Discovered Combos (any character)

Alex Banoub

New member
Hey all, Xanxic opened up a Sub-Zero and it helped me out a lot with short combos (Not the whole 67% impossible stuff that's going on) and I thought it would be a good help to everyone if we all shared our discovered combos with any character.

So I'll start by sharing what I learned from that thread -- Ill collaborate and test them then add to this thread so all I really need you guys to do is post and I'll edit this post with your names crediting you etc.

So far we have

Edit- These combos are for PS3 unless Xbox is specifically notated

--Sub Zero--​

SabbathBLOODySabath " back+square, triangle, then freeze him then do the triangle square triangle to a freeze"
(Enhanced by XanXic) - <Square, Triangle, Ice Ball, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Ice Slide)

Xanxic- Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Freeze Slide (or enhanced). /
or Jump normal Square, Square, X, Freeze Ball, Triangle Triangle Circle Freeze Slide

Myself Replace the freeze slide at the end of Xanxic's combo with an X-Ray attack and it's something like 47%

Myself Triangle, Square, Freeze, Cold Slide

MRB1983- triangle square circle ice ball pause circle triangle triangle circle it only does 8 hits for 37% damage but if you add an xray its 11 hits and 52%

Powered up Ice clone(so it lasts longer) then jump over opponant press Tria. in the air followed by Tria,Square,Tria-this should knock them into the ice clone. (Opponant should be in the air the entire time during this next phase) Then back + Square, dash, square, dash, tria, tria, circ, imediately do your powered up slide move while the opponant is flying away from you after your kick, this will finish the combo and its alot of fun to do. Also you need to have your bar up enough to be able to do the 2 powered up moves.

I have alot more ive done with Sub. This one is very hard to pull of I think and I still screw up on it sometimes
MK Veteran JJ
(for xbox)

MAPS-Back X, Y, Freeze, Quick-Dash-Forward, Jump-up X (Pop up), Y, X, (VERY quick pause) Y, X, Y, Enhanced slide.
Start with a simple Front Kick then quickly use his Ice Ball (Down, Towards + Front Kick) to freeze the enemy. Then do Cold Steel (Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick), and then use Slide (Away, Towards+ Back Kick) to finish the combo. (6 hits, 27% Damage, if you use the enhanced version of the Slide it goes up to 7 hits, 30% Damage)

Myself Triangle, X, Circle, Roll, Down+Triangle (Uppercut) -- This is basic moves list combo coupled with a roll and uppercut-- ends up around 27% damage and is fantastically easy to pull off.

Myself [],[],Triangle, Teleport kick(Or enhanced)

Skylot-8 hits, 47% damage lp(square), lp, spear, jump punch volley (jump in and hit sq or tri on ur way down), dash forward, uppercut (or back+triangle volley), then x ray.
MAPS- Start with Torment (Front Punch 3 times), but only do two punches instead, then use his Spear (Away, Away + Front Punch), then do Brimstone (Back Punch, Forward Punch, Back Punch), but only do the first two punches like with Torment above, then use Takedown (Down, Away + Back Kick) to finish the combo. (7 hits, 24% Damage, Sometimes goes to 25% Damage)

--Johnny Cage--​
DCP - Basic Juggle - <X,Dash (Forward on the D-Pad Twice), [], []
or the same thing but with >O if the opponent is blocking low.

DCP - Take the Basic Juggle and add a back flip kick or enhanced backflip kick to it at the end.

DCP Back+X, Square Square, Forward + X, X, X, Back Forward + O
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Awesome, I'll add these in in a second after I figure out some basic Mileena one's I've been working on. Thanks for the input. The basic idea is that this thread will be a collection so we can just look, practice, and apply to whooping ass.
for xbox:

sub-zero mid-screen combo (46% exploit):

Back X, Y, Freeze, Quick-Dash-Forward, Jump-up X (Pop up), Y, X, (VERY quick pause) Y, X, Y, Enhanced slide.
Glad I searched first or else that'd be another locked thread for me. :laugh:

Here's a sample of the combos I've done.

