khrome Mar 11, 2014 hi plz check out this wishlist and let me know your suggestions
hi plz check out this wishlist and let me know your suggestions
B B bad10 May 29, 2013 Does anyone know how to get to the chat room? It keeps sending me to the Smilies FAQ
B B bad10 Oct 13, 2012 i acnt its boring i am forever banned from chat.if i could go on chatroom id be online more.
B B bad10 Jun 2, 2012 Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <<
Havik Cleric of Chaos Dec 15, 2011 I cant remember do I have you as a friend on Xbox Bad 10, I cant remember.
iViTal Nov 16, 2011 Bad. After a period uses spaces. Please The sentences.Are very hard to read.When i don't use spaces after a period
Bad. After a period uses spaces. Please The sentences.Are very hard to read.When i don't use spaces after a period