Chaos vs Order
Taven = lame
I liked Daegon though somewhat.
I liked Daegon though somewhat.
taven, daegon = retardation
Shujinko = genius
I would like to see Taven make a come back.
I liked the concept for the character, I just feel that because of Armageddon becoming the rush job product that it was, Taven didn't really become the character that he could have been.
taven haters= retardation
Taven, however, sucks. You really can't feel that "connection" that you could with Shujinko. Taven didn't really interact with people other than getting into random fights with them. He didn't train with anyone. He was just "o hai im a demigod with generic fire powerz". Nothing special. I saw no real development in Taven, whereas Shujinko probably may have reached enlightenment at some point.
This exactly. I loved the deception konquest mode for another reason that it showed a lot of different sides of various other characters. Who would have ever thought Baraka had an honourable and compassionate side to him? He taught Shujinko his fighting style and also allowed him safe passage out of Outworld, though it was against the orders of Shao Kahn. The konquest mode was truly a gem, nothing ever in other MK games (including MK9) has explored characters in this way.Yes yes yes yes yes ye syes yes yes!
I legitimately felt like I knew Shujinko at the end of Deception.
I went through that guy's entire life.
Watched him develop enemies & alliances.
Helped him through impossible odds & conquer the greatest of foes.
And you are completely right.
It seemed like with Taven the only interactions he had were "Hay im here omma mishin. Imma beat you up!"