A Motaro boss fight or more DLC characters?

Which would you prefer?

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I would like Motaro in mk9 as a boss. If that did happen though i would hope the Pit 3 stage would be available along with motaro as a boss.
I don't think they will have to reduce the amount of legs due to the fact that MK9 works on a 2D plane. In every other 3D game where Motaro was had a 3D plane and Midway didn't want to put effort in the animations. I think they might do a really good Motaro this time. Motaro will probably be just a new sub-boss character and probably not playable and he will definitely won't be playable online if he becomes a playable character.

This isn't at all true. The reason they changed Motaro in the 3D games is because he was playable, and they were trying to make him a fluid character instead of the broken and awkward POS he was in MKT. If it was simply an animation issue, that's not at all a big deal, especially since every character in the game has their own animation set. Even their basic animations (like walking and jumping) are unique.

That said, I also disagree with you thinking it's only a matter of time. I'm sure Boon would've hinted at him being a DLC boss since he's very memorable and one of the characters from the first 3 games.

If you are talking about the leg animation then I must also disagree with you. Even if the game is presented in 3D the game still works on a 2D plane. And each skin is a two dimensional plane projected on an three dimensional skeleton. The majority of animations are still two dimensional. As in MK3 Motaro will probably do his sweeping move with his tail, therefore they mustn't animate his leg movements on three axis only on two. I understand they have to animate four of them to let the illusion arise that they move simultaneously but this isn't restricted by the engine itself only by the will of the animators.

The only thing that's really 2D in this game is the plane on which they can fight. The animations are 3-dimensional. Motaro is entirely possible, but none of the axis stuff or extra leg stuff you're talking about means much. They're extremely simple issues.
This isn't at all true. The reason they changed Motaro in the 3D games is because he was playable, and they were trying to make him a fluid character instead of the broken and awkward POS he was in MKT.

Yes you're right I forgot this point, but nevertheless with todays engine it would be possible to give him a set of animation, which would enable fluid movements and moves.

If they want to make him playable: I personally wouldn't care if has a weak point on his back,
he doesn't have to be like every other two legged person. By having his back as vulnerable point it could also give you some nice game play possibilities.

Eks said:
If it was simply an animation issue, that's not at all a big deal, especially since every character in the game has their own animation set. Even their basic animations (like walking and jumping) are unique.

Yes I agree with you on that, but what would be a reason in your opinion for not releasing him as a DLC boss?

Eks said:
That said, I also disagree with you thinking it's only a matter of time. I'm sure Boon would've hinted at him being a DLC boss since he's very memorable and one of the characters from the first 3 games.

Even if Boon haven't hinted for him it doesn't mean that he will come later. Although this might just my hope I won't give them up. The demand for him tone down.

Eks said:
The only thing that's really 2D in this game is the plane on which they can fight. The animations are 3-dimensional. Motaro is entirely possible, but none of the axis stuff or extra leg stuff you're talking about means much. They're extremely simple issues.

I am sorry if I've conveyed my message somehow wrong. The animations are still three dimensional yes you are right, nevertheless due the fact that they are fighting on a 2D plane animations concerning the movement on the z-axis aren't that important, that was my whole point.
Motaro has a lot of techinichal issues, remove the xrays on him or make a common generic xray for every character to perform over him, I dont care, he still has technichal problems for example.

Jax's gotcha, air gotcha and other moves are impossible to do on a character of the size and form of motaro.
Quan Chi has a string in that he crushes a skull in your stomach, that one would look really weird on Motaro since he put you in his back after crushing it.
Noob's teleport slam on Motaro would look dumb lol

There is a lots of other stuff, NRS would have to add generic punches and kicks to every character and disable some specials to make it possible and it would look really odd and boring.

There are 2 options:
*No motaro
*2-legged Motaro

And I prefer the first one.
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Yes you're right I forgot this point, but nevertheless with todays engine it would be possible to give him a set of animation, which would enable fluid movements and moves.

There's nothing technical stopping them from making him as far as animations are concerned, and that was my entire point. They can do the same stuff with 3D models now that they did with the models they used back in UMK3. I just mentioned this to clarify why they actually made him a biped in the 3D games.

If they want to make him playable: I personally wouldn't care if has a weak point on his back,
he doesn't have to be like every other two legged person. By having his back as vulnerable point it could also give you some nice game play possibilities.

