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12:51 PM CST -
MortalKombat.com recently confirmed that the Ed Boon Chat scheduled for this month will take place on Wednesday, April 11th at 6PM Pacific Time (9PM EST). More info on this as we receive it.
Want more Boon? Check out
part 2 of Midway's 3rd Degree interview series with the Mortal Kombat co-creator.
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2:10 PM CST -
MortalKombat.com's chat with mk co-creator, Ed Boon, is scheduled for tonight at 9:00pm EDT/8:00pm CDT. No details have been announced on the Threshold website as of this posting. We are assuming that the event will be held at
irc.thethreshold.com port
6667 at channel
#MortalKombat. You can connect to tonight's chat over the web at
Threshold's Chat Page or via conventional programs like
mIRC for PC or
Snak for MAC.
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8:29 PM CST -
Here are some of the details Ed Boon is giving out right now at
irc.thethreshold.com port
6667 in channel
- MK5 will not make 2001.
- If we don't have it by 2002...we are in serious trouble.
- The only certain character is of course Scorpion. But with Scorpion, one can expect Sub-Zero.
- We are still in the early preliminary stages.
- Well you can throw everything you know about MK out the window, cause we are using a completely different fighting engine.
- Characters will absolutely show wear and tear as a fight progresses.
- MK5 the game will not be playable at E3.
- MK5 will introduce new plot lines, as well as continuing some of the classic stories.
- The weapon system will be much more elaborate then in MK4.
- The console versions will be DVD, so memory will not be a problem.
- I think you'll be surprised as to how soon you will see images for the next Mortal Kombat.
- Expect a teaser within the next few months.
The chat has now concluded. The entire transcript is available
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7:11 AM CST -
Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon gives more insight into his career at Midway in his latest
3rd Degree interview. Check out the
third installment of the series.
Also, if you happened to miss the chat on Wednesday, take a look at our
transcript of the evenings events.
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1:42 PM CST -
Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon talks about his favorite classic video games and even gives a little MK5 reference in his fourth (and final)
3rd Degree interview. Check out the
fourth and final installment of the series.
MK5 is also mentioned in a regular feature about Xbox rumors on
IGN Xbox. Rumor has it that a competing title in the fighting genre is being put together by a group of people MK fans should be familar with. For the full article, check out their section entitled
Rated X.