Official Dragon Ball Z Thread

Earlier this morning, scans from one of Shueisha’s “Jump” magazines (we have yet to confirm the specific magazine, though it is likely Ultra Jump, or possibly Weekly Shōnen Jump or V-Jump), promoting the upcoming 2013 Dragon Ball Z movie, were leaked. The pages confirm quite a lot about the movie, including Akira Toriyama’s actual involvement with its production. It notes that he not only came up with the movie’s original concept, but also the actual story and character designs. In addition, the page confirms the movie’s title as “Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods”, written as “神と神” (Kami to Kami) in Japanese.

Videl :love:

Anyways, saw some gameplay of the DBZ: Budokai HD and the nostalgia started flowing. Think I might pick it up when the price goes down. I remember when you had to buy/unlock all the capsules to get the skills. Plus I remember when playing during story mode in Budokai 1 they always zoomed in on half of your character's face before the battle... good times....

Kinda glad I haven't played the newer ones, b/c it sounds like they aren't that good, though I wanted to play the newest one, whatever the name of that one was lol.