July 12th, 2006
4:02 PM CST -
Microsoft announced a new promotion dubbed Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays at an event in San Francisco last night. For the rest of the summer, a new Xbox Live Arcade game will be released on the Xbox Live Marketplace for the Xbox 360 every Wednesday, starting today with Frogger. The most important title in this list of games to be released is Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting, which will debut August 12th at a price of $10 (800 Microsoft Points). You can read the full at our parent network site.

The relevance of this title is that Midway will be bringing
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 to Xbox Live Arcade and being that the two games are very similar in functionality, Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting will give gamers a pretty good idea of what to be able to expect from the multiplayer capabilities of the Xbox Live service. If everything surrounding Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting goes well, then we can only hope to see a fairly comparable experience for UMK3.

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

July 13th, 2006 1:06 AM CST - kold_as_ice92
sounds awesome. just wish i had a 360 right now.
July 13th, 2006 2:24 AM CST - ChiefThunder
Originally Posted by : kold_as_ice92
just wish i had a 360 right now.
But why? You can play the above games on XBOX Live, man.
July 13th, 2006 11:22 AM CST - Patrick McCarron
Those games are for Xbox Live over the Xbox 360, that's why he wants a 360.
July 13th, 2006 12:21 PM CST - BlindPlayer
I somehow thought the upcoming games could be played on a regular xbox as well. Would it be too demanding on the systems, or does MSoft just trying to promote their new system?
July 13th, 2006 7:55 PM CST - ChiefThunder
Originally Posted by : BlindPlayer
I somehow thought the upcoming games could be played on a regular xbox as well. Would it be too demanding on the systems, or does MSoft just trying to promote their new system?
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
July 13th, 2006 10:24 PM CST - Patrick McCarron
There is no "Live Arcade" or "Xbox Live Marketplace" for the original Xbox, all those functions are reserved for the Xbox 360 only. And Xbox 360 games only work on the Xbox 360, they don't work on regular Xbox systems as well. That's never happened in the history of gaming for an old system to play games from the new system.
July 16th, 2006 7:15 PM CST - InfiniteRetro
i still wouldnt pay even a small amount for these titles. they're great, dont get me wrong but it just feels everything now has a price. a few freebies thrown in here and there would show that some of these companies aren't completely anal.
July 16th, 2006 7:49 PM CST - ChiefThunder
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
There is no "Live Arcade" or "Xbox Live Marketplace" for the original Xbox, all those functions are reserved for the Xbox 360 only.
Originally Posted by : Patrick McCarron
And Xbox 360 games only work on the Xbox 360, they don't work on regular Xbox systems as well. That's never happened in the history of gaming for an old system to play games from the new system.
Yeah, I know all of that, dude. I guess I got my point accross wrongly, lol. I meant that all of those games don't require the power of a 360 to play. Like, older systems can cope fine, just there wouldn't be some online play with em. Nvm
July 17th, 2006 3:35 PM CST - Hydro
I must say I am looking forward to playing online with SF2. I will probably pick up galaga as well. I am really most interested in UMK3. I hope we get to see this title ASAP. That was one of the better MKs overall in the arcade. Other than that, I will be waiting for Dead Rising and N3
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