The Final Battle
The Sorcerer examined the corpse of the slain Spectre absorbing his power discreetly so as to not to draw Blizzards attention. Blizzard had created a pyre and stacked the rotted bodies of Komodo and Kain on top of one another, he then grabbed the Spectre's bloodstained corpse and severed head and threw them on to the stack as well. In a strange way he felt respect for the Spectre, for he had shaped him into the warrior he is now. Liu, Johnny, Sonya, and Jupiter all stood outside as well and Johnny walked over to Blizzard handing him a lighter.
"Here, you should do the honors." Johnny spoke placing the silver lighter in Blizzard's hand.
"Good riddance." Sonya muttered under her breath as Blizzard lit the fire under the fallen warriors. Smoke poured into the night sky as the fighters retired to their beds in the Vault, Blizzard inserted new cartridges into his gauntlet and quickly feel asleep still weary from his fight. As dawn broke the sun peeked out from the horizon, and ashes blew in the wind. In the ring Blizzard and Liu Kang stood facing each other, with the Sorcerer, Johnny, Jupiter, and Sonya watching from the sidelines. Blizzard pulled the mask from his face and drew down his black hood.
"Fight!" The Sorcerer announced from his throne.
"No. I got what I have come here for." Blizzard said looking eye to eye with the Sorcerer.
"What?! You dare to defy me?!" Liu looked back and forth from the two.
"You heard me, Sorcerer." Blizzard said starting to walk from the ring. In an instant, the Sorcerer held the back of Blizzards head and threw him into a wall in the ring. He held his throat lifting him from his feet pinning him against the wall.
"Hey, if he wants to leave he should be able to!" Johnny shouted from the sidelines.
"You don't get it do you? You naive fool. None of you are leaving!" He tossed Blizzard effortlessly into his own throne.
"This tournament? A cover up, you are the best fighters this land has to offer, with your combined might I will be unstoppable. The doors are sealed now none of you can escape." Jupiter stepped into the ring, electricity swirling around his arm.
"Then we will have no choice but to fight back." He said firing a bolt of electricity at the Sorcerer. The energy struck his shoulder but was shrugged off. The Sorcerer cackled as his body began to morph to a terrible form. Before their eyes they saw him take on the appearance of the slain Komodo and charge at the baffled Jupiter. His claws were but inches away from Jupiter's face when he was stopped in his tracks, looking down he saw his legs frozen solid. Blizzard sat slumped in the throne holding his arm up pointing towards the morphed Sorcerer. Jupiter held a ball of energy up to his chest and blasted him to the other end of the ring. The blast had caused enough damage to the Sorcerer to make him revert to his human form. Johnny and Sonya stepped into the ring to help fend of the vile Sorcerer. The closest person to the Sorcerer was now Liu who dashed towards his former master. Liu landed several strikes on him, but the Sorcerer quickly threw him into Jupiter dazing them both. Johnny and Sonya chose to engage him together, they threw several strikes towards him but the Sorcerer blocked all of the strikes, blocking Johnny's hits with his right arm and Sonya's with his left. He punched Sonya and Johnny simultaneously launching them to different ends of the ring.
"Hahahaha! You all have already been defeated. What hope did you fools think you had against ultimate power? Now the question is, which one of you wants to die first?" The Sorcerer felt a sharp pain at the back of his head, he turned around to see Blizzard barely on his feet. With a swift backhand he knocked Blizzard to the ground.
"We... we won't be beaten so easily." Liu said staggering to his feet. The Sorcerer turned his attention from Blizzard who was now unconscious to Liu Kang slowly walking towards him. The Sorcerer dodged the kicks Liu swung and with a powerful uppercut launched Liu to the ceiling. Jupiter shot a bolt of electricity at the Sorcerer as Johnny delivered a kick to his back. Johnny landed a couple more kicks before a right hook smashed him to the ground, Jupiter was still firing bolt of lightning but to no avail. The Sorcerer picked Johnny up by the collar and pulled back his fist. Jupiter delivered the heaviest punch he could to the side of the Sorcerers head which caused him to drop Johnny. Jupiter tried to land another hit but the Sorcerer quickly grabbed his head with both hands. He applied pressure and was mere moments away from snapping Jupiter's neck when his right arm became frozen. He turned his head to see Sonya holding Blizzard's ice gauntlet which she retrieved from his unconscious body. Throwing the gauntlet to the ground, she delivered a kick to the Sorcerer's chin, allowing Jupiter to escape. Johnny kicked the side of the Sorcerer's head as he tried to rise to his feet. Back on the ground he quickly sweeped Johnny's feet out from under him and kneed Sonya in the stomach. Liu Kang jumped through the air extending his leg and kicking the Sorcerer in his lower back. Johnny rose back to his feet hitting the side of the Sorcerer's face with his elbow and then hitting a quick jab to his ribs. Jupiter hit the Sorcerer with a sweep knocking him to the ground. Sonya rose to her feet and joined the rest of the fighters who mobbed the Sorcerer with strikes. The Sorcerer swung his arms outwards knocking Johnny and Liu off of him, and quickly did a flip to rise to his feet. He punched Sonya across the face knocking her out, and struck Jupiter with his palm sending him barreling through the air. The Sorcerer picked Johnny up by his head threw him into the air then kicked him with a roundhouse sending him into one of the metal walls and rendering him unconscious.
"I have to admit, you all lasted longer than I expected. But it doesn't matter, you have been beaten." His eyes went towards Jupiter who was the last fighter left standing. He picked Jupiter up by his neck, and punctured his throat with the needle protruding from his wrist.
"Wha-?" The Sorcerer had a shocked look on his face as Jupiter's electric blue blood spilled on his arm. Jupiter with his last breath let out a chuckle and then released his death rattle. A discharge exploded from the point where the Sorcerer's device punctured Jupiter's jugular, launching the Sorcerer into one of the steel walls.
"No.... no.... I was so close...." The Sorcerer's vision became hazy as he saw Liu Kang in front of him.
"L-Liu? I-Is that you? Funny somehow, I knew it would come to this...." Liu Kang put his hands on the chin and the top of the head of the Sorcerer and turned quickly snapping his neck, and quickly ending his life.
"Perhaps in the afterlife you will find redemption." Liu said to the Sorcerer's lifeless body as he shut his eyelids.
Questions? Comments? Leave 'em below. I'll do an Epilogue soon and then this story will be wrapped up. Also please give me some input on what my next project should be from the two listed here (Towards the bottom of the page)