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  • Tell the overlords to stop looking for any chance they can to ban me.

    Like I told tits, at this point I'm considering making my own alternative MK site so we don't have to be so pacified. This is a site that supports a competitive fighting game and I can't even do something as little as say "Stfu" without getting banned, its retarded.

    Criss was banned as well. At this rate, every regular chat user will be banned, but I suppose that's what the overlords are aiming for. Apparently, they want a chat that is about nothing but Tremor, Freddy DLC, and MK lore... and that's just boring to me, brah.
    If more than half of the staff wanted me banned, then what's the point? I'm not going to fight to be part of a community I'm not wanted in.

    I'm sure the chat is 10x better now that I'm banned from it, since I was such a cause of trouble.
    Oh, so you've noticed ;)

    The reasoning is, winning with you isn't a surprise. I don't bother giving you points cause you school anyway and you have enough points. I give them to other people because it is a feat to beat you.
    It's all friendly <3 It is not because I have some deep-seeded contempt for you ;)
    I've been put in the hole, boss.

    When I emerge I will have a long beard and be sensitive to light.
    Doubt it ;)
    What board game?
    And life is fine and dandy. It is has been hot as balls outside though... Makes it difficult to go outside without sweating like a pig...
    Blame the people who cried over red squares in a forum, lol.

    Sad because it is a good system, when used correctly.

    Mk is good. Getting more focused on Jade and Rain. Though probs couldn't beat your variations of them....

    How's life?
    No, it was "Sorceress Assassin" Haha. Fun game. I'll make the game again tomorrow.
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