If Mortal Kombat continued after armageddon...

I remember reading there was going to be a continuation of Mortal Kombat 8 instead of Mortal Kombat vs Sh*t C.

It was gonna have a bunch of new characters and a few old ones. I remember Raiden being one of them. Only because of that trailer I saw a while back. I can't seem to find it!
after Blaze was defeated, everyone went all out in a free for all with their new powers, until only Kahn and Raiden were left, and Kahn won. Which then leads to MK9's intro.

Thank you, Taj.

This is EXACTLY what I was trying to get at.
Taven defeated Blaze, but the last 2 characters left fighting at the end of Armageddon were Kahn and Raiden as per MK9 (NOT TAVEN AND BLAZE), until Kahn finally killed Raiden, a split second after Raiden sent those visions to his former self.
Onaga survives. I'd have kept Taven. I'm not sure who else.

Another twist in my head could've been a surprise defeat of Blaze. Maybe Rain wins the prize but instead of protecting Edenia decides to rule Outworld.
Imo, could introduce this mkx backhistory without crazy idea of reboots.

The problem, are bosses they ´re dong alot reboot but they don´t kwow introduce a new boss for replace khan and shinnok with success. Onaga and blaze was a fail and they were alot animalistic and not humanistic in any form.
Dark khan at stupid mk vs dc imo look better than blaze but do not be fooled, him showed some animalistic reactions too.
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if you remember back then NRS intended Taven to be the connon ending and in his badass ending, every mortal kombatant gets a huge power up from the godhood surging off of tavens armor. so GOD TAVEN would go down there to have to take on an ultra powerful shujinko, an even more powerful shinnok, imagine evil raidens power after an increase! im sure quan chi would have survived, liu kang being thee best fighter of all the kombatants he would be one the last standing, in my opinion onaga is the most powerful final boss so he would have to be there, im just naming those who it would come down too. armageddon was awesome story but kreate a fatality sucked
But would the new characters have even existed or exist after Armageddon? I never saw Noob Saibot in the Armageddon battle itself...
The MK: Deadly Alliance thru Armageddon era rosters felt bloated because NRS (or Midway, at the time) created characters that were, in all honesty, the least substantive characters and least interesting characters of probably the ENTIRE MK era, to this day.

Bandwagon love or bandwagon hate set aside, "How many people genuinely care for characters like Dairou, Darrius, Kobra, Kira and some of these lesser know characters?"
Aside from Quan Chi, Fujin, Tanya, Reiko, Kenshi, Nitara, Li Mei, Ashrah, Havik, and Shujinko, could you honestly sit there and say that the rest of the MK 4 thru Armageddon unmentioned characters were worth a damn, back in the day???

That's 10 post-MK3 characters that I listed that were actually worth a damn (give or take maaaaaaaaaybe 2 or 3 more characters that I might have missed) back in the day, and were actually very well developed.
i ge.uinely and absolutely love playong as chameleon whatever game he is in. He and Rain are two of my favorites. I think the chameleon gimmick is a unique gameplay challenge with the player having to keep up with an ever changing moveset. That's awesome! Itd be fun to see that adapted with new graphics tech.

But otherwise i agree that most DA-A characters have no real fans. Even if there are some solid options.
Here is who I think would be in a roster after MKA after Shao Kahn killing Raiden.

1. Kitana (Queen of Edenia)
2. Shao Kahn (Overpowered)

The rest would be fresh new characters...
Tanya, Fujin, Ashrah, Kai, Hotaru, Dairou, Shao Kahn, Sonya, Onaga, Mileena, Jade(to continue the Tanya rivalry), Kira, Nitara, Frost, Drahmin AND Moloch, and Shujinko. That's it.
I would love to see where they would have gone with newer characters from there. No 'kombat kiddies save the world with uncanny powers' story.
It actually makes me feel kind of sad in retrospect, because back during the PS2 era of the MK games I found myself really, really into the storylines and bios/endings of all the characters. I remember being about 12 and being massively enthused by the mythological nature of MK:DA's Konquest mode and storylines and I was soooo excited to see how it would unfold in Deception! Like, which endings were true and which weren't? How does the Dragon King storyline unfold? And the same with Armageddon. Despite many inconsistencies with the story in that game and characters miraculously coming back from the dead without explanation, I LOVED following the storylines and seeing what was next.

I was excited when they announced MK9, but when I found out what the story was about and I played the game, it made me kind of sad that all that MK knowledge and lore I devoted time to reading about seemed to be nothing, and a lot of the continuity in MK9 and MKX to me just doesn't feel as "epic" as the old timeline, and many characters are left without justice to their stories, ala Ermac and Reptile.

But ANYWAYS (rant over), I would have LOVED to see a roster of MK characters half killed off and then many years after the battle. I actually think it could have been a lot LIKE MKX where Sonya and Cage have a kid together and new characters rise to power, etc. Just instead of it being after MK3/MK4-ish time, it would have been after the survivors of MK9 picked up the pieces after Taven defeated Blaze. I actually expected his ending pre-MK9 where the kombatants just ended up being stronger than ever to be the real ending. Just because many of them died off Armageddon itself would be pushed off further.