Hottest Chick in MK

Hottest chick in MK?

  • Total voters
DeathcoreRyknow said:
Jack Diesal said:
Tanya's really hot too, I dson't see why there's not more votes for her.

Maybe because she's an awful character?

Sorry, the name of this forum lead me to believe it was about voting for hot characters, not good ones. My mistake.

(obvious sarcasm)
yeah i always loved Sheeva, she's really buffed... :lol:

but as for hottest it'd have to go for Li Mei....mmmmmmmmm

:P :wink:
BlackWarrior said:
Jack Diesal said:
No wonder Jade is winning, she is sexy and exotic. Anyone kno where I can get some Jade hentai? :wink: j/k
hentai...yeah...the good ol days..... 8)

...oh shit....that also brings back extremely bad memories....yaoi......uuugggghhhh!! (cringing) :x
What do u mean?

Also I don't know why people would be voting for Millena. Its just Kitana with messed up teeth. And why would u want sheeva? Sorry Id rather get it on with a human than a 4 armed Shokan whos really buffed up. I don't like buffed up women.
I would have voted for Milleena, seeing her Sexy Milleena pic. But when I played with her on arcade mode, after I beat the person I saw the bottom part of her face :shock: .

So I voted Li Mei, shame though because I forgot Kitana was her twin (sorta) lol.
You guys are just picking Mileena cause of that render right? Let me ask u something would u rather have Mileena who has messed up teeth or Kitana whos exactly the same minus the scary teeth?
Jade baby wooo! Jade is hot in MK:D. In the others she was whack, but now that she has got an upgrade, I wish she was real,lol. :lol:
Robot Commander said:
You guys are just picking Mileena cause of that render right? Let me ask u something would u rather have Mileena who has messed up teeth or Kitana whos exactly the same minus the scary teeth?

Seriously. Sure, I like Mileena in MKD since Kitana isn't there, but if it really comes down to one or the other, come on, it's no question.

Plus, razor sharp fans are way cooler than sais.
Sexiest MK Diva


I believe Frost is the hottest but she is a bitch 'cause she betrays Sub-Zero. :D