Start with Leaping Sai (Away+ Back Punch) to get the sai lodged in the enemy, then use Rolling Thunder (Away, Down + Back Kick) and immediately use Splits (Up+ Back Kick) to pop up opponent, then use Leaping Neckbite (Away, Towards + Back Punch) to finish the combo. (8 hits, 30% Damage)

Start with Torment (Front Punch 3 times), but only do two punches instead, then use his Spear (Away, Away + Front Punch), then do Brimstone (Back Punch, Forward Punch, Back Punch), but only do the first two punches like with Torment above, then use Takedown (Down, Away + Back Kick) to finish the combo. (7 hits, 24% Damage, Sometimes goes to 25% Damage)

Start with a simple Front Kick then quickly use his Ice Ball (Down, Towards + Front Kick) to freeze the enemy. Then do Cold Steel (Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick), and then use Slide (Away, Towards+ Back Kick) to finish the combo. (6 hits, 27% Damage, if you use the enhanced version of the Slide it goes up to 7 hits, 30% Damage)

I didn't make one up for Johnny Cage yet, because I was trying to learn how to play with the three people I wasn't so good with.
SCORPION- back+triangle / (dash) square square / teleport punch(down back X)
(dash) square square enhanced spear( back forward square+r2)
/forward+triangle square circle enhanced hellfire ( down back triangle+r2)
Two from the top of my head:

>> these arrows are a dash cancel.


J-FP(forward jumping front punch), FP, FP, Spear, B+BP >> FP, FP, Teleport punch, Takedown. (you can also use an enhanced teleport in this one, but he'll be to far from the opponent to catch him/her with a takedown. 9-hit, 25% - 30% ish dmg (don't know for sure)

J-FP, FP, FP, Spear, U-FP (the pop-up punch), B-BP, jump, Air Throw. (7-hit, 29%, I think this was about it)
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oh snap! I didn't see this lol. Ty for all the credit lol. I've wondered why a thread hadn't been started like this so I stopped checking the demo area because it just seems to be 360 people crying. I'll check this out and add for sure. :D

Edit: Well I actually have my 53% subzero combo. I've gotten REALLY REALLY good at pulling it off easily. I hope it doesn't rape me online O.o CANNOT be done in a corner, or at least the opponent can't be going towards the corner

Back Square, Triangle, Freezeball, Triangle, Square, Circle, X-Ray (You need to hold it! I can't stress this enough, it seems impossible but if you hold it and let go when they are about half way through their fall arch let go and you should shoulder them in the torso RIGHT before they hit the ground) then you'll do an X-ray and a 9 hit whopping 53% combo :D I was so happy! when i got it to work.

Also I've been testing this every other day or so in my little 10 minute sessions and I CANNOT make it stronger. I've even added in a couple jump attacks. (I can get it consistantly with a jump square attack before starting it) but it just increases the hits and decreases the damage. :C So it seems 53% is the max I can get it without having to resort to glitches/exploits.

Start with a simple Front Kick then quickly use his Ice Ball (Down, Towards + Front Kick) to freeze the enemy. Then do Cold Steel (Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick), and then use Slide (Away, Towards+ Back Kick) to finish the combo. (6 hits, 27% Damage, if you use the enhanced version of the Slide it goes up to 7 hits, 30% Damage)

To make this stronger I'd suggest adding a jump punch or at least a Square, X. It'll be the same combo with that extra punch in and the change up in attack types might have a better chance of landing.

I have like 5 combos I know of that do 28-37% range but they aren't as spectacular. If you guys are interested let me know.

