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  • for the record I know the difference between nuture and nature.

    For instance what you speak of is like why do guys like breasts? My friend brings up a point is in the genes because a "man" wants a woman with breasts that do well enough to feed "their" children so they are attracted.

    women are attracted to strong guys and not fat guys because strong guys can hunt good.

    old school stuff. obviously not EVERY girl likes strong guys only, But I know what you mean by your post.

    I just don't see how believing in god is passed through genes.
    Poor does not breed poor through genes. They are raised with poor mentality, and the same lazy standards as their parents because they learn FROM them. don't see how this relates to GENES.

    Rapist breeding rapists in Africa? Pretty sure they are either being RAISED that way, or raised to think it's "ok" I don't think if my family had a history of 100 rapists. That I myself would have rape tendencies.

    These are society upbringing aspects. He mentioned believers breeding more believers because of genes. I agree with what EKS said in his last post. It's just a product of our fear of death and us creating a imaginary eternal existence. Nothing more nothing less.
    hey flagg my xbl expired so im on a free acc at the minute my gt is roley jones < hilarious, i know 8D
    Team Midwest!

    January is a way better start date. I will try and get a hold of them soon, and let you know. What team would we fall under? Team Midwest? Team Minnesota? (Not sure if you know the whole geological regions of the United States. But If I can not get them into a Team Minnesota (our state), Maybe I could join a Team Midwest? I have to go and re read your whole thread. But I will try to join to give it some bulk!
    Thanks dude, I will try and contact them and see if it is possible for them, or even really possible for me, I have been really busy lately. I will let you know, once I gather more information with the others. This is quite an ambitious tournament you have going! I really think you will be able to pull it off.
    Yeah man, I would have to talk with them. We all have different work schedules and I have been geeking out on Zelda lately. I can not promise any dedication, especially on the others parts. If it was me, I have no problem really (Except the geeking out on Zelda). But I can not account for the two others. When is the sign up deadline?
    Haha, for a second there I though you posted my bnb, but that close bomb really makes the difference.
    Thanks dude, I'll try this out soon.
    Lol your inbox was full so I'll leave this as a visitor message

    I think I've seen you mention this in the Cyber sub thread, but nevertheless, thanks for posting me the info.
    I tend to forget that trick lol, I usually play the bait into the corner trick, so I can get my 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,3 Ex slide in.
    But thanks again, I might need to remember that come tournament day.
    That is an example of the system I was talking about. Commentary about the system starts around the 3rd match. They mention the importance of counterpicks, character choices. ect ect.

    This is what I ment by hype.

    I just can't feel hype for a round robin lol.

    In a round robin even though you may do like lets say pretty even. You can feel comfortable your teamates will carry you. In a scenario like this... every life matters, and taking the win matters even more because of the need to get a counterpick.
    Well thanks for that Desperation pep talk. I believe I still have it on my shelf collecting dust and fading pages. I will try and get it out here. Soon, I am not much of a reader. But I have been trying to get back into it. It is sad to see reading disappear. I love MK and all, but I just play MK online and zone out on that when I am bored.
    Sounds like you still are! Maybe it was Talisman was the other novel I was thinking of. I have desperation but yet to read it. Too busy trolling TRMK. Lol but seriously, have you ever played the game Alan Wake? It was total Lynch/King inspired game, I absolutely loved it.

    Also, King happened to be on one of my favorite albums of the last year. It was a concept album about government control and take over of the radio. It was from Shooter Jennings album Black Ribbons.
    I am researching it now, I read the first two Dark Tower novels, and about 200 pages of the 800 of The Stand. There was another one I read that I vaguely remember him being in as well. This was so many years ago. Well cool, your name has a better meaning now. +Rep.
    Hmmm, they are a couple different Flagg's but could not pin point which one. The one from the King novels?

    But yeah I will try and get my two others into it. Or just find people from Minnesota or the Midwest of America.
    What is Flagg? I thought it was just Flag with a typo. Haha.

    Ok let me talk to my crew and see if they are interested, I played with two good people here that do not play much more, and I will have to re read the rules to understand. But I just skimmed and it looks pretty fun. Thanks for the heads up.
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