Kano's Kombos
Kano's kombos are actually tough to pull off, being almost impossible in a laggy online match. They all require very strict timing and if you're not careful you can end up doing his Choke move by accident (particularly when performing the Upball command). Kano is just not a kombo-oriented character. Most of your damage is going to come from short bursts of offense. Regardless, here are some of his bnb kombos:
1. JP, 2-1-2, dash, 2-1-2, dash, 2-1-2, Upball (11 Hit, 33% Damage)
There’s really no reason to ever use this kombo. It’s one of the easiest kombos to whiff. The timing is incredibly strict and will require hours of practice to get it anywhere close to consistent. You’re better off using one of the other kombos listed.
2. JP, b1-1-2, dash, b1-1-2, Kano Ball (8 Hit, 34% Damage)
You have to input the dash near the end of the first chain just before his downward slash meets the ground. With a little practice this will be second nature. Don't try to input the 2nd b1-1-2 chain too soon after the dash. Let the dash complete and go for it. The Kano Ball at the end can be difficult to connect with. For a more reliable version with slightly less damage, use kombo #3.
3. JP, b1-1-2, dash, b1-2, Upball (7 Hit, 32% Damage)
This is my go-to kombo for online play. It's great for punishing teleporters! You can also replace the Upball with a thrown Knife if you want to keep your opponent close by for slightly less damage. Because “2” is the input for Upball, you don’t have to press it twice in this kombo. You can literally press b1-2, D, F and your Upball will come out.
4. (submitted by Daggerfall) JP, 2-1-2, dash, 2-1-2, dash, b1-2, Upball (10 Hit, 34% damage)
This is a variation on kombo #1. It’s fewer hits but with more damage, making it the better choice. It’s a little easier to connect with but will still require tons of practice to get it consistent. The 2nd 2-1-2 chain just has such a small window of opportunity that it can be frustrating to connect with. I recommend kombo #5 as a more viable option.
5. (submitted by Daggerfall) JP, b1-1-2, dash, 2-1-2, dash, b1-2, Upball (10 Hit, 37% damage)
This is pretty much my new favorite kombo. Usually it is tough to connect with the 212 but it’s a little easier when following the b112. You just have to be patient with your dash. If you input the 2-1-2 chain too early, it will interrupt your dash and you will be out of range to complete the kombo. Also remember that you don’t have to complete the entire Upball command at the end of the kombo. See kombo #3 for details. I plan to make this my new go-to kombo for online play.
Kano is limited when it comes to getting his kombos started. The jump punches mentioned in the above kombos are a standard method. Here's one more to consider:
F3-B2 (2 Hit, 9% Damage)
This is a good starter because the first hit is low and the 2nd hit launches. It is best followed up with dash, 2-1-2, dash, B1-2 Up Ball for a 9 Hit, 34% Damage kombo, as seen in this video:
If you have trouble connecting with the 2-1-2 chain, or are in a particularly laggy match, you might be better off following it with dash, b1-2, Upball for a 6-hit 30% damage kombo. This is much easier to connect with and you only lose 4% damage. It just depends on how comfortable you are connecting the 2-1-2 chain.
The range on the low-hitting F3 is deceptively long. If you dash before using it you can hit your opponent from outside sweep distance.
This can be a very tricky maneuver if you link into it from a JP (as seen in the video above) because the JP will hit low-blockers and the F3 will hit high-blockers.
Connecting with Teleport
Kano can have a hard time connecting his kombos against teleporters. After you block a teleport attack your opponent is usually hovering in the air for a few seconds. If you start your kombo too early most of it will whiff. You'll want to wait for your opponent to fall. Start your kombo just as they touch the ground but before they can block. This way you will be able to get off the entire kombo. Your best option to punish a blocked teleport is to use kombo #5 without the JP starter (just b1-1-2, dash, 2-1-2, dash, b1-2, Upball). You can also catch your opponent in your X-Ray and there’s nothing they can do about it. Just like the kombo, though, if it’s used too early it will whiff. I see a lot of people doing uppercuts to punish blocked teleports and it makes me sad. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to bust out a 34%-damage kombo or 41%-damage X-ray to punish a teleport!