Even if they were to add him, he wouldn't be playable because Boon has already stated that bosses shouldn't be playable.

Yes I agree with you on that, but what would be a reason in your opinion for not releasing him as a DLC boss?

I don't have a particular reason, I just don't like him. He's easily the worst character in the 2D games.

Even if Boon haven't hinted for him it doesn't mean that he will come later. Although this might just my hope I won't give them up. The demand for him tone down.

Whatever, lol.

@Fox17, they could simply make the moves you mention not work on him like they did in UMK3. I really don't see how they could justify completely nerfing X-Rays on him and not the other 3 bosses, but you're right about a lot of the X-Ray animations and certain combo strings (like Kung Lao's leg grab) not working on him.
And what's exactly the problem with Chameleon and Khameleon as long as they gave them an unique gameplay style? LOL I don't get people who scream "xuuu me dont want Rain, his shit!!!" for absolutely no reason at all when NRS can actually make them extremely unique and worth playing. Anyway...

If they ever release an Ultimate Mortal Kombat with all DLC and gameplay changes untill now, they could release and work on Motaro there. For many people, he's worth being a MK and people misunderstand lots of shit. I hate Sheeva but I'd want her in MK9 anyway, because I want a game with all classics back. It's not a question of hating or loving a character, but the nostalgic feeling the roster gives to you. Plus Motaro can be a hell intimidating sub-boss. MK9 sub-bosses were genuinely the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in ANY fighting game. Such a disapoitment, specially Kintaro, but he was already pointless in MK2, I wouldn't have missed him in MK9, but I'm glad he's in.
If Motaro could be done properly(4 legged and no glitches with other players animations)i would prefer it,But since that is kinda difficult i prefer more DLC and especially new skins for everyone(human reptile from the artwork book).For greedy people maybe both???
And what's exactly the problem with Chameleon and Khameleon as long as they gave them an unique gameplay style?
Their design was always about copying moves...why would it be changed now...? I find it interesting that you assumed I hate Rain. No, no...the only MK character I hate is Kobra; I don't hate Chameleon and Khameleon per se, but I can't help but to think how much MK would be better without them (and Kobra). IMO, Chameleon and Khameleon symbolize the decay of MK.

"This MKT, give me a last minute idea for a character!
Well, let's see, huh...a-a rainbow ninja?
You got it!"

Think of this for a second: We have Shang Tsung, Shinnok, Shujinko and Meat (well, Mokap too has an interesting design for a moveset copyist)...did we really need the "Rainbow Bros"...? Also, how do you make a character like Noob, Ermac or Skarlett misterious or menacing if C/Khameleon are gonna copy them? Hell, the Rainbow Ninjas looked even more menacing then Kahn! In MKA, they were "less bad", in which they copied "a" move from the other "Ninjas"...but how to explain both didn't have the acid spit and (somewhat) invisibility (assuming Chameleon too is a raptor, he had the "wrong" move from Reptile, still had one from Ermac, and did not have one from Smoke...while Khameleon did not have a move from Frost)?
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Hmm... I didn't think the poll would be quite this close. Perhaps NRS should think of a good way to include him properly...

*crosses fingers*
If you didn't get it, the name of a character is part of it's design as well; that's my point.
It wouldn't surprise me if Motaro found his way into the game as a non-player boss character, and I'd welcome it if it happened. He's really the only absentee from MK Trilogy now apart from Cyber Smoke so it would be good to have the collection complete with those two added.
I would love Motaro so we could have a truely complete classic roster.
we'd be missing chameleon and Robo Smoke still,

and motaro should have been a boss to begin with, I dont know where the hell they got the idea people didnt like him. He's a centaur with a gigantic tail that shoots beams. why would they leave him out?

the only reason I could think they left him out is because they didnt want to animate the xrays for him, but they could have just made it where x rays dont work on him and everything would be fine. huge mistake leaving him out. I might take him over dlc characters
the only reason I could think they left him out is because they didnt want to animate the xrays for him, but they could have just made it where x rays dont work on him and everything would be fine.

Unfortunately, all the characters share reaction animations to every attack, not just X-Rays. I still wish NRS would do the work required to add him, though.
Motaro FTW! I always enjoyed fighting the centaur in UMK3/MKT. With MK9's technology he would be amazing! Raiden killed him though, I don't see him being injected in MK9... Baaad Raiden!
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