Should Mortal Kombat 2011 bring back Hara-Kiri?

Only if it's a mass Hara-Kiri, including every character who made their debut in Deadly Alliance, Deception, or Armageddon except Kenshi. They are never to be seen again.
It would be sweet if after the match the winner could enter a hara-kiri combination. Then it'd say finish yourself. Thus giving the loser the option of an honorable death. This way the winner still determines the outcome and the loser gets to decide whether he rips his own head off.
It would be sweet if after the match the winner could enter a hara-kiri combination. Then it'd say finish yourself. Thus giving the loser the option of an honorable death. This way the winner still determines the outcome and the loser gets to decide whether he rips his own head off.

That would be awesome, honestly.
Babalities never made sense. They turn into a baby? Why? Wha? I didn't like Hara Kiri's either. Fatalities and Friendships are ok.
Hell yes. It would be the perfect burn online when you lose.

Plus, you know...Mortal Kombat is a deathmatch. There's a kind of sick logic behind killing yourself so the other guy can't do it.
wow why all the hate for babies?

In UMK3, the ULTIMATE humiliation is whooping someone without blocking then turning them into a crying baby.

Nah Babalities were very lame. Its was like ok the first time you saw it and then it just got corny after seeing them repeatedly.
I thought Hara Kiris were ok but, I don't want them in this game.
I wouldn't like the Hara Kiri back because it would be so over abused online. When you think about it in all the time you are trying to set up your fatality especially if you need to be at a certain distance like Mileena's your opponent can EASILY pull of the button combination before your done. A fatality is an awesome reward for the winner of the match and it would suck to play online and do your fatality like only every 15 matches
i do not like Hara-Kiris. when i pwn a noob i want to finnish him/her! not have the dumn noob use a Hara-Kiris. the loser should have no say in how they die.
i say no to hara kiri.but i think a mercy like feature would be cool. where a character who loses has the ability to put in a very long button combination (and i mean very long) to give them half of their health back and keep and fighting. But the other guy gets all his health back.
i say no to hara kiri.but i think a mercy like feature would be cool. where a character who loses has the ability to put in a very long button combination (and i mean very long) to give them half of their health back and keep and fighting. But the other guy gets all his health back.

I think he winner should be the one to trigger this, except with no health regain for the winner.
Just as a big "**** you" to the guy who lost.
I think the concept is cool, but i dont like that the loser has control at the end of the match.

I would like them back in the game, but only if the winner can control the hari kiri, say he pushes the correct combination of buttons and bam the loser kills him self in a cool way. But thats the only way id like the back. other than that. heck no. spend more time making tighter fatalities

THAT would be awesome, being able to control if your opponent kills himself, AWESOME
like the guy a few posts before me said, i would be all for them if the winner did a combination that made the looser kill himself. that would be awesome!

imagine beating some 12 year old annoying kid then making him kill himself, GENIUS its the ultimate YOU MAD? moment lmao