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Re: "WTF Japan?!" Videos

I'd also be inclined to add all of FLCL to this thread. The plot of the show is really quite simple, but is masked behind the weird, fast-paced crap that happens.
Re: "WTF Japan?!" Videos

i never actually understood FLCL ^^ just watched and accepted what was happening ^^
Re: Annoying Friend Videos

What exactly is an Annoying "Ass Friend." I don't think I'd want to be a known acquaintance of someone who is an "Ass Friend." Annoying or not. Just saying.
Re: GG England

No problem, man. I thought I might enlighten you barbaric Neanderthals from your savage cultures and pass my scepter of clemency over your tattered soul!

May the Almighty have mercy on your soul.

Reverend Mage
Re: Nyan Cat Videos


Re: "WTF Japan?!" Videos


The comments are hilarious, too...

And another... but this one isn't weird, it's pretty cool.

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Re: "WTF Japan?!" Videos


The comments are hilarious, too...

And another... but this one isn't weird, it's pretty cool.

1st Movie: You know what, with hands and talen like that he could probably play the piano. I'm betting he doesn't since he's a gamer...oh wait he's Asian...he probabally plays every instrument.

2nd Movie: Complete Epiciness!!!