Should Mortal Kombat 2011 bring back Hara-Kiri?


New member
After playing MKD I kinda liked the idea of Hara Kiris, some were very brutal, I think that can make MK9 really good (Not that it already isnt) what do you think ?
no, never!! Hara-Kiri's were like the OK Rage Quit.

The loser should never ever decide on how the match ends. EVER.
i liked the idea... better than babalities and friendships in my opinion...
hara kiris were the closest to fatalities... kind of reverse fatalities...
I'd like them to return as it would be yet another thing to find out about the character and creates a race between the players to see who can pull off their finisher first, i thought they were just a little addition of more brutaliity in the game so i'd be all for them. them and animalities...NOT the boring brutalities
A big NO, fatalities are suppose to be a reward for beating someone and bringing back Hira-Kiris makes a fatality useless

I like to Humiluate a friend or someone after a fight :)

Oh and frienships and brutalites are not that bad, my friends get pissed off after I did them and the best part they couldn't do it back
but I DO want a more serious MK so If they dont apply it in the game, I could care less
wow why all the hate for babies?

In UMK3, the ULTIMATE humiliation is whooping someone without blocking then turning them into a crying baby.

Freakin' LOVED Hara Kiris. I'd say they definitely should be in MK9, but they aren't. Wouldn't be enough time to put them in if they wanted to. Maybe in the next one.

Edit: Also, they make sense. I love Friendships, and definitely want them back in, but of all the extra 'alities' in MK, Hara Kiris simply made the most sense. I especially like Kenshi committing traditional seppuku in his.
Never liked them in the first place, plus never got the chance to use it since I've most, if not all, my matches. :)
I think the concept is cool, but i dont like that the loser has control at the end of the match.

I would like them back in the game, but only if the winner can control the hari kiri, say he pushes the correct combination of buttons and bam the loser kills him self in a cool way. But thats the only way id like the back. other than that. heck no. spend more time making tighter fatalities
I like them but hate them. I would be all set to kill and the loser does that and feel like they won. So my vote would be no.