guyver of war
New member
Add me to the "Looks great" list please.
it wouldnt look so bad if the tarkatan teeth actually looked like they were really there coming through the skin, but instead they look flat like cardboard teeth just stuck on her face ive noticed a few characters have this flat 2d quality and its not exactly what i expect for a next gen game. i know the games not entirely finished but still... :/
I could kiss bae without worrying :*
for some reason the 2 big teeth next to the sides of her mouth have a weird curve that just really pisses me off i cant stand it. the worst thing is that the idea of having her normal mouth surrounded by tartakan teeth is actually a great idea its just the execution is piss poor here. they should of tried to blend the two mouth together more so it looks like her normal mouth took a natural mutation into the other mouth rather than it just looking like a straight up bad cut and paste job.
its far from amazing guys cmon be real it needs a hell of a lot of work. they got 25 days hopefully they can squeeze some tweeks in here. at least sort out those awkward curved teeth at the sides of her mouth
Think beyond the kiss, bro.
for some reason the 2 big teeth next to the sides of her mouth have a weird curve that just really pisses me off i cant stand it. the worst thing is that the idea of having her normal mouth surrounded by tartakan teeth is actually a great idea its just the execution is piss poor here. they should of tried to blend the two mouth together more so it looks like her normal mouth took a natural mutation into the other mouth rather than it just looking like a straight up bad cut and paste job.
its far from amazing guys cmon be real it needs a hell of a lot of work. they got 25 days hopefully they can squeeze some tweeks in here. at least sort out those awkward curved teeth at the sides of her mouth
She still has teeth in that mouth you know...
When you're done you'll have enough lubrication to do other things.
I like it. but it doesn't look Tarkatan. How does her mouth completely change from MK9 to MKX?
Lol, the MK9 mouth was horrible, extreme and stupid, this new maw is what they needed to do in the first place.
Its her best mouth yet, maybe Reiko can get head anyway.
Are you gonna report that post?? Ahhh what a fail that would be, nothing personal-insulty in that post, try harder.
+ it's the truth, what's wrong with the truth, even if we agree you've being hateful, really strange.