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  • Very great character thread on one of my favorite characters. It inspired me to did my Scorpion thread. Plus, Sheeva since I know that someone will never ever do her since she's the least played character in there.
    Nice Jade Combo video and description! It was very well put together and very impressive!
    @DCP Thank you for the feedback. I enjoy my stay here at TRMK so I try to contribute when i can. ^-^
    @perre0g1 I'll PM you now for details.
    Also I've made a NEW petition regarding Online Play needing a patch which can be found here: http://tbtgang.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/mk9-online-play-patch-petition/

    The first one I had was posted on the Official MK Forum which a mod there ended up deleting it although there was quite a bit of people posting their feedback etc there. Well this time I wont have to worry about this one getting deleted.... So please do Sign it and give feedback please as well as tell others about this to do the same.
    lol, well, she is not my favourite, and my real name is Jade so I use it in MK forums, but I do like her out of the females =)
    Thanks :D Ya you two im a fan of Jade to hehe. She's my main for MK9 with Kitana being my sub. ^-^
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