1oo matches won.

Have you won any matches since the 100th?

EDIT: The reason I ask is that some games need time to catch-up with shit like this. Example being, you go ahead and win another match and then it registers that you've won 100. I've not had this problem with winning 100 matches, personally, so I'm not sure of this potential fix. However, it's happened in other games as well as happening with mastering characters in MK9 so who knows?
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Have you won any matches since the 100th?

EDIT: The reason I ask is that some games need time to catch-up with shit like this. Example being, you go ahead and win another match and then it registers that you've won 100. I've not had this problem with winning 100 matches, personally, so I'm not sure of this potential fix. However, it's happened in other games as well as happening with mastering characters in MK9 so who knows?

No, after my 100th match I just turned off my Xbox.
If a person quits out of a game it says it counts a win on your statistics, but it DOES NOT count towards the achievement.
Ex: 8 people have quit out on, you need 108 wins to get the achievement.

I had the same problem with this too. it took me about 112 wins before I got this so just be patient and win. This is something I read online and I think its true because i seemed to have had the same problem, but if Im wrong Im sorry guys XD.
Maybe the archievments unlock with 100 Ranked Matches

It is definitely NOT RANKED matches that you need to win. I got the trophy after winning 100 normal online matches (KOH matches included)..

OP must have had a problem with his disc...
No it doesn't unlock on ranked matches.
I got mine RIGHT after I fought my 100th King of the Hill match.
That sucks OP.. Maybe play a few player, ranked, and KOTH matches and it'll pop up?
This is ********, I got 104 player match victories and it won't unlock, why the **** are the achievements on this game ****ing glitched?
Definitely not ranked - I got mine a long time ago in player matches and have only played like 30 ranked matches.