June 21st, 1997
12:01 PM CST -
The answer to this question is both yes and no. Yes, they have a page full of pictures and information about MK4. No, there's not one word nor one picture that has been said or seen anywhere else and a stale interview. To give you an example, one of their questions was, "Is MK4 really going to be 3D?" The MK4 pictures were the ones from the first AVI. Ultra Game Players has always been characteristically late in hauling in the MK info. (they were 1 month late with a totally un-informative interview with Boon and Tobias back in April) I guess if you can put Sub-Zero on the front of any magazine, you're gonna sell some copies. Also, they're having a contest to give away a MK4 machine; however, to win you have to find some goofball in their July, August, and September issues. Go figure

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