The Official Video Thread ~ All Videos Go Here

Re: I cant stop laughing at this!!!!!!!!

haha, we used to watch this in my Japanese class in highschool (years 1-4)
They were pretty funny
Re: Official Video Thread

What Happens When I play Halo Reach





EDIT: Apparently the embed code didn't work. Huh
Re: Best Youtube Commentator!

My two favorites so far are Chris Smoove and Behrudy:

Also, not sure if they count, but Gootecks and Mike Ross from cross-counter tv are pretty awesome too :)
Re: UFOs over London?

"Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?"

"Yes I would, Kent."
Re: UFOs over London?

I just googled about this and apparently there is no solid evidence to confirm that it is fake. Many argue that it has been photoshopped but the UFO appearing partially behind the cloud proves otherwise.
Re: UFOs over London?

I think it was proven to be a fake. Something about the big UFO not matching up with the image stabilization or something. I don't know.
Re: UFOs over London?

Fake, Why would this guy just happen to be filming himself walk down the street then conveniently look up in the sky while ufos pass, and not have a reaction. FAKE