The underrated and the Overrated

Compared to the PS2 and Xbox? No one appreciated the Gamecube.

Also Xbox Live is everyone's "standard" for online services. I have an Xbox and I don't see why it's so amazing. PSN is decent enough for me and it's free, but it still gets thrown under the bus for some reason.

I love my Gamecube (Windwaker, Resident Evil 0 and The Twin Snakes) and love PSN.
It's free and it's good for what I use it for (download demos, Netflix, patches and a few PSN games).

I agree with you 100%, though.
They're both underrated.
Gamecube is very underrated, sure it didnt feature alot of the best PS2 and Xbox games on it, but it did have some great exclusives if you're a fan of Nintendo's series. And the controller is still one of my all time favorites.
The Gamecube was the shit, I would always play Rouge Squadron on it. And speaking of Rouge Squadron, I find the 3rd game highly underrated.
The Gamecube was the shit, I would always play Rouge Squadron on it. And speaking of Rouge Squadron, I find the 3rd game highly underrated.

It's spelled "Rogue" Squadron. "Rouge" Squadron sounds like something my wife, God rest her soul, would have downloaded off BigFish.
Rihanna (It's either she's overrated or she's working a little too hard but she seems to be enjoying it. Album after album non stop, she keeps moving without any vacation. I still find that amazing. It's just that since she first debut herself back in 2005, I keep hearing new music from her less than a year each time. Wow!!!)
How does any of that make her overrated though lol