Jade Thread - "Good Boy!"

Jade's so badass in Story Mode when Sheeva is like "No one gets away with entering the dungeon blah blah" and Jade's just walking along like "As you can see, I already am" haha. epic.
Probably late to the table with this but here's an easy 49% xray combo not on the list jump in with either punch,2,staff overhead, b,2,xray sometimes the easy combos are most damaging
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Great combo video Logar247, loved it. Do you think some of those 40% and over combos without meter would be practical in a match?

Jades strength seems to be in her versatility, it does not seem like she has too many situations she cannot turn to her advantage between her mix-up, fast poking shadow kick, and projectile immunity. If some of those higher damage combos could be performed consistently, I would think it would make her very competitive indeed.

I am seeing what Zephna meant regarding her reliance on the jump punch in that video though.
one of the things i saw in that video that interested me was that her back X attack can be canceled in to her staff slam which could be really useful in my opinion also you can attack after shadow kicks with something other than another one mid screen

Now on a serious note the combos using two staff slams in the corner will not work any more i just got out of practice and apparently they stealth patched it to where the second one won't pop up p.s. i don't know notation hence me using X if I'm wrong plz enlighten me
Now on a serious note the combos using two staff slams in the corner will not work any more i just got out of practice and apparently they stealth patched it to where the second one won't pop up p.s. i don't know notation hence me using X if I'm wrong plz enlighten me
Just got out of the lab as I had some time to tinker today. Did you try doing it on crouchers? I noticed today at midscreen if they are standing it wont relaunch only if they are crouching it will. I'll have to test out the corner as well though. Rather odd but whatever lol.

Speaking of stealth patches I did notice a corner glitch was fixed. Ex.Staff Overhead used to whiff in the corner at point blank range but now it doesn't (I noticed this when I was coming up with corner combos that I posted previously).

Updated the thread and made a 2nd section from my old post. Added a few blockstrings which I still need to put down more but it's pretty touch when you cant fully test out this stuff in matches vs humans. Also added the DC/JC'able attacks as well which should prove to be useful for changing up your pressure game. Also added the combo vid posted a few days ago to a new section for videos for learning. Thanks everyone for the support & feedback. ^-^
Okay I've got an Xbox so I have played quite a few matches and it seems to me the only person I've really struggled against so far would be ermac because i find it extremely hard to get close to him and considering that in my opinion jade needs to corner people to really shine i find it almost impossible to fight him any tips?

I need a bit of help. Combo #1 in this video, it goes like this:

jp1/2, b1 xx db2, dash b2, dash 12, dash 23f2 xx df 4 xx df4

I'm having a hard after "dash 12, dash TROUBLE 23f2" My opponent always ends up either falling down or Jade simply doesn't reach them with her punch. Any tips? In the corner it's no problem but when it's midscreen and I need to dash that **** always happens.
Okay I've got an Xbox so I have played quite a few matches and it seems to me the only person I've really struggled against so far would be Ermac because i find it extremely hard to get close to him and considering that in my opinion jade needs to corner people to really shine i find it almost impossible to fight him any tips?
Well don't have much battle experience yet with psn being down so not much advice i can give... Do try to analyze your opponent so you can better predict and counter their tactics. Also remember F+2,1,2 Shadow Kick-x2 combo drives opponents to the corner faster. I don't even recall if Shadow Flash works on some of his stuff though i think it does. Don't really recall ever testing it out to be sure. Shadow Kick can be risky but it does cover alot of ground should you yomi (predict) jus right to counter him. I'll be able to provide more info in the future as one of my friends sub him so I'll get to test out stuff vs him.


I need a bit of help. Combo #1 in this video, it goes like this:

jp1/2, b1 xx db2, dash b2, dash 12, dash 23f2 xx df 4 xx df4

I'm having a hard after "dash 12, dash TROUBLE 23f2" My opponent always ends up either falling down or Jade simply doesn't reach them with her punch. Any tips? In the corner it's no problem but when it's midscreen and I need to dash that **** always happens.
It sounds like your buffering the dash a bit too late. Try buffering it sooner than your doing now and see if that'll help. Also be sure to buffer all dashes ASAP as if you don't the opponent will be closer to the ground by the time you continue with the combo.

good luck to anyone trying to pull off one of those 12 hit combo's online...
It's not about the number of hits it's about the damage the hits mean nothing without the damage. Sure it's harder due to current netcode but not impossible. Also please do try to contribute or if you got any questions concerning Jade to post them here. This is meant for helping each other not complaining about stuff (which I have seen you done in other threads). Thanks~
Thanks a hell alot for doing this. Now I can try to aim for the 59% corner combo, but I know in a real battle, that will be less since it's risky adding that Jump Forward Punch is risky. But definitely thanks again.

Jade is my lover and I'm her bodyguard. So if you want her, you gotta get through me. :)
Sure it may not be 59% of you dont add in the J.P but you'll still do a nice amount of damage. Just try not to rely on xray combos unless it's to win a match or keep from losing the match. Her ex boomerang setups are pretty useful as if they block then you have mixup ops if they get hit then you have another combo. I've been doing testing it and works out nicely for the most part. If your vs'n mileena it's sorta 50-50. You'll want to use ex boomerang down incase she does roll on wakeup but depending on her timing/spacing she'll get hit and will be knocked down jus be sure to be on guard after you throw it out~
Re: "Good Boy!" ~ The Jade Thread

This thread has helped me to an exponential degree when it comes to my Jade game. Thanks a bunch!
It sounds like your buffering the dash a bit too late. Try buffering it sooner than your doing now and see if that'll help. Also be sure to buffer all dashes ASAP as if you don't the opponent will be closer to the ground by the time you continue with the combo.

I'll try that, thank you.
Big Fan of Jade
I win 3/4 of the time with her. Here is a good tip that I didnt see here: Her Ex Boomerang is one of the best combo starter (or starter of a combo starter) you can have with her. What i mean is, If your opponent is far or more then a jump away, do your Ex Boomerang and start dashing to you opponent. Once next to him (hoping you hit him with the boomerang) start your combo... its almost like a Scorpions "Get over here" but its more "Ill get over there"
There is only one or two player I had a hard time to beat, and that is a good Smoke or J.K. players. For me, Jade is a medium fast but next to a fast fast player I need a good tip... I got owned Hardcore by Moma138 (smoke player) 2 flawless in a row... he was glued to me and he never stop rapping me with combos, smoke bombs and teleport
Plz help me with a good tip

and where are the Jades Online still didn't vs. one
Anyone know how many frames it takes once your shadow flash wears off how long you have to wait before you can do another one? or perhaps how many seconds? I was trying to use it too much a couple times online and It didn't come out and I assumed I did it too early after it wore off.
For some reason, I cannot perform Jade's stage fatality anymore, does anyone know if its bugged or anything? I know it seems like a dumb question, but I didn't have problems performing it before...so i dont know why im having such a hard time now...i tried a couple of times but no go...i checked the move list, my app, even the guide on TRMK so i know input is right lol