

I too had dreams where I can't move or I was moving as if I was in water.

Anyways, I had a dream last night where I was in a talk show with a previous celebrity couple (both broke up with each other already. But in that dream, the guy had one arm around the girl and his other arm around me. Then when he was about to kiss the girl, I got on his way and he ended up kissing me already. After that all of us (including the audience) started laughing. It was a funny dream too.
I had a pretty crazy dream last night where I was involved in a prison break. It all started on a prison and for some reason I was with Jason Statham and the rest of the cast from Death Race. But also, my friend Rody was there, and my former store manager Pesci. Funny thing was, we were all in prison uniforms but Pesci was wearing his store manager outfit and I was in a straitjacket. Anyway, we were being transported to a prison in Siberia because apparently we were the worst of the worst, when suddenly the bus lost control and fell into a frozen lake. Don't ask me how, but the escape sequence was completely bypassed and the prison bus driver died.

We then appeared at the playground by my house but it was covered in snow. There were a few kids there, with their parents in the distance when one of the random prisoners tried to ask a kid for help. I tried to stop him, telling him it wasn't a good idea because the parents would become extremely defensive, due to us being prisoners. He told me not to worry about it, so I just backed away as it was pointless to argue. The kid was really nice and tried to help him but the kid's father took him away. The father and the prisoner got into a huge argument and when the father called him a freak, the prisoner tackled him to the floor and started wailing on him as the wife called the cops. All of us had to split up, so I wished Rody luck, with great concern and started running to my house for some reason paired with Pesci.

We made it to my house, and I told Pesci to use the keys under the mat. He quickly opened it as we heard sirens in the distance but my mom wasn't home. I got really frustrated when suddenly I thought to myself why the hell I was in a straitjacket unlike everyone else. I asked Pesci and he looked at me like I was crazy, asking me how I could have forgotten what I'd done.

Apparently I had slain an entire orphanage with my bare hands.

And that's when it ended.
Been trying to lucid dream for about a month now and no luck. I can remember all of my dreams in their entirety but I can't "wake up" in my dreams. Tips?
Been trying to lucid dream for about a month now and no luck. I can remember all of my dreams in their entirety but I can't "wake up" in my dreams. Tips?

To translate to dreams, you have to apply real life conditioning.

So try remembering to randomly get yourself to wake up while you're already awake. This will proc a haibt, and the habit will carry over with you into the dream world.

It's a similar mental conditioning people who wet the bed use. anytime they need to pee, they get to the toilet, you have to hold it extra longer than normal and "pretend" to try and wake yourself up.

eventually the dream version will adapt the same thing (most of the time.)

not sure if you're willing to put in that much work lol
Oh yeah I'm willing to put in the work, thanks man I'll give it a shot. Been havin crazy ass nightmares lately and I want to get rid of them by goin lucid
Oh yeah I'm willing to put in the work, thanks man I'll give it a shot. Been havin crazy ass nightmares lately and I want to get rid of them by goin lucid

My friend had vivid nightmares that caused him to have night terrors. Where you wake up paralyzed for a bit. People often confused this with being possessed.

And we acted out an entirely different scenario to make it "silly" and it ended up working.

If that happens to you and you can't even properly control your own breathing as you literally have no control over your body.

Don't freak out lol. just a heads up.
I've come to the conclusion to myself that if I eat anything after 9 PM, I AM and WILL have some crazy, weird nightmare. Even if my stomach is hungry at that time, I really shouldn't cave in and have a small snack. Even the littlest of food eaten after 9 PM will give me a night terror.

And I don't like waking up with my heart beating like crazy.
I want to lucid dream. The most I've done was cause sleep paralysis. Plus, I can hardly ever remember my dreams.
I once had a dream Shao Kahn killed everyone I love. I was angry at him but it was still an interesting dream I thought was worth sharing
I just tried WILD. (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) I felt the strangest sensation before I was interrupted, like I was spinning. I'm going to try again tonight.
There are times where I tried to wake up and it worked. Basically, I start to shake my head in the dream rapidly, and I awake.

There are MANY times when I see a random guy in the dream, I start to kiss and touch him and the next thing you know, I get inside him. Those guys NEVER RESISTED. ;)
Funny I had a dream about having a girlfriend and I wanted to be with her always while we're looking at the starry sky together while cuddling her and I prayed this wasn't a dream in my head. Sadly I woke up alone. :(
I had a dream last night that I saw my boss from my previous job in the assisted living. I met her at a restaurant and basically made threats to her and about her co-workers that they will pay for kicking me out of that job. Not sure if it was a death threat but I did throw things at her.
Ever had a dream where you can feel your body shake but you're unable to stop it?

The freakiest dream I ever had was where I was in a room with several other people sitting around me. There was I think one or two gunners in the room and they shoot six bullets in you if you do something bad.

So of course, I end up getting shot, and I can actually feel my body getting shot six times in the stomach and immediately woke up from it and looked at my stomach. Thank god nothing there but, having to actually feel your body shaking throughout your dream is kinda creepy and cool at the same time.
Had a dream I was having...you know...and it felt real too. Man, my subconscious is telling me to get laid. Holy crap!
I bought a nifty little dream dictionary years ago to to basic decoding of dreams and for the most part it was spot on !