@MK veteran JJ: Have you tried putting an X-ray on the end? Either way I'm gonna try lol but it'd be nice to know going into it.
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Johnny Cage's killer combos:

Corner only

1. F>O, Square x7, D>B>X (Somersault special) [Or finish with EX version] - KILLER!
2. B>X, Square x4, Triangle x3, B>F>O (3D/Slide Kick) [EX finish alternate]
3. F>O, F>X x3, D>B>X (Somersault) [Ex alternate]

Mid Screen

1. B>X, Square x2, D>F>Triangle (Forceball low) [Ex capable]
2. B>Triangle (Charge palm), B>X, Square x2, Dash, Square x2, Forceball low [Ex able]
3. F>O, F>X, O (Double kick), 3D/Slide Kick [EX]
4. B>X, F>X x2, Slide Kick
5. Same as 4., finish with Somersault kick [Ex]

X-Ray Combo follow-ups

1. X-Ray, D>Triangle (Uppercut)
2. X Ray, Somersault
3. X Ray, B>X, Square x2, Triangle x2, Low blow [Corner only]
4. X Ray, B>X, F>X x2, Uppercut/ Somersault/ 3D Kick
5. X Ray, B>X, F>X, F>X (3 hit combo), Somersault/Slide Kick

There's more that I've discovered, but these are my favourites! :thrasher:

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Teleport punch (down, back, X), Square, Square, Teleport Punch, X, X, Spear (back, back, square), Front+ Triangle, Square, O

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Teleport punch (down, back, X), Square, Square, Teleport Punch, X, X, Spear (back, back, square), Square, Square, O

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Teleport punch (down, back, X), Square, Square, Teleport Punch, X, X, Spear (back, back, square), X, X, O

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Spear (back, back, Square), Jump Kick, Teleport (down, back, X), Square, Square, O

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) X, X, O

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Square, Square, O

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Triangle, Square, Triangle

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Grab Button

Triangle, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Back+Triangle, Square, Square, Teleport (down, back, X) Triangle, Square Triangle

Triangle, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square,Teleport (down, back, X) X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, O

Triangle, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square,Teleport (down, back, X) X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear

My 15 Hit combo

Back+Triangle, Sqauare, Square, pause, Square, Square, Square, Teleport (down, back, X) X, X, Spear (back, back, Square) Grab Button

And a few more more

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Teleport punch (down, back, X), Square, Square, Teleport Punch, X, X, Spear (back, back, square), Front+ Triangle, Square, O

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Teleport punch (down, back, X), Square, Square, Teleport Punch, X, X, Spear (back, back, square), Square, Square, O

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Teleport punch (down, back, X), Square, Square, Teleport Punch, X, X, Spear (back, back, square), X, X, O

Triangle, Triangle+Square, Spear (back, back, Square), Jump Kick, Teleport (down, back, X), Square, Square, O

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) X, X, O

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Square, Square, O

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Triangle, Square, Triangle

Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square, Teleport (down, back, X), X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Grab Button

Triangle, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Back+Triangle, Square, Square, Teleport (down, back, X) Triangle, Square Triangle

Triangle, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square,Teleport (down, back, X) X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, O

Triangle, Square, Spear (back, back, Square) Back+Triangle, Triangle, Square,Teleport (down, back, X) X, X, Teleport, Square, Square, Spear

My 15 Hit combo

Back+Triangle, Sqauare, Square, pause, Square, Square, Square, Teleport (down, back, X) X, X, Spear (back, back, Square) Grab Button

And a few more more

man.. i dont think its necessary to write the same combo multiple times and only changing one end combo,
its common sense you can use a different combo, or special to end it.

just saying.
To make this stronger I'd suggest adding a jump punch or at least a Square, X. It'll be the same combo with that extra punch in and the change up in attack types might have a better chance of landing.

The jump punch doesn't fit well for me (Before or after I freeze the opponent), because it pushes back the opponent a bit and I've still got to get my timing down on rushing up to opponents to finish combos. But the Front Punch, Front Kick, then Ice Ball technique does help. It made the combo go to 7 hits, 29% Damage (With the enhanced version of the Slide it went to 8 hits, 32% Damage).
Sub Zero:

Ground freeze, neutral jump + punch, neutral jump + punch, O, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle ---> 27% (corner only)
Ground freeze, neutral jump + punch, neutral jump + punch, Uppercut ---> 20% damage.

Only thing hard about these combos is getting the second neutral jump to connect (weird hit box). Well that and actually connecting with ground freeze in the first place. Otherwise, they're very easy to do and net a fair amount of damage.