable character for all I care). What exactly can he do in the story as a human that Cyber Sub-Zero can't. I already know the answer: shit. There's no reason to bring him back as a human in the story, at least for now. NRS started this, so they need to finish it, end of story

And he wasn't reprogrammed to actually fight for good, Jax just freed him from the Lin Kuei's control by removing the slaving protocols in his CPU. He chose to fight for good on his own, out of disgust for what he did for the Lin Kuei and Shao Kahn while under the former's control

As for the soldiers part or whatever, I feel like you're going off on your own tangent now with that, so I'll just leave that alone
Tell me, what's the point of bringing him back as a human in the story (he can come back as a non-canon playable character for all I care). What exactly can he do in the story as a human that Cyber Sub-Zero can't. I already know the answer: shit. There's no reason to bring him back as a human in the story, at least for now. NRS started this, so they need to finish it, end of story

They did finish it, when they killed him off in Story Mode.
If they had bigger plans for him, they probably would have kept him alive.
It's the same thing that they did with Liu Kang.
Liu Kang as a character had nowhere to go.
They killed him off for a game or 2, for shock value.
Mission accomplished.

And no, he wasn't reprogrammed to actually fight for good, Jax just freed him from the Lin Kuei's control by removing the slaving protocols in his CPU. He chose to fight for good on his own, out of disgust for what he did for the Lin Kuei and Shao Kahn while under their control
He's still able to be reprogrammed again, thus taking away the human element to Sub-Zero, which destroys his character.

As for the soldiers part or whatever, I feel like you're going off on your own tangent now with that, so I'll just leave that alone

The soldiers thing works exactly like luring a hot girl by using a younger sibling.
It works.
Kudos to them for finding something that tugs at the heart-strings to get people to like the character, but it felt forced.
So just because a character died that means their stories are finished? Ummm, this is MK, characters don't stay dead for long.

And weren't you just saying that Sub-Zero's story potential as a human shouldn't be dismissed in this new timeline? Yet it seems that you've already written off Cyber Sub-Zero's potential judging by your most recent statements. Hmmph. Interesting.

I think you need to take a deeper look at things. Sub-Zero only lost his physical human element, he still has his overall humanity. He's free to choose his own destiny now and he can obviously feel anger or at least some type of emotion judging by his statements directly after his reprogramming. And you act like it's about as easy to reprogram him now as it is to start up and shut down a PC. He might have the ability to be reprogrammed, but considering he has free will now unlike before (well, he will once he inevitably gets resurrected, sooner or later), so it's not like he'll just allow others to reprogram him. By that logic, Jax, Stryker, Smoke and Kung Lao have also lost their "human element" because they can be and in fact, are currently being, controlled by sorcery.

I also find it interesting how you say that being a cyborg now "destroys" his character when the opposite holds true for this timeline: his character development in this new timeline only began when he became a cyborg and was reprogrammed by Jax. Pay attention to "began", BTW. He obviously hasn't developed fully as a character yet considering this is a new timeline that's just starting, so how can you say that being a cyborg destroyed his character when he doesn't have much of a character yet to begin with? Also, how would taking away the "human element" of his story kill his character in the first place? Sub-Zero's story has always been all about redemption, and there's nothing saying that he can't redeem himself as a cyborg or that he has to be a human to do just that. Hell, you could say he was doing just that when he got saved from the Lin Kuei's control.

And as for the last part, lol, it's not like he went out of his way to save a little child and his pet from a burning building or something. He wasn't even specifically after the soldiers, he was after something else. They just happened to be there on his way there; they needed rescuing, so he saved them. After all, isn't that what Kuai Liang is all about? Being there to lend a helping hand when needed?
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I really hope Khameleon returns with her own reptilean moves. I know Boon said he ruled her out but that was for MK9. This is for MKX.
He said that for Chameleon, not Khameleon

I hope she comes back too, though. She actually has some use in the story; she can help transform Reptile into a force for good (which I've wanted to see for SO LONG), and help revive his race of Saurians