New to the forums here, but i've been maining Jade since release.
So far my thoughts on Jade in this game is that meter management is very important for her more than most other characters. Enhanced Boomerang and Shadow Glow are such amazing tools but have limited use. IMO, the bar on the bottom of the screen is more important than the bar on the top of the screen for Jade.
I had a lot of trouble when I started out with Jade, she's not very intuitive to pick up. But I learned that staying mid-range from the opponent (not too close, not too far) is where she works best and controls the match very well from there. So i've been trying to find all the best tools she has available from that range. So far I found b2, u3, and db2 are some of her best attacks for stopping rushers from getting too close. Both b2 and db2 lead to combos, and u3 only leads to her x-ray but it has massive range (you could literally dash and cancel into u3 from long-range and still connect). The only problem is teleporters can completely ruin her spacing strategy, and close the gap in no time. As an answer to this, Jade's actually got some pretty nice wake-up moves and footsies to counter this and release pressure applied by opponents. d3 is such a great poke up close, it comes out really fast, hits low, and ducks while doing it. You can throw out a couple of those in succession and give yourself enough room to use b2 or simply jump away.
db2 just isn't that good as a wake-up IMO, I tried using both the regular and enhanced db2, but unless I know the opponent is going to go for a sweep, I usually just always go for wake-up shadow kick instead. But by far the best wake-up option is Shadow Glow IMO (unless she's left with only a tiny sliver of health), it works in almost any wake-up situation, and allows Jade to get away from any pressure. Wake-up Shadow Glow into b2 allows Jade to start her offense almost everytime.
At long range, I like mixing up boomerangs with EX boomerang. I will throw a few boomerangs from far away, then activate Shadow Flash and toss a low EX boomerang. What's interesting is that I found that if the second hit from the EX boomerang doesn't link with the first hit (they count as 2 separate hits), then you can dash in and combo off the hit, allowing Jade to combo from her boomerang from full screen. Also as others mentioned, EX boomerangs on wake-up combined with db2 gives her very good high/low mixup. IMO, db2 is only useful if you have a boomerang to support it or if you use it from its optimum range where opponents are not used to blocking (since it's usually not a range where they feel threatened).
My favorite blockstrings with her are b3,2 and 3,4,2. b3,2 is one of her few block strings along with f2,1,2 that she can use from a good distance. For b3,2 you can have Jade whiff the first kick and poke the opponent with the second staff hit since it stretches so far. What's even better is that you can cancel it into db2 from far away if they try to duck the hits. Her 3,4,2 string is her only way of comboing of a low hit as far as I know, but the last hit is easily punishable on block. On hit, I like to throw a low EX boomerang afterward. If they get hit by it, you get a free combo. Instead, you could drop the 2 and just do a 3,4 string and cancel into a forward EX boomerang. On hit, you can mix them up since they have to block the boomerang coming back. If they duck to block the string instead, then the boomerang whiffs and they get hit by it coming back if they try to punish you (i still haven't tested this though).