She's gotta keep you on your toes man, how else should I force you to make a mistake? With her "cheetah-like" walk speed, or maybe her "leopard-fast" dash? ;D
Innocent game? I don't know what else you want me to say Vio, this is just me. I'm not known for hostility :S okay well not usually. I mean someone has to truly get me revved up for me to tell them off. Otherwise it's just, mellow.
For crossups in general? I can't put into words how I handle it but I'll try my best.
It honestly depends on characters. If I'm playing with someone like Kenshi, I normally just expect to be screwed on wakeup, just gotta accept it. He has no answers.
Otherwise, other characters like Sheeva HAVE to sacrifice meter to get people off of her. Naturally one EX Grab tends to get people on the defensive.