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  • You really know how to make a girl feel special.

    I'm not mean :((( I said sorry
    I was in a rage state and I didn't leave because I didn't want to play... My sister is visiting because my grandfather just died and she has to sleep on the couch, in my small apartment lmao so I didn't want to keep playing and wae her up ;)

    <3 <3 <3
    It's charm to you, trolling to others.

    What I just said is a ban-worthy offense around these parts.

    True story.
    No, it means you're white.

    I'm a victim of an unjust system put in place to hold down minorities from gaining equal opportunity in an online mk chat room.
    Thanks =) Been trying really hard to get good with her. I never thought I would ever main Sonya in a million years, lol!
    I've told you that you're too nice as is, so, I don't consider you ****y.

    The best competitors are humble, though, IMO. I've said this in chat before... I would never say I'm better than another player unless it was blatantly obvious, but I don't consider many others better than me, either. It's a mutual respect thing, I suppose.

    I just keep my mouth shut when it comes to playing most of the time, if I'm good then it will be noticed by others.
    That's because you are a teleport-happy troll.

    I was playing pretty poorly overall last night though, I cringed when I messed up my reset against BrokenJanders.
    It felt so good to kill your Sindel, I nerded out and actually mimicked Scorpion's fatality movements as if I was slicing your body apart.
    It's not embarrassing, its the question of "Who the hell is gonna watch Sindel spamming matches?"

    It's much more fun when we're playing seriously, especially since me and you tend to have some epic matches.

    My Scorp > Your Sindel, btw.
    I hate you more than anyone I've ever known when you decide to start trolling with characters, especially when I'm streaming the games.
    I got banned after I told someone in chat to stfu. I'm sure the mods will act like they have a million other reasons, but I was being respectable to the mods whenever they entered the chat and said to change the topic or to cut something out. Whatever.

    And I don't know the duration, I haven't asked, its probably permanent considering the overlords have such a woody for me.

    And no, it wasn't a new user.
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