Ha...haha...hahaha...you said I flamed....hee...yea how did I know you would say that? I even had a clause at the end explaining why my post wasn't flaming. Didn't read that either did you?
Oh btw, would you mind reading what I said about a good game requiring all 3 aspects (gameplay, graphics/art/charm etc., and storyline/content) but that if one is lacking the others can make up for it? Because I don't think you saw that (even though I said it 3 times). Now (I'm repeating myself again, I hate repeating myself) there is no doubt that a game without good ENOUGH gameplay will be utter shite. Remember when I asked you to look up
The thing is, no game with CRAPPY gameplay is going to be good. Period. There's no such thing as a great game where the graphics are limited to a pixel and a line either. What's more there's no great game that has no story and only lets you play 1 level over and over again. Those kinds of games are limited to the range of "crap" to "good enough to play as a time waster" (see, flash games).
What I keep trying to explain is, MKD and MKA have reasonably similar gameplay, even though MKA fixed some issues you can't say that MKA was scores above MKD can you? It was the same engine, the same characters, the same combos, and the same issues. For all intents and purposes MKD = MKA in terms of what they are, gameplay-wise. Therefore, any noticable differences will come in the form of content, graphics, any story. I've already explained why MKA is lacking in those aspects.
Lemme guess, you stopped reading my last post as soon as I called you a pompous buffoon didn't you? Well this time I'm calling you a pompous buffoon at the end so you have to read the whole thing. Ha.
See first definition. "...insulting a party...takes precedence over the objective merits of one side or another." I had 2 names I called you amidst 7 paragraphs of reasoned discussion. That's not flaming.
Wrong. You DID flame not to mention you just contradicted yourself....First off, anyone that takes Urban dictionary seriously is a freaking retard.....LMAO wow, so now you're resorting to "Urban Dictionary" for guidance? Pathetic much? UD is nothing more then an underground website for definitions of dumb, slang words made up by people who don't understand or use the REAL English language......Secondly, actually you did flame obviously you have no clue as to what the definition of "flaming is"
Flaming-insulting another party( as you EVEN admitted), cursing another user in a nasty matter on a forum, putting them down or instigating/baiting them online via websites, forums, message boards or blogs. It's just another word for insulting. Thus why it's not allowed on MOST forums/sites, or until the mods get irritated by it. Perhaps you didn't see that thread on here even few months back that got closed due to flaming? yeah.... Live and learn kid. Because you obviously still need to learn what the real definition of flaming is, and yes you did flame me ok there" mr. Pompous" btw, I actually did read what you called an argument the last post. It just comes down to you having none and calling me "a pompous baffoon" quite a few times and still doing so hoping that makes up for your lack there of an argument all together....when all it really does is show everyone how pathetic you sound for not fully understanding or debating for that matter in a mature fashion.
Now you're just repeating what I have been trying to get thru to you the past 4 posts or so yet FINALLY you seem to understand? OMG...miracle. Now you're saying "Thing is no game with CRAPPY gameplay is going to be good" ummm hello? That's what I've been saying the past few posts I've made already, you can have everything else in there from art to voiceacting...it won't mean diddly doo unless the gameplay is there. So, what's your point other then repeating what I've already told you countless times now?
As far as MKD compared to MKA, let me tell ya something despite what any popular "gaming site, or mag" says they DON'T know shit half the time about gameplay, balance, what works and doesn't. They're simply people PAID for their opinions on gaming, period. You think a reviewer will know more then an elite, high level MK, SF, SC etc player? I think not....MKD got rated higher according to "popular game sits/mags" so what? The reasons I'll tell ya for that were A.improved konquest, B. nostalgic characters back and C. ONLINE play. That's the only reasons why they rated MKD higher then MKA and NOT from a gameplay point of view because if they actually knew the problems in MKD they would laugh at it.
It still doesn't prove anything especially without reasonable explaination other then "they're liking for the game or not" which is great, you like it or don't like it...now how about a logical explanation on the gameplay since that defines how the game actually ummm...plays.
To reviewers, they saw MKA as a good game but nothing "much different from MKD due to the engine" yes...thanks for stating the obvious, now here's the real truth and what they neglect. I've seen them put down GOOD games such as a Mario sports game, yet funny elsewhere I'll read they're good, fun games....opinions-opinions. But the truth of the matter is "reviewers" and "testers" are two different things. Not to mention since they have to play, review TONS of games that come out they won't have the time to "analyze" one game, thus they can't know everything within the game like someone like Check can. I'll get to who he is in a sec.
As a competitive player, and understanding the mechanics, what works, balance, glitches etc MKA IS better then MKD. This is undeniable FACT. As far as gameplay is concerned, why? simple, like I mentioned earlier horrible glitches like OTGs(off the ground hits that you can't block), FT's(free throws), infinites( something you can't get out of) that were in MKD made it HORRIBLY UNBALANCED, glitchy to hell and so many characters had easy as pie infinites a 5th grader could do it.....that's pretty bad. Now, MKA implemented "wake up game" and "parry" to actually counter and play more defensively(which MKD lacked in bigtime) and offers the player more options, thus makes MKA easily the better game in that department.
Also, if you don't believe me. Please, by all means Glamador ask a guy on youtube or MKO named Check. He's the most respected, well known "glitch discoverly" and combo king you'll find out of the 3D games. He has TONS of vids on there literally showing, explaining why MKA is better, combos, what works and doesn't etc, etc. I also know him personally as a friend, he knows his shit and was one of the guys I took "gameplay advice" from and formed my own style to be competitive online.
Now, in saying that MKA is not perfect, it has some problems with AC(air cancelling) who not all online players even use btw, only some which allows you to get more damage, free throws which most online players consider moot overall since you can avoid them in MKA with the prior hit being parried(as oppose to MKD where you couldn't escape or dodge them at all other then "guessing right and getting lucky") OTG's and plants are pretty much gone in MKA, and easy infinites are only a few and minimal such as Jades throw, teleport move, throw etc. Quan's corner and Hotaru's but again, this compared to MKD's amount of infinites isn't comparable....which was I believe around 800 or so, something around there. I'll have to ask Check again but yeah...MKD=broken mess MKA=actually playable.
Between Bo, N/S alone who have tons of infinites between them on top of being the top guys in the game own everyone. Dairou also is a top tier. Those 3 own everything in MKD, much to the ignorance of "reviewers that think MKD is better then MKA"
Now, as far as other things like say presentation, art, voice acting, mini games, KAK, konquest etc, etc by all means that's all about personal opinion and preference. So, if one wants to love MKD or more then MKA fine. But please don't say bs like MKD is better gameplay wise then MKA because that's simply not true to put it lightly.
I'll give you a fast chart pertaining to strickly gameplay for the 3D MK's.

A-best 3D MK balance wise and glitch amount wise

- easily the best 3D MK game online wise being the first(less lag then MKA and plays smoother, and MK

A has no online period) but most broken, horrible gameplay wise, glitch wise and infinite wise.
MK:A-Best 3D MK game in terms of character amount, defensive options offered to the player with wake up, parries and a jumping system that doesn't feel like you're fighting in mud like the previous 2 prior to MK:A
That's the deal gameplay wise, if you want to enjoy one over the other for other reasons...by all means go right ahead, but gameplay wise these are the facts about the above 3D MK games. But hey, if you're just going to repeat yourself calling me pompous and ignoring anything I've said I might as well ignore you all together.