Mixups and Mind Games
When using Kano as a rushdown character it is very important to get comfortable with his awesome set of mind games. I call this the
Paper Rock Scissors method because your opponent has no choice but to guess how to defend. It is important to note that Kano’s rushdown tactics only apply to characters without a strong wakeup attack (like Kung Lao and Nightwolf). My favorite way to start up Paper Rock Scissors is from a JK Airthrow. Here is what you can do anytime you initiate an offensive wakeup game against your opponent (from just outside sweep range or closer):
1. Dash in and sweep. (low)
This can be used to train your opponent to block low, setting up your other choices for success. It also has amazing range. Because of its range and speed Kano's dashing sweep can be used to initiate Paper Rock Scissors all by itself.
2. Dash in, B2-F1, Upball. (overhead, no dash needed; 3 Hit, 21% Damage)
You want to start the overhead well before your opponent starts to wake up, as it has a very slow startup. You can use this when you have trained your opponent to block low, or if your opponent is a low-blocker by nature. Be careful because if you input the Upball command too fast, you might end up doing a Choke instead. Don't dash after a sweep as there is no need. You can literally spam B2 as you sweep an opponent in order to hit them as soon as they are able to be hit.
3. Dash-Jump in (input the dash command and
immediately jump) and initiate the following kombo: JP, F3-B2, dash, 2-1-2, dash, b1-2, Upball. This is a 9-hit 34% kombo that hits Medium, Low, and High. It can be VERY difficult to deal with, especially during Paper Rock Scissors. If you get the Dash-Jump down, your JP should connect at the exact moment your opponent is able to be hit. This is almost always a good choice. The great thing is you can abuse it as much as you want. It your opponent starts to catch on you can just use one of the other Paper Rock Scissors options. It is best used from sweep distance or further (with a dash-jump), making it the perfect choice to follow an Upball. You will know you’ve done the Dash-Jump correctly when you hear the dashing sound effect but you don’t really see Kano dash. You will notice that his JP gains a nice bit of range, though. Again, if you have trouble connecting with the 2-1-2 chain, or are in a particularly laggy match, you can use JP, f3-b2, dash, b1-2, Upball for a 6-hit 30% damage kombo. Here’s a short video showing this option in action:
4. Dash in and throw. (unblockable)
Use this when you are sure your opponent is going to block but you’re not sure if it will be high or low or just to mix things up. Be careful because the recovery on the throw is fairly slow making it difficult to maintain offensive pressure after throwing your opponent.
5. Dash in and start your b1-1-2, dash, b1-1 Upball kombo. (medium)
This should be reserved for when you have already caught your opponent with the other choices a few times. Once they’re flustered they will usually try to attack mid-chain, allowing you to get off most of the kombo. Option #3 is usually a better choice, though.
6. X-Ray (unblockable, no dash needed)
The range on Kano's X-Ray borders on retarded and will definitely catch even veteran players off guard. Unless your opponent is in the corner, you would have to follow your Upball with 1 dash to connect with your X-Ray and your Kano Ball with 2 dashes to connect. Watch out for delayed wakeup or you'll waste your X-Ray.
Usually you can train your opponent to block low by getting in 2 dashing sweeps. The 3rd attack can be the overhead kombo. You can toss in a throw just to mix things up, and the dash, b1-1-2 kombo is good for keeping pressure up. You can never go wrong with option 3. Kano just got his low attack with the recent patch and it’s your job to abuse it! If you’re lucky, your opponent will continue to guess wrong and you can take him out completely using only Paper Rock Scissors.
Here’s a short video demonstrating Paper Rock Scissors
You can see how fast and relentless the Paper Rock Scissors assault is. With such a mix of high, low, medium, and unblockable attacks coming out at random your opponent has no choice but to guess when to block or attempt to